Sự miêu tả

GYXTW cable is a sort of fiber optic cables, which the fibers with a diameter of 250μm, are positioned in a loose tube made of a high modulus plastic.

GYXTW cable Product Overview

This is a type of fiber optic cable that is widely used in aerial application. The fibers, 250mm, are positioned in a loose tube made of a high modulus plastic. The tubes are filled with a water-resistant filling compound. The tube is wrapped with a layer of PSP longitudinally. Between the PSP and the loose tube water-blocking material is applied to keep the cable compact and watertight. Two parallel steel wires are placed at the two sides of the steel tape. The cable is completed with a polyethylene (Thể dục) sheath.

GYXTW cable price and specs ycictfiber optic cables price and specs GYXTW cable ycict

GYXTW cable Product Pictures

GYXTW cable price and specs Outdoor Optical Cable ycictGYXTW cable price and specs ycict

GYXTW cable Light-armored Cable(GYXTW ycictGYXTW cable price and specs Light-armored Cable GYXTW ycict

GYXTW cable Product Specifications

G.652 G.655 50/125mm 62.5/125mm
suy giảm @850nm ≤3.0 dB/km ≤3.0 dB/km
(+20oC) @1300nm ≤1.0 dB/km ≤1.0 dB/km
@1310nm .36 dB/km ≤0.40 dB/km
@1550nm .22 dB/km .23dB/km
Băng thông (Lớp A) @850nm ≥500 MHz·km ≥200 MHz·km
@1300nm ≥1000 MHz·km ≥600 MHz·km
Khẩu độ số 0.200±0,015NA 0.275±0,015NA
Bước sóng cắt cáp 1260nm 1480nm
Loại cáp Số lượng chất xơ Đường kính cáp Trọng lượng cáp kg/km Sức căng Kháng nghiền Bán kính uốn
Long/Short Term N Dài hạn/ngắn hạn Tĩnh
N/100mm /Dynamic
GYXS/GYXTW-2~12 2~12 10 105 600/1500 300/1000 10Đ/20D
GYXS/GY XTW-2~12 2~12 10.6 124 1000/3000 1000/3000 10Đ/20D
GYXS/GY XTW-14~24 14~24 12.5 149 1000/3000 1000/3000 10Đ/20D
GYXS/GY XTW-26~36 26~36 14 190 1000/3000 1000/3000 10Đ/20D
GYXS/GY XTW-38~48 38~48 15 216 1000/3000 1000/3000 10Đ/20D

Storage/Operating Temperature : -40oC đến + 70oC

GYXTW cable Product Features

  • Good tensile strength and crush.
  • Resistance performance.
  • Good moisture-resistance, water blocking, and flexibility.
  • Double wire as strength member provides excellent strain performance.

GYXTW cable Product Applications

• Truy cập mạng.
• Bureaus network.
• Aerial and duct application.
• Metropolitan network

GYXTW cable and More Related Cables

Light-armored Cable(GYXTW)

Indoor/outdoor unitube non-metallic micro cable(PHẢN LỰC)

Unitube Non-armored Cable(GYXY)

Unitube Non-metallic Non-armored Cable(GYFXY)

TWO FRP Aerial Fiber Optic Cable (GYFFY)

Stranded Loose Tube Non-armored Cable(GYTA)

Cáp bọc thép hạng nhẹ dạng ống lỏng (GYTS

Cáp bọc thép ống lỏng bị mắc kẹt (GYTY53

Cáp bọc thép ống lỏng bị mắc kẹt (GYTA53

Cáp không bọc thép Thành viên cường độ phi kim loại (GYFTY

Thành viên sức mạnh phi kim loại Cáp không bọc thép(CÙNG NHAU)

Cáp bọc thép thành viên cường độ phi kim loại (GYFTY53

Cáp bọc thép thành viên cường độ phi kim loại (GYFTA53

Tất cả cáp trên không tự hỗ trợ điện môi (ADSS

Nhân vật 8 Cáp(GYXTC8S)

Nhân vật 8 Cáp ( CYFTC8S)

Nhân vật 8 Cáp(GYTC8A)

Nhân vật 8 Cáp(GYTC8S)

GYXTW cable Product Applications

GYXTW cable Outdoor Optical Cable Light-armored Cable GYXTW ycict

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