
QSFP-DD-400G-LR8 Module is 400GBASE-LR8 QSFP-DD PAM4 1310nm 10km DOM Duplex LC SMF Optical Transceiver Module

QSFP-DD-400G-LR8 Module Product Overview

The module is designed to support 400G Ethernet, which is suitable for data center links up to 10km over single mode fiber with FEC. 400G QSFP-DD LR8 module is compatible with IEEE 802.3bs 400GBASE-LR8. Додатково, the module supports eight electrical interface lanes which operate in 50G PAM4 encoding mode resulting in 400G (8x50G) data rate.

QSFP-DD (Quad Small Form Factor Pluggable Interface Double Density) is the latest module form factor for 400G data rates. The design provides an eight-channel electrical interface compared to traditional single- or quad-channel interfaces, increasing bandwidth, channel capacity, and port density. Defined by the QSFP-DD MSA group, this module addresses the need for high-density, high-speed networking solutions in a backward-compatible form.

QSFP-DD-400G-LR8 Module Product Pictures

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QSFP-DD-400G-LR8 Module Product Specifications

Пункт Value
Module name QSFP-DD-400G-LR8
Номер частини 02312NPK
Модель QSFP-DD-400G-LR8
Форм-фактор QSFP-DD
Application standard/Type 400GBase-LR8
Тип роз'єму LC
Optical fiber type SMF
Type of the end face of the fiber ceramic ferrule PC or UPC
Working case temperature [°C (°F)] 0°C до 70 °C (32°F до 158 °F)
DDM options Підтримується
Швидкість передачі [біт/с] 400Гбіт/с
Target transmission distance [км] Одномодове волокно (G.652) (with diameter of 9 мкм): 10 км
Bit error ratio (BER) 2.40E-04
Центральна довжина хвилі [нм] 1273.55 нм, 1277.89 нм, 1282.26 нм, 1286.67 нм, 1295.56 нм, 1300.06 нм, 1304.59 нм, 1309.14 нм
Maximum Tx optical power (AVG) [дБм] 5.3 дБм
Minimum Tx optical power (AVG) [дБм] -2.8 дБм
Мінімальний коефіцієнт вимирання [дБ] 3.5 дБ
Rx sensitivity (OMA) [дБм] макс(-6.6, SECQ-8)
Потужність перевантаження (AVG) [дБм] 5.3 дБм

QSFP-DD-400G-LR8 Module Product Features

  • Available in a hot-swappable QSFP-DD package
  • 8-channel full-duplex transceiver integrated module
  • Speeds up to 425Gbps
  • Complies with QSFP-DD MSA and IEEE 802.3bs 400GBASE-LR8 Ethernet standards
  • 8-channel 53Gb/s PAM4 EML LWDM transmitter and PIN receiver
  • Under the premise that the FEC is turned on, the transmission distance through single-mode optical fiber can reach up to 10km
  • Power consumption is less than 12.5W
  • Dual LC optical ports
  • Commercial grade operating temperature range from 0 до 70 degrees Celsius
  • The supply voltage is 3.3V
  • Відповідає RoHS (без свинцю)

QSFP-DD-400G-LR8 Module and more models


QSFP-DD-400G-LR8 Module Product Applications

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