
Huawei SCUH Control Board is a super control unit board for Huawei MA5683T MA5680T, which is the core of system control and service switching aggregation

Huawei SCUH Control Board Product Overview

Huawei SCUH Control Board can be used as the management and control core of unified network management. SCUH board delivers key management control information through the master-slave serial interface, the in-band 10GE/20GE channel, and the service board to complete the configuration, управління, and control of the entire product, і реалізує прості протоколи маршрутизації.

Huawei SCUH Control Board Product Pictures

super control unit board for Huawei MA5683T MA5680T YCICTHuawei SCUH Control Board YCICT Huawei SCUH Control Board PRICE AND SPECS YCICT

Huawei SCUH Control Board YCICTHuawei SCUH Control Board YCICT NEW AND ORIGINAL

Huawei SCUH Control Board Product Specifications

Бренд Huawei
дошка H801SCUH
Порти панелі 4 Порти GE/10GE, Supporting automatic switching for remote software commissioning using GE upstream transmission.
Channel to the service board 16 10GE/20GE channels
Канал до плати ГІУ Providing two 10GE channels for each upstream boards
Канал до чергової плати керування Providing two 20GE channels for load sharing with the standby H801SCUH board
Access Service Optical and copper
Daughter Board Немає
Розподіл навантаження Так
Ethernet synchronization Так
Temperature querying and high temperature alarming Так
Built-in 2GB CF card Так
Centric Management for GE Remote Extended Subracks Немає
D-CMTS Немає

Huawei SCUH Control Board Product Features

  • SCU Boards Comparison
  • All SCU boards support the functions as below:
  • System control and management unit
  • Active/standby switchover
  • Local and remote maintenance through maintenance serial port CON or maintenance Ethernet port ETH
  • Environmental monitoring through environment monitoring serial port ESC

Huawei SCUH Control Board and More Service Cards

Назва дошки Порт інтерфейсу Internal Port
The channel to the service board The channel to the upstream board The channel to the standby main control board
H801SCUK 4 GE 16 GE/10GE 2 GE/10GE на плату висхідного зв'язку Два 10GE, load balancing with standby Huawei H801SCUK (підтримується V800R011C00 і вище)
H801SCUL ТО 16 GE/10GE Two GE/10GEs are used for *** slots on the upstream board.
Two GE/10GEs are used in the uplink slot on the second slot. One GE/10GE is multiplexed with the subboard. The GE/10GE is selected by the electronic switch to be used on the upstream board or the subboard.
H801SCUN 4 GE 16 GE/10GE 2 GE/10GE на плату висхідного зв'язку Два 10GE, розподіл навантаження з резервним H801SCUN (підтримується V800R011C00 і вище)
H802SCUN 4 GE 16 GE/10GE 2 GE/10GE на плату висхідного зв'язку Два 10GE, load balancing with the standby H802SCUN (підтримується V800R011C00 і вище)
H801SCUH 4 GE/10GE 16 10GE/20GE 2 10GE per uplink board 2 20GE, load sharing with standby H801SCUH
In the scenario of GE uplink-free soft-switching, the port supports automatic switching.
H801SCUV 4 GE/10GE 16 10GE/20GE 2 10GE per uplink board 2 20GE, load sharing with standby H801SCUH
In the scenario of GE uplink-free soft-switching, the port supports automatic switching.

Huawei SCUH Control Board Product Applications

Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X2 OLT ycict MA5800

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