Модуль Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe

SKU: Модуль Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Категорія: Теги: ,


Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module is a high-quality 4G module based on the Hisilicon Balong711 platform, suitable for industrial routers, energy and power, security monitoring and other industries.

Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module Product Overview

Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module is a high-quality 4G module based on the HiSilicon Balong711 platform. The module is suitable for a wide temperature range, strong anti-electromagnetic interference ability, good signal transmission power consistency, high sensitivity, strong reliability, and superior performance. Various harsh environments. It is suitable for industrial routers, energy and power, security monitoring and other industries

The ME909s series are Cat4 LTE industrial-grade M2M wireless modules, which follow the Huawei LGA packaging standard and are compatible with the MU709s series pin-to-pin.At the same time, it has a standard Mini PCIe form, which allows customers to choose more flexibility.

The ME909s series is the first choice for applications in automotive, відстеження, промислові маршрутизатори, security monitoring, and industrial flat panels. ME909s is divided into two sub-models, which are distinguished as follows according to the frequency band requirements of different shipping areas:

ME909s-120, supports overseas markets such as Europe, Азіатсько-Тихоокеанський регіон, Латинська Америка, тощо. ME909s-821a, support the Chinese market

Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module Product Pictures

Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module YCICT Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module PRICE AND SPECS NEW AND ORIGINAL HUAWEI 4G LTE MODULEHuawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module YCICT Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module PRICE AND SPECS NEW AND ORIGINAL HUAWEI 4G MODULE

Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module YCICT Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module PRICE AND SPECS NEW AND ORIGINAL HUAWEI LTE MODULEHuawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module YCICT Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module PRICE AND SPECS NEW AND ORIGINAL 909S-821

Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module Product Specifications

Пункт опис
Бренд Huawei
Модель ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe
Chip Platform Balong711
Processor Cortex-A9 600MHz(Modem)DSP 300MHz(Аудіо)
Зберігання Flash 1Gb+RAM 1Gb
Physical properties MiniPCle
Розмір(ДхШхВ) 5 1mmx30.4mmx3.52mm
вага 12g
Робоча температура Normal working temperature:-30C~+75C Extended operating temperature: -40C~+85“C
Температура зберігання -40″C~+95C
Вологість RH5%~RH95%
Напруга 3.2V~4.2V (Typical 3.8V)
Ferquency LTE FDD: B1/B3/B5/B8 LTE TDD: B38/B39/B40/B41 UMTS: B1/B5/B8/B9GSM/GPRS/EDGE:900/1800МГц
СМС Support MO and MT, support TEXT and PDU format
Дані LTE FDD: УЛ 50 Мбіт/с; DL 150 Mbit/s @20M BW cat4 LTE TDD:UL 10Mbits;DL 112Mbits@20M BWcat4(Uplink downlinkconfiguration2, 1:3) DC-HSPA+: UL 5.76Mbit/s; DL 42Mbit/s WCDMA: UL 384kbitys; DL 384kbitys EDGE:UL 236.8kbit/s; DL 236.8kbit/s GPRS DL: UL 85.6kbits; DL 85.6kbit/s
Атестація CCC/RoHS/WEEE

Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module Product Features

  • UART URATO is an 8-wire serial port, used for communication and AT command input.
  • URAT2 for Linux debug log output
  • 0 Support USB 2.0, USB slave
  • USIM External SIM card
  • PCM Support PCM digital audio signal
  • GPIO Support multiple channels, other unused control pins can also be used as GPIOUsed for antenna detection, temperature reading,
  • JTAG Provide JTAG (Joint Test Action Group) interface
  • Antenna Main set antenna, Diversity antenna

Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module and More M2M Unit

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Huawei ME909s-821A V2 MiniPCIe Module Product Applications


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