
Huawei MA5620 16 Port is box-type devices. Each of them provides two GPON or GE uplink ports and supports 16-channel, LAN access (LAN: POTS = 1:1)

Huawei MA5620 16 Port Product Overview

Huawei MA5620 16 Port is industry-leading remote multi-dwelling units (MDU) launched by Huawei, and it provides broadband services and IP voice services on the Fiber To The Building (FTTB) network for family users and small to medium enterprises.

Huawei MA5620 16 Port features broad temperature range, низьке енергоспоживання, mute design, висока стабільність, environment friendlily and energy conservation, and can be used on workbenches and installed in corridors and cabinets, facilitating installation and maintenance

Huawei MA5620 16 Зображення продуктів порту

Huawei MA5620 16 Port GPON YCICT FIXED MDUHuawei MA5620 16 Port YCICT GPON EPON MDU

Huawei MA5620 16 Порт YCICTHuawei MA5620 16 Порт YCICT 16 PORT GPON EPON YCICT

Huawei MA5620 16 Технічні характеристики порту

Бренд Huawei
Модель MA5620 16 Порт
Розміри (H×W×D) 43.6mm×442mm×220mm
Порт на стороні мережі Each of them provides two uplink ports that use the SFP optical modules and automatically adapt to GPON and GE modes. The two uplink ports can be configured as follows:
2×GE (оптичний)
1×GE (оптичний) + 1×GPON
16×FE + 16×POTS
Робоча температура -40oC to 55oC; startup at -25oC
Вологість 5% до 95% (без конденсації)
Режим тепловіддачі No fans; пасивне охолодження
Блок живлення AC: 220V/110V
Lightning protection capability LAN: 6кВ; ГОРЩИКИ: 4кВ
вага 24 порти: 2.3кг
16 порти: 2.29кг
8 порти: 2.28кг

Huawei MA5620 16 Особливості продукту порту

Strong QoS capability

Support bandwidth management based DBA, flexible service mapping and accurate service management base the flow. The strong quality of service (QoS) capability provides the user difference service experience.

  • High-performance IPTV services management:

Strong service switching capability, packet forwarding capability, and high integration (обмін даними та керування користувачами) enable them to have carrier-class multicast operation capability.

  • Perfect voice features,

supporting basic services (voice service, fax service, and modem service) and supplementary services

Huawei MA5620 16 Застосування продукту порту

Huawei MA5620 8 Порт YCICT

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