Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Pano

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Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Board is Finished board unit-OptiX OSN 3500-SSN1SLD1604-2xSTM-16 optical interface board (L-16.2, LC)

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Board Product Overview

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Board supports functions and features such as receiving and transmitting 2 channels of STM-16 optical signals, overhead processing and multiplex section protection. Huawei SLD16 single board consists of photoelectric conversion module, MUX/DEMUX module, SDH overhead processing module, logic control module and power supply module.

OSN3500 intelligent optical transmission equipment supports different networking applications: pure packet mode applications, hibrit ağ uygulamaları (paket modu ve TDM modu yer paylaşımlı ağ iletişimi) and pure TDM mode applications to achieve the best processing of data services and traditional SDH services. It supports ultra-long-distance transmission with a single span of 380km, reduces relay stations, and reduces network construction costs and maintenance difficulties.
OSN7500 adopts a unified switching architecture, which can be used as packet equipment and TDM equipment based on MPL S/MPLS-TP technology. With other Huawei equipment, OSN 7500 supports different networking applications: pure packet mode applications, hibrit ağ uygulamaları (paket modu ve TDM modu yer paylaşımlı ağ iletişimi) and pure TDM mode applications to achieve the best processing of data services and traditional SDH services. In TDM mode, OSN 7500 has a large service crossover capacity, with a maximum of 360Gbit/s high-order crossover and 40Gbit/s low-order crossover. In packet mode, its packet switching capacity can reach up to 160Gbit/s.

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Pano Ürün Resimleri

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Board YCICT Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Board PRICE AND SPECS FOR OSN3500 OSN7500 SDHHuawei SSN1SLD16(I-16,LC) Board YCICT Huawei SSN1SLD16(I-16,LC) Board PRICE AND SPECS Huawei SSN1SLD16(I-16,LC) Board NEW AND ORIGINAL

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Board YCICT Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Board PRICE AND SPECS Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Board NEW AND ORIGINAL YCICTHuawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Board YCICT Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Board PRICE AND SPECS Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Board FOR OSN3500 OSN7500

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Pano Ürün Özellikleri

Marka Huawei
Parça NO 3053085
Modeli SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC)
Tanım Huawei OSN3500 7500 2-port STM-16 2.5G optical interface board SSN1SLD1604 equipped with 2 L-16.2 80km SFP module
Nominal bit rate 2488320 kbit/sn
Line code pattern NRZ
Application code L-16.2
İletim mesafesi (kilometre) 40 ile 80
Lif türü Single-mode LC
Çalışma dalga boyu aralığı (nm) 1500 ile 1580
Launched optical power range (dBm) -2 ile +3
Alıcı Duyarlılığı (dBm) -28
Minimum aşırı yük (dBm) -9
Maksimum -20 dB spectral width (nm) 1
Minimum yok olma oranı (dB) 8.2
Minimum side mode suppression ratio (dB) 30
Boyutlar (mm) 25.4 (K) X 235.2 (D) X 261.4 (H)
Ağırlık (kilogram) 0.9

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Anakart Ürün Özellikleri

  • Optik arayüz özellikleri
    It supports optical interfaces of I-16, S-16.1, L-16.1, and L-16.2. The characteristics of the optical interface comply with ITU-T G.957 and ITU-T G.692 recommendations.
    Supports standard wavelength output in compliance with ITU-T G.692 recommendations.
  • Optik modül özellikleri
    Optik modül bilgileri algılama ve sorgulamayı destekleyin.
    Optik arayüz, lazer açma ve kapama ayarlarını ve lazer otomatik kapatma işlevini sağlar.
  • SFP takılabilir optik modüllerin kullanımını ve izlenmesini destekleyin, which is convenient for the maintenance and upgrade of optical modules.
    Hizmet işleme
    Support VC-12/VC-3/VC-4 services and VC-4-4c, VC-4-8c, VC-4-16c cascade services.
  • Havai işleme
    Support section overhead processing of STM-16 signal.
    Kanal yükünün işlenmesini destekleyin (şeffaf iletim ve sonlandırma).
    Supports the setting and query of J0/J1/C2 bytes.
    Destek 1-2 ECC iletişimi.
    Support clock synchronization feature, support section overhead transmission time information.
  • Alarms and performance
    Ekipman yönetimini ve bakımını kolaylaştırmak için çok sayıda alarm ve performans olayı sağlayın.

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Board and More Related Models

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Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Pano Ürün Uygulamaları

Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Board YCICT Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Board PRICE AND SPECS Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) Board FOR OSN3500 OSN7500

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