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Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.1,LC) Board is Finished board unit-OptiX OSN 3500 OSN7500 -SSN1SLD1603-2xSTM-16 optical interface board (L-16.1, LC)
Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.1,LC) Board Product Overview
Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.1,LC) Board is 2-port STM-16 2.5G optical interface board SSN1SLD1603 equipped with 2 L-16.1 40km SFP module for OSN3500 OSN7500
This board is to realize the receiving and sending of 2 channels of STM-16 optical signals. Through this single board, Huawei SLD16 sends the received optical signal to the cross side after 0/E conversion, and at the same time, the electrical signal on the cross side is sent out after E/O conversion. The SDH line board can form a ring network or a chain network with the SL16 and SLQ16 optical boards in the system.
Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.1,LC) Pano Ürün Resimleri
Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.1,LC) Pano Ürün Özellikleri
Marka | Huawei |
Parça NO | 3053084 |
Model adı | SSN1SLD16(L-16.1,LC) |
Tanım | 2xSTM-16 optik arayüz kartı (L-16.1, LC) |
Nominal bit hızı | 2488320 kbit/sn |
Satır kodu deseni | NRZ |
Başvuru kodu | L-16.1 |
İletim mesafesi (kilometre) | 15 ile 40 |
Lif türü | Tek modlu LC |
Çalışma dalga boyu aralığı (nm) | 1280 ile 1335 |
Başlatılan optik güç aralığı (dBm) | -2 ile +3 |
Alıcı Duyarlılığı (dBm) | -27 |
Minimum aşırı yük (dBm) | -9 |
Maksimum -20 DB spektral genişliği (nm) | 1 |
Minimum yok olma oranı (dB) | 8.2 |
Minimum yan mod baskılama oranı (dB) | 30 |
Boyutlar (mm) | 25.4 (K) X 235.2 (D) X 261.4 (H) |
Ağırlık (kilogram) | 0.9 |
Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.1,LC) Anakart Ürün Özellikleri
- İki fiberli multipleks bölümlü halka korumasını destekleyin.
- Support four-fiber multiplex section ring protection.
- Support linear multiplex section protection.
- SNCP korumasını destekleyin.
- Support SNCMP protection.
- SNCTP korumasını destekleyin.
- Support shared optical fiber virtual path protection.
- Supports inner loopback and outer loopback functions at the optical port level.
- Support VC-4 channel inner loopback and outer loopback functions.
- Support soft reset and hard reset, soft reset does not affect business.
- Support the query function of board manufacturing information.
- FPGA çevrimiçi yükleme işlevini destekleyin.
- Support smooth upgrade of single board software.
- Support one-button fault data collection.
- Support multiplex section shared optical path protection. Provides 4 sets of K-byte processing capabilities, a single optical port provides 2 sets of K-byte processing capabilities, and one SLD16 board supports more than 4 MSP rings.
Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.1,LC) Board and More related Boards
SSND0SLD6401 | Hastalık Kart birim-optix OSN 3500-SSN4SLD6401-2XSTM-64 Optik Arayüz Kart (I-64.1, LC) |
SSN1SLD64(I-64.1, LC) | Bitmiş Tahta Birimi-Optix OSN 3500-SSN1SLD6401-2XSTM-64 Optik Arayüz Kart (I-64.1, LC) |
SSN1SLD64(S-64.2b,LC) | Bitmiş Tahta Birimi-Optix OSN 3500-SSN1SLD6402-2XSTM-64 Optik Arabirim Kurulu (S-64.2b, LC) |
SSN1SLD16(I-16,LC) | Bitmiş Tahta Birimi-Optix OSN 3500-SSN1SLD1601-2XSTM-16 Optik Arayüz Kart (I-16, LC) |
SSN1SLD16(S-16.1,LC) | Bitmiş Tahta Birimi-Optix OSN 3500-SSN1SLD1602-2XSTM-16 Optik Arabirim Kurulu (S-16.1, LC) |
SSN1SLD16(L-16.1,LC) | Bitmiş kart birimi-optix OSN 3500-SSN1SLD1603-2XSTM-16 Optik Arayüz Kart (L-16.1, LC) |
SSN1SLD16(L-16.2,LC) | Bitmiş kart birimi-optix OSN 3500-SSN1SLD1604-2XSTM-16 Optik Arayüz Kart (L-16.2, LC) |
Huawei SSN1SLD16(L-16.1,LC) Pano Ürün Uygulamaları
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