
GJSFJV Steel Wire Cable is Indoor Simplex Armored Optical Fiber Cable complying with Standard YD/T 2488-2013, ICEA-596, GR-409, IEC794, vesaire; and meet the requirements of UL approval for OFNR, OFNP.

GJSFJV Steel Wire Cable Product Overview

Indoor and outdoor soft armored optical cable, is a use of SUS stainless steel spiral armor as a protective sleeve, plus a layer of stainless steel braided wire armor, wrapped in the outside of the optical fiber to form a protective indoor and outdoor optical cable. The optical cable not only has good compression and tensile resistance, anti-rat bite characteristics, but also the spiral SUS stainless steel armored pipe has good flexibility, both strength and flexibility, suitable for a variety of indoor and outdoor harsh environment optical fiber wiring environment, simple construction, low maintenance cost.

GJSFJV Steel Wire Cable Product Pictures

GJSFJV Steel Wire Cable ycictGJSFJV Çelik Tel Kablo fiyatı ve özellikleri

GJSFJV Steel Wire Cable Indoor Simplex Armored Optical Fiber  ycictGJSFJV Steel Wire Cable indoor cable ycict


GJSFJV Steel Wire Cable Product Specifications

G.652 G.655 50/125μm 62.5/125μm
zayıflama (+20°C) @850nm ≤3,0dB/km ≤3,0dB/km
zayıflama (+20°C) @1300nm ≤1,0dB/km ≤1,0dB/km
@1310nm ≤0,36dB/km ≤0,36dB/km
@1550nm ≤0,22dB/km ≤0,23dB/km
@850 ≥500MHZ·km ≥200MHZ·km
@1300 ≥1000MHZ·km ≥600MHZ·km
Sayısal Açıklık 0.200±0,015NA 0.275±0,015NA
Kablo Kesme Dalga Boyu ≤1260nm ≤1480nm
Kablo tipi Elyaf Sayısı Tight Diameter mm Kablo Çapı mm Kablo Ağırlığı Kg/km Tensile Strength Long/Short Term N Crush Resistance Long/Short Term N/100m Bükülme yarıçapı statik/dinamik mm
GJSFJV 1 0.6 2 11 300/750 200/1000 20G/10D
GJSFJV 1 0.6 2.2 12 300/750 200/1000 20G/10D
GJSFJV 1 0.6 2.4 13 300/750 200/1000 20G/10D
GJSFJV 1 0.9 3 15 300/750 200/1000 20G/10D

GJSFJV Steel Wire Cable Product Features

  • Single-core optical cable with flat stainless steel wire armor to improve the pressure resistance and rat bite resistance of optical cable
  • Yüksek mukavemetli aramid takviyesi, yüksek performanslı kılıf malzemesi dış koruması
  • Küçük bükülme yarıçapı, hafif, yumuşak, esnek ve bağlanması kolay
  • İyi mekanik ve çevresel özelliklere sahiptir
  • Flame retardant or non-flammable external protection, providing good safety protection

GJSFJV Steel Wire Cable Product Applications

  • Çeşitli geleneksel konnektör ürünleri
  • Pigtailler, atlayıcılar
  • Optik cihazların optik bağlantısı, aletleri, vesaire
  • İç mekan yatay kablolaması, binada dikey kablolama; LAN ağı, çoklu bilgi noktası bağlantısı
  • Uzun mesafe, alan, bina kablolaması, kanal fotoelektrik karışık ve diğer optik bağlantılar
  • Omurga ağı ve binaya bağlı ekipmanlar için patch kablolar
  • This fiber optic cable is suitable for fiber-to-the-top and carpet-under ceiling wiring
  • The minimum bending radius is small, which can be used for large-capacity, multi-client indoor overall laying, unit wiring, and independent branch use, which can be easily connected with each end connected equipment
  • Recommended for high-density wiring, installation space and installation curvature occasions

GJSFJV Steel Wire Cable and More Indoor Armoured Cables

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GJSFJV Steel Wire Cable Product Topology

GJSFJV Çelik Tel Kablo fiyatı ve özellikleri

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