
AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-2M is 100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 2-metre

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-2M Product Overview

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-2M is suitable for short distances and offer a flexible way to connect within racks and across racks. AOC (Active Optical Cables) active optical cable refers to the communication cable that needs to convert electrical signals into optical signals or optical signals into electrical signals with the help of external energy sources in the communication process. Active optical cables are much thinner and lighter than copper cables, which makes cable management easier. AOCs enable efficient system airflow, which is critical in high density racks.

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-2M Product Pictures

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-2MAOC QSFP-100G-AOC-2M price ycict

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-2M SPECSQSFP-100G-AOC-2M price and specs ycict

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-2M Product Specifications

Model adı QSFP-100G-CU2
Paket türü QSFP28'den QSFP28'e
Minimum bükülme yarıçapı 46mm
Kablo uzunluğu 2M
Kablo tipi Pasif bakır kablolar
güç tüketimi <0.1K
marka NADDOD
Aktarım hızı 103.125Gbps
Tel göstergeleri 30AWG
Dış kılıf malzemesi PVC (OFNR)
Çalışma sıcaklığı 0~70°C
Protocal QSFP28 MSA,SFF-8636,100G Ethernet

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-2M Product Features

  • QSFP28, Küçük Form Faktörü SFF8636'ya uygundur
  • 4-Kanal Tam Çift Yönlü Pasif Bakır Kablo Alıcı-Verici
  • Destek veri hızları : 25.78GB/sn (kanal başına)
  • Maksimum toplam veri hızı: 100GB/sn (4 x 25,78 Gb/sn)
  • IEEE 802.3bj 100GEBASE-CR4 • Bakır bağlantı x (x=1 m, 2M, 3M, 5M)
  • Güç kaynağı :+3.3V
  • Düşük karışma
  • QSFP28 MSA ile uyumlu
  • RoHS Uyumlu
  • 100 Gigabit Ethernet
  • BER'den daha iyi 10-15
  • RoHS Uyumluluğu

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-2M and More AOC Cables

100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 1-meter QSFP-100G-AOC1M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 2-meter QSFP-100G-AOC2M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 3-meter QSFP-100G-AOC3M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 5-meter QSFP-100G-AOC5M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 7-meter QSFP-100G-AOC7M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 10-meter QSFP-100G-AOC10M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 15-meter QSFP-100G-AOC15M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 20-meter QSFP-100G-AOC20M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 25-meter QSFP-100G-AOC25M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 30-meter QSFP-100G-AOC30M

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-2M Product Applications