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Huawei SSN1D12S Board is 32xE1/T1 Electrical Interface Switching Board(120 Ohm)
Huawei SSN1D12S Board Product Overview
xHuawei SSN1D12S Board is 32xE1/T1 Electrical Interface Switching Board(120 Ohm) for OSN Series
OSN1 500 equipment adopts the “beddelidda midaysan” architecture to realize the unified-scheduling of packet services and TDM services, and build flexible application modes: pure packet mode, pure TDM mode and hybrid mode (xirmo + TDM). The three modes can be expanded at the service board level to achieve smooth conversion, so that the most suitable mode can always be used to meet the development demands of the operator’s business and network, and it is convenient for the operator to follow the technological development and the maturity of the industrial chain to make step-by-step smooth investment. Based on the “beddelidda midaysan” dhismaha,
OSN 3500 intelligent optical transmission equipment is a new generation of intelligent optical transmission equipment developed by Huawei. It adopts a unified switching architecture and can be used as packet equipment and TDM equipment based on MPLS/MPLS-TP technology; with other Huawei equipment, OSN3500 supports different groups Network applications: codsiyada hab xirmo saafi ah, codsiyada isku dhafka ah (qaabka kooxaynta iyo isku xirka qaabka TDM ee dulsaarka) iyo codsiyada qaabka TDM saafiga ah si loo gaaro habka ugu wanaagsan ee adeegyada xogta iyo adeegyada SDH ee dhaqanka. OSN3500 realizes the efficient transmission of voice and data services on the same platform.
Huawei SSN1D12S Board Product Pictures
Huawei SSN1D12S Board Product Specifications
Summada | Huawei |
Lambarka Qaybta Alaabta | 3026728 |
Qaabka | SSN1D12S |
Sharaxaada | 32xE1/T1 Electrical Interface Switching Board(120 Ohm) |
Software-ka iyo Sifooyinka Hardware | Hardware |
Cabirka saafiga ah(D*W*H mm) | 110*22*262 |
Awoodda caadiga ah(W) | 0 |
Qaybta qiimo dhimista | OptiX OSN Taxanaha La Wadaago |
Line Product | Data Communication |
Qoyska Alaab-hoosaad | MSTP |
Huawei SSN1D12S Board Product Features
- Cost-effective platformization: It can be fully compatible with OptiX OSN7500/3500/2500 business boards and software, samaynta madal midaysan, greatly reducing maintenance costs and the cost of spare board spare parts.In terms of service capabilities, it can be efficiently combined to give operators the most cost-effective solution; isla markaasna, it can be combined with Huawei’s existing equipment and can be incorporated into Huawei’s optical network network management solution for unified management.
- Bixinta adeegyo badan: service interface supports STM-1 (O/E); supports STM-4/16 standard or cascaded services; supports E1/T1/E3/T3/E4; waxay taageertaa gudbinta hufan iyo isdhaafsiga adeegyada FE iyo GE; Support ATM business; support SAN business and video business and provide fast end-to-end business based on GMPLS.
- Built-in WDM technology, flexible networking: OSN1500B equipment supports built-in WDM technology to realize the transmission of multiple wavelengths in a single optical fiber, and can realize a flexible networking solution for docking with WDM equipment.
- Subag-hoosaadka oo aad isku dhafan: (taking OSN1500B as an example) the size of the subrack is 221mm (dhererka) × 444mm (ballac ahaan) × 263mm (qoto dheer), and the single subrack has 9 jagooyinka guddiga ganacsiga iyo 4 boosaska guddiga interface.
Huawei SSN1D12S Board Product And more Service Units
N1SPQ4/N2SPQ4 | 4xE4/STM-1 guddiga farsamaynta korontada |
N2PQ3 | 12xE3/T3 guddiga farsamaynta adeegga |
N1C34S | 3xE3/T3 guddiga is beddelka koronto |
N1PL3/N2PL3 | 3xE3/T3 guddiga farsamaynta adeegga |
N1PQ1/N2PQ1 | 63xE1 guddiga farsamaynta adeegga |
N1D12B | 32xE1/T1 guddiga is beddelka koronto |
N1PFL1 | 8xE1 guddiga farsamaynta indhaha |
N1TSB8 | 8-guddiga beddelka korontada dekedda |
N1DM12 | DDN guddiga interface interface |
N1MU04 | 4xE4/STM-1 guddiga interneedka korantada |
N1D34S | 6xE3/T3 guddiga is beddelka koronto |
N1PD3/N2PD3 | 6xE3/T3 guddiga farsamaynta adeegga |
N1PL3A/N2PL3A | 3xE3/T3 guddiga farsamaynta adeegga (Interfaces ayaa laga heli karaa guddiga hore.) |
N1PQM | 63xE1/T1 guddiga farsamaynta adeegga |
N1D12S | 32xE1/T1 guddiga is beddelka koronto (120 ohms) |
N1D75S | 32xE1 guddiga beddelka koronto (75 ohms) |
N1DX1/N3DX1 | Adeegga DDN gelitaanka iyo isu-gudbinta guddiga |
N1DXA | Guddiga isku xirka iyo habaynta adeegga DDN |
Huawei SSN1D12S Board Product Applications
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