Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X7 OLT

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Huawei Smax Ma5800 X7 OLT waa 19inch, oo leh dhererka 6u 7 boosaska adeegga, 200G oo soosaarka halkii gogo ', Taageer GPON, 10G PON, 40G/100G PON ready; H901BPMB subrack equipped with 2xH901MPLA, 2xH901PILA. It adopts a distributed forwarding architecture with a single-slot throughput of 200G and supports large-capacity 40GPON non-blocking access.

Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X7 OLT Product Overview

The single-frame can meet 32,000 households with 100-megabit non-blocking access and enjoy 4K TV. To ensure 100 Mbps non-blocking access per user in the 4K era, Huawei MA5800-X7 new-generation OLT should have ultra-wideband, large-capacity 4K video access aggregation capability, and single-slot switching capacity needs to reach 400 Gbps, which means that each slot Can support 16x10G PON, 4x40G PON and 2x100G PON non-blocking access, the entire OLT system can achieve 320,000 home 100M non-blocking enjoy 4K TV.

Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X7 OLT Product Pictures

Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X7 OLT YCICTHuawei SmartAX MA5800 X7 OLT YCICT


Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X7 OLT Specifications

Shayga MA5800-X17 MA5800-X15 MA5800-X7 MA5800-X2
Cabirka (W x D x H) 493 mm x 287 mm x 486 mm 442 mm x 287 mm x 486 mm 442 mm x 268.7 mm x 263.9 mm 442 mm x 268.7 mm x 88.1 mm
Bedelka Awooda Nidaamka 7 Tbit/s 480 Gbit/s
Tirada ugu badan ee dekedaha ku yaala Subrack 272 x GPON/EPON 240 x GPON/EPON 112 x GPON/EPON 32 x GPON/EPON
816 x GE/FE 720 x GE/FE 336 x GE/FE 96 x GE/FE
136 x 10G GPON/10G EPON 120 x 10G GPON/10G EPON 56 x 10G GPON/10G EPON 16 x 10G GPON/10G EPON
136 x 10G GE 120 x 10G GE 56 x 10G GE 16 x 10G GE
544 x E1 480 x E1 224 x E1 64 x E1
Heerkulka deegaanka -40°C ilaa 65°C*
*: MA5800 wuxuu ku bilaabmi karaa heerkulka ugu hooseeya -25°C wuxuuna ku socon karaa -40°C. Heerkulka 65°C waxa loola jeedaa heerkulka ugu sarreeya ee lagu cabbiro hawo-qaadista
Range Voltage Working -38.4V DC ilaa -72V DC Korontada DC:
-38.4V ilaa -72V
Korontada AC:
100V ilaa 240V
Lakabka 2 Astaamaha VLAN + gudbinta MAC, SWLAN + Gudbinta CVLAN, PPPoE+, iyo DHCP option82
Lakabka 3 Astaamaha Jidka taagan, RIP/RIPng, OSPF/OSPFv3, IS-IS, BGP/BGP4+, ARP, Gudbinta DHCP, iyo VRF
MPLS & Miisaanka3 MPLS LDP, MPLS RSVP-TE, MPLS OAM, MPLS BGP IP VPN, beddelidda ilaalinta tunnelka, TDM/ETH PWE3, iyo beddelidda ilaalinta PW
IPv6 IPV4/IPv6 dual xirmo, IPV6 L2 iyo L3 gudbinta, iyo DHCPv6 gudbin
Casriyeyn badan IGMP v2/v3, IGMP wakiil/snooping, MLD v1/v2, MLD Proxy/Snooping, iyo VLAN-ku-saleysan IPTV multicast
QoS Kala soocidda gaadiidka, ka baaraandegidda mudnaanta, trTCM ku salaysan booliska taraafikada, WRED, qaabaynta gaadiidka, HqoS, PQ/WRR/PQ + WRR, iyo ACL
Isku halaynta nidaamka GPON nooca B/nooca C ilaalinta, 10G GPON nooca B ilaalinta, BFD, ERPS (G.8032), MSTP, intra-board iyo inter-board LAG, Kordhinta Software-ka Adeegga dhexdiisa (ISSU) ee guddiga xakamaynta, 2 looxyada xakamaynta iyo 2 looxyada korantada ee ilaalinta shaqo-joojinta, ogaanshaha iyo hagaajinta qaladka guddiga adeegga dhexdiisa, iyo xakamaynta culeyska adeega

Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X7 OLT Product Features

  • Huawei MA5800-X7 uses PON/P2P to realize unified access and convergence of any media of optical fiber, copper wire and cable, and evolve the independent access network of multiple media into a unified access network to achieve unified access, convergence and management , Simplify network architecture and operation and maintenance.
  • Support PON/P2P full service access, one optical network supports full scene access such as home, ganacsi, iyo dib u habeynta mobilada.
  • The functions of OLT and aggregation switches are integrated to simplify the network hierarchy, reduce space and energy consumption, oo yaree daawada.
    The service board adopts programmable NP architecture, supports SDN-based intelligent services, and supports rapid deployment of new services.
  • Support virtual access network function, realize multi-service intelligent operation or develop network wholesale business, and provide better business experience.
  • The MA5800-X7 service frame provides 12 boosaska, oo ay ku jiraan 2 boosaska guddiga gacanta ugu weyn, 2 boosaska guddiga korontada, 1 general interface board slot, iyo 7 service board slots.
  • The backplane supported by the MA5800-X7 service frame is H901BPMB.
    The fan frame of the Huawei MA5800-X7 business frame is equipped with 6 fans and the H901FMMA fan monitoring board, which has the functions of heat dissipation, la socodka, and speed regulation to ensure that the device works at a stable temperature.

Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X7 OLT Normal Configurations

MA5800-X7 Multi-service Access Module
Qalabka Muhiimka ah
H90Z1BPMB IEC Service Shelf, 6 taageere
Guddiga Xakamaynta Guud & Pinch Board Module
H901MPLB Main Processing Board MPLB
PON Access Board Module
H901GPHF 16-dekedda Advanced GPON OLT Interface Board
H901GPSF 16-dekedda GPON OLT Interface Board
10G G/EPON Board Module
H901XGHD 8-port Advanced 10G GPON OLT Interface Board
H901TWED 8-port Enhanced TWDM PON OLT Interface Board
Module indhaha
10GE Optical Module(SFP+)
OMXD30001 Transceiver indhaha,SFP+,850nm,10Gb/s,-7.3~-1dBm,-9.9dBm,LC, MM,0.3km
GPON Optical Module
OSX002003 PON Transceiver,SFP,1490nm(Tx)/1310nm(Rx),2488M(Tx)/1244M(Rx), 3dBm,7dBm,-32dBm,SC/UPC Compatible with SC/PC,SM
10G GPON Optical Module
OSG10G3001 PON Transceiver,SFP+,1270nm(RX)/1577nm(Tx),2.488Gbps(Up)/9.95328Gbps(Down), 4dBm,8dBm,-29.5dBm,SC/UPC Compatible with SC/PC,SM
OSG10G3003 PON Transceiver,XFP,1577nm(Tx)/1270nm(RX),9.953Gb/s(Down)9.953Gb/s(Up)&2.488Gb/s(Up), 2dBm,6dBm,-28dBm,SC/UPC,SM,20km
Module Power
H901PILA Ku xidh guddiga korontada
Installation Material
Fiber Suite,MA5800,External Fiber Cable Suite
External Optical Fiber Set(LC-LC)
SS-OP-D-LC-M-10 Patch cord-LC/PC-LC/PC-Multimode-A1b-2mm-10m-PVC-Orange
External Optical Fiber Set(SC-SC)
SS-OP-D-SC-S-20 Patch cord-SC/PC-SC/PC-Single mode-G.652D-3mm-20m-PVC-Yellow
External Cable Suite,MA5800,External Power Cable
C0DF1D800 Power Cable,1.8m,10mm^2,2*T10^2W,H07Z-K-10^2B+H07Z-K-10^2BL,2*OT10-6,LSZH
CPOWCAB02 Power Cable,0.85m,16mm^2,Yellow&Cagaaran,OT16-6,H07Z-K-16^2Y&G,OT16-6,LSZH
Blank Panel
H80XBP0YWB01 Air Deflector Panel for Service Board Slot (Shielded)
H80XBPGPIO01 Blank Panel for GPIO Slot (Shielded)
Rack Mounting & Other Auxiliary Materials
H80B000DFK02 Cabling Channel
Software Charges (Software&Shatiga)
NDSSMULSUB22 Per Multicast Subscriber License
H80S000ONT09 ONT Access License, Based on Per ONT
H80S00GPON09 GPON Port License,Based on per GPON Port
H80S010GPON12 10G PON Port License,Based on per 10G PON Port
H90MPLB017 MPLB V100R017 System Software Package

Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X7 OLT Product Applications

Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X7 OLT YCICT

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