
Huawei S5732-H48XUM2CC Switch is optical hybrid Ethernet switch with 24*10 Gigabit sfp +, 24 100M/1/2.5/5/10GE Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 1/10/25GE SFP28, 2 x 40GE QSFP+ or 2 x 100GE QSFP28, 1 Afyare ballaarinta, PoE++ , iyo 1+1 korontada

Huawei S5732-H48XUM2CC Switch Product Overview

It is a new generation of Ethernet switches launched by Huawei for the Wi-Fi 6 xilli, based on Huawei’s unified VRP (Platform-ka Jideynta Badan) software platform. The switch is equipped with high-performance all-programmable chips, including board-mounted AC, service companion, VxLAN, IPCA. With a wide range of features including SVF, Ecaga, and threat trapping, S5732-H48XUM2CC builds high-quality campus bearer networks in the Wi-Fi 6 xilli. Based on the board-mounted AC, 1K APs can be managed to achieve deep integration of wired and wireless networks. Based on the service accompanying feature, the switch provides users with a consistent service experience across the network. Based on VXLAN, network virtualization is realized, which realizesone network for multiple purposesin campus networks and saves network construction costs. Isla markaana, based on the built-in security probe, it can realize abnormal traffic detection, encrypted traffic threat analysis, and exclusive threat trapping, iwm., to escort campus networks and user services. Intaa waxaa dheer, S5732-H series optoelectronic hybrid switches provide optoelectronic independent operation and photoelectric co-operation mode, which are suitable for medium and large campus network aggregation, small and micro data center access, and long-distance access scenarios.

Huawei S5732-H48XUM2CC Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei S5732-H48XUM2CC Switch Product Specifications

Lambarka qaybta 02353MLH 02353MLH-001
Qaabka S5732-H48XUM2CC
Waxqabadka Gudbinta 490Mps
Switching Capacity2 1.76 Tbps/2.4 Tbps
Dekado go'an 24 x 10GE SFP+, 24 × 100M/1G/2.5G/5G/10G Saldhig-T dekedaha Ethernet, 4 x 25GE SFP28 + 2 x 40GE QSFP+ or 2 x 100GE QSFP28
PoE++ Taageeray
La dheereeyey naadi Mid ka mid ah Afyare la dheereeyey, taageero 2 x 25GE SFP28 ama 8 x 10GE SFP+, 8 x 25GE SFP28 cards
Heerkulka kaydinta -40°C ilaa +70°C (-40°F ilaa +158°F)
Qaylada heerkulka caadiga ah (27°C, awoodda dhawaaqa) < 63.1 dB(A)
Qoyaanka qaraabada 5% ku 95%, aan cusbayn
Joogitaanka shaqada 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
Shahaado Shahaadada EMC
Shahaadada badbaadada
Shahaadada wax soo saarka
Adeegyada Wireless-ka Maamulka ilaa 1024 APs
Kontoroolka gelitaanka AP, Maamulka domainka AP, iyo maamulka template qaabeynta AP
Maamulka kanaalka raadiyaha, qaabeynta taagan mideysan, iyo maamul dhexe oo firfircoon
WLAN adeegyada aasaasiga ah, QoS, amniga, iyo maamulka isticmaalaha
CAPWAP, sumad/goob meesha laga saaro, iyo falanqaynta spectrum
IPCA Uruurinta tira-koobka waqtiga-dhabta ah ee tirada baakadaha lumay iyo saamiga khasaaraha xirmada ee heerarka shabakada iyo qalabka
Fabric Virtual Super ah (SVF) Waxay u shaqeeyaan sidii ubad waalid si ay u wanaajiyaan furayaasha hoose iyo AP-yada si toos ah sidii hal qalab oo loogu talagalay maaraynta fudud
Waxay taageertaa qaab-dhismeedka macmiilka laba-lakab ah
Waxay taageertaa aaladaha dhinac saddexaad ee u dhexeeya waalidka SVF iyo macaamiisha
VXLAN VXLAN L2 iyo L3 albaabbada
Albaabka laga soo galo oo meel dhexe laga dhigay oo la qaybiyey
Lagu habeeyey hab-maamuuska NETCONF
wada shaqayn VBST (ku habboon PVST/PVST+/RPVST)
LNP (oo la mid ah DTP)
VCMP (oo la mid ah VTP)

Huawei S5732-H48XUM2CC Switch Product Features

  • Support SVF super virtual switching network function, as a parent switch, so that the originalsmall core/aggregation + access switch + AP” network architecture, virtualized into one device for management, simplify network management.
  • Support SmartLink and VRRP functions, and connects to multiple aggregation switches through multiple links, and SmartLink/VRRP realizes uplink backup, greatly improving the reliability of access-side devices.
  • Support connecting different VPN users and routing multiple instances to achieve isolation of different users. The upstream is connected through a common physical interface PE devices, reducing the investment of individual VPN users in network deployment.
  • Taageer 802.1x xaqiijinta, MAC authentication, portal authentication, iyo aqoonsiga hybrid, implements dynamic delivery of user policies such as VLAN, QoS, iyo ACL, and supports group management of users.

Huawei S5732-H48XUM2CC Switch and More Models

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CloudEngine S5732-H48XUM2CC

Huawei S5732-H48XUM2CC Switch Ordering Info

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