- Sharaxaada
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Huawei S5700-52X-LI-DC Switch is a simplified Gigabit Ethernet Switch with 48*10/100/1000Base-T ports and 4*10GE SFP+ ports (10Ge / GE Auto-dareen) Awoodda DC
Huawei S5700-52X-LI-DC Switch Product Overview
Huawei S5700-52X-LI-DC Switch is a simplified Gigabit Ethernet Switch with 48*10/100/1000Base-T ports and 4 10GE SFP+ dekedaha (10Ge / GE Auto-dareen) DC Power supporting RPS (redundant power supply) Waxqabad horudhac ah: 132Mps. The switch is a next-generation energy-saving gigabit Layer 2 Ethernet switch offering flexible GE access ports and extensive services. Super-flexible, easy-to-manage platform allows the client to optimize L3 switching capacity and downstream port bandwidth from 100 Mbit/s ku 1 Gbit/s. Waxaa intaa dheer, S5700-LI supports Advanced Hibernation Management (AHM) for dynamic power management, iStack clustering for easy scalability, and comprehensive security and user authentication features. Additional options include battery backup, CSFP interfaces, and zero-touch remote maintenance, as well as models customized to meet specialized requirements. Ideal for use as an access or aggregation switch in a campus network, or to provide Gigabit access in an Internet data center. Sidaa darteed, Huawei S5700-52X-LI-DC Switch provides customers with a green, fududahay in la maareeyo, fududahay in la ballaariyo, iyo gigabit qiimaha waxtarka leh ee xalka desktop-ka.
Huawei S5700-52X-LI-DC Switch Product Pictures
Huawei S5700-52X-LI-DC Switch Product Specifications
Shayga | Sharaxaada |
Summada | Huawei |
Qaabka | S5700-52X-LI-DC |
Lambarka qaybta | 2354235 |
Dekedda | 48*10/100/1000Saldhig-T dekedaha iyo 4 10GE SFP+ dekedaha (10Ge / GE Auto-dareen) |
Xusuusta (RAM) | 256 MB |
Fiiri | 200 MB |
Waqtiga u dhexeeya guuldarrooyinka (MTBF) | 61.86 sanado |
Waqtiga celceliska ah in la dayactiro (MTTR) | 2 saacadood |
Helitaanka | > 0.99999 |
Ilaalinta kor u kaca dekedda adeegga | Habka caadiga ah: ± 6 kV |
Ilaalinta kor u kaca sahayda korontada | ± 1 kV qaab ka duwan, ± 2 kV qaabka caadiga ah |
Cabirka (H x W x D) | 43.6 mm x 442.0 mm x 310.0 mm (1.72 gudaha. x 17.4 gudaha. x 12.2 gudaha) |
Miisaanka (oo leh baakad) | 4.3 kg (9.48 lb) |
Dekadaha is dul saaran | Afar kor loo qaado 10GE SFP+ dekedood |
RTC | Taageeray |
RPS | Taageeray |
PoE | Lama taageero |
Qiyaasta korantada ee la qiimeeyay | -48 V DC ku -60 V DC |
Kala duwanaanshaha korantada ugu badan | -36 V DC ku -72 V DC |
Isticmaalka tamarta ugu badan (100% wax soo saarka, xawaaraha buuxa ee taageerayaasha) | 60 W |
Heerkulka shaqada | 0°C ilaa 50°C (32°F ilaa 122°F) meel sare oo ah 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.) |
Heerkulka kaydinta | -40°C ilaa +70°C (-40°F ilaa +158°F) |
Qaylada heerkulka caadiga ah (27°C, awoodda dhawaaqa) | < 47.9 dB(A) |
Qoyaanka qaraabada | 5% ku 95%, aan cusbayn |
Joogitaanka shaqada | 0-2000 m (0-6562 ft.) |
Shahaado | Shahaadada EMC Shahaadada badbaadada Shahaadada wax soo saarka |
Isticmaalka tamarta caadiga ah (30% culayska gaadiidka) Lagu tijaabiyay si waafaqsan heerka ATIS EEE waa la furay Ma jiro isticmaalka tamarta PoE |
42.2 W |
Huawei S5700-52X-LI-DC Switch Product Features
- Taageerida barashada adag ee ARP, Kaas oo ka hortagaya weerarrada xatooyada ARP ee daaliya gelitaanka ARP. Waxa kale oo ay bixisaa hubinta isha IP si looga hortago weerarrada DoS ee ay keento ciwaanka MAC, Ciwaanka IP-ga oo lagu shubo, iyo MAC/IP qashin-qubka.
- Supporting centralized MAC address authentication, 802.1x xaqiijinta, and NAC. It authenticates users based on statically or dynamically bound user information, such as the user name, Ciwaanka IP-ga, Cinwaanka MAC, Aqoonsiga VLAN, access interface, and flag indicating whether antivirus software is installed. VLANs, Siyaasadaha QoS, and ACLs can be dynamically applied to users.
- Can limit the number of MAC addresses learned on an interface to prevent attackers from exhausting MAC address entries by using bogus source MAC addresses. This function minimizes the packet flooding that occurs when users’ MAC addresses cannot be found in the MAC address table.
Huawei S5700-52X-LI-DC Switch Product and More Related Models
S5700-10P-LI-AC: 8*10/100/1000Saldhigyada-T, 2 1000Saldhig-X SFP dekedaha
S5700-10P-PWR-LI-AC: 8*10/100/1000Saldhigyada-T, 2 1000Saldhig-X SFP dekedaha PoE+
S5700-28P-LI-AC: 24*10/100/1000Saldhig-T dekedaha iyo 4 1000Saldhig-• X dekedaha SFP
S5700-28P-LI-DC: 24*10/100/1000Saldhig-T dekedaha iyo 4 1000Saldhig-• X dekedaha SFP
S5700-28P-PWR-LI-AC: 24* 10/100/1000 Base-T dekedaha iyo 4*1000Base-X dekedaha PoE+
S5700-52P-LI-AC: 48*10/100/1000 Base-T dekedaha iyo 4*1000Base-X dakadaha AC Power
S5700-52P-LI-DC: 48*10/100/1000 Dekadaha Saldhig-T iyo 4*1000Base-X-dakadaha DC Power
S5700-52P-PWR-LI-AC: 48*10/100/1000 Base-T dekedaha iyo 4*1000Base-X dekedaha PoE+ AC Power
S5701-28X-LI-AC: 24*10 100 1000Saldhig-T dekedaha Ethernet 4 10G SFP+AC koronto
Huawei S5700-52X-LI-DC Switch Product Applications
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