
Huawei R48100G1 Rectifier Module is a digital control 3-phase rectifier with the maximum output power being 6000W converting 260~530VAC input voltage to 53.5VDC output voltage.

Huawei R48100G1 Rectifier Module Product Overview

Huawei R48100G1 Rectifier Module is a digital three-phase rectifier module designed and produced by Huawei with a large output power of 6000W, which can realize the conversion of 260~530Vac input and 53.3Vdc rated output. Korontada wax soo saarka waxaa lagu hagaajin karaa moduleka la socodka. Waxay leedahay faa'iidooyinka bilawga jilicsan, ilaalinta saxda ah iyo wax soo saarka, buuq yar, isku xirka is barbar socda iyo wixii la mid ah. The new power monitoring technology is adopted to realize the real-time monitoring of the rectifier module and the load, and realize the function of adjusting the output voltage through the background.

Huawei R48100G1 Rectifier Module Product Pictures

Huawei R48100G1 Rectifier ModuleHuawei R48100G1 Rectifier Module YCICT

Huawei R48100G1 Rectifier Module new and originalHuawei R48100G1 Rectifier Module ycict

Huawei R48100G1 Rectifier Module Product Specifications

Summada Huawei
Qaabka R48100G1
danab gelin 260~530VAC
Soo noqnoqda 45~66Hz Maximum input current
Rated: 50Hz and 60Hz ≤13A(Vin: 308VAC,100% raran)
Qodobka awoodda ≥ 0.99
THD ≤ 5%
Korontada wax soo saarka 42~58VDC Rated: 53.5VDC
Awood wax soo saarka 6000W(304~530VAC)
Cabirka 43mm(H) × 238mm(W) × 378mm(D)
Miisaanka < 6kg
Qaboojin Foreced wind ventilation
Heerkulka shaqada -40℃ ku +75 ℃(output derating above 45℃)
Heerkulka kaydinta -40℃ to +75℃
Qoyaanka qaraabada 5%~ 95% (aan cufan)
MTBF 450,000 saacadood
Tilmaamid ≤45dB
Qeybaha dhererka ≤ 4000m (If the altitude is within the range of 2000m to 4000m, the maximum operating temperature decreases by 1℃ as the altitude increases by 120m)

Huawei R48100G1 Rectifier Module Product Features

  • Kala duwanaanshaha korantada galitaanka: 260~530VAC
  • Heerkulka qalliinka: -40 ℃ ku +75 ℃ (output derating above 45℃)
  • Wadarta qallooca harmonic (THD): ≤ 5%
  • Habka Xakamaynta Dijitaalka ah
  • Dulmall kulul
  • Taageer mitirka korantada ee caqliga leh
  • Taageero ayaa iskaga is-gaadhsiin ah
  • Taageero LED
  • Support voltage and current adjustment
  • Gudub Tuv,CE,UL certifications and gets the CB certificate

Huawei R48100G1 Rectifier Module and More Related Models

Lambarka Qaybta Gelida Voltage Korontada soo saarta Awoodda wax soo saarka Waxtarka Heerkulka shaqada
R4805G1 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 270W 94 % -40C ilaa +75C
R4815G1 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 870W 96 % -40C ilaa +75C
R4815N1 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 1000W 94 % -40C ilaa +75C
R4830G1 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 1600W 96 % -40C ilaa +75C
R4830G2 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 2000W 96 % -40C ilaa +75C
R4830N2 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 1605W 94 % -40C ilaa +75C
R4850G1 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 3000W 96 % -40C ilaa +75C
R4850G2 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 3000W 96 % -40C ilaa +75C
R4850N1 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 2900W 92 % -40C ilaa +75C
R4850N2 85-300Vac 42-58Vdc 3000W 94 % -40C ilaa +75C
R48100G1 260-530Vac 42-58Vdc 6000W 96 % -40C ilaa +75C
R33640G1 260-530Vac 300-400Vdc 15kW 97% -40C ilaa +75C
R50030G1 260-456Vac 300-500Vdc 15kW 95.8% -30C ilaa +65C

Huawei R48100G1 Rectifier Module Product Applications

Huawei R48100G1 Rectifier Module Product Applications

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