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Huawei OXHD Service Board is 8-port aggregated 10GE optical interface board, taageeraya isku-darka GE/10GE Ethernet.
Huawei OXHD Service Board Product Overview
Huawei OXHD Service Board is an 8-port 10GE optical interface board that provides Ethernet optical access function.
MA5800 can meet 16,000 Qoysaska si ay ugu raaxaystaan Ultra-High-Sare-Sare - 4k / 8k / VR VR VIDEO Online isla waqtigaas; it adopts distributed cache, with larger cache and video burst absorption capacity, Markaa caawinta 4k / 8k / vr fiidiyowga degdegga ah ee bilowga ah ama kaalka; Ilaalinta VMOs / EMDI Video Video waxay garan kartaa aragtida caqliga leh iyo dhibcaha 4k / 8k / VR VR, Soosaarista hawlgalka shabakada ee ugu fiican iyo khibradda dayactirka iyo khibradda adeegga isticmaalaha.
Through PON/P2P, the unified access and convergence of any medium of optical fiber, copper wire and Cable is realized, and the multi-media independent access network is evolved into a unified access network to achieve unified access and convergence. And management, simplify network architecture and operation and maintenance.
Huawei OXHD Service Board Product Pictures
Huawei OXHD Service Board Product Pictures
Summada | Huawei |
Lambarka Qaybta Alaabta | 03022SQV |
Qaabka | OXHD |
Sharaxaada | 8-port Advanced 10GE Optical Interface Board |
Software-ka iyo Sifooyinka Hardware | Hardware |
Cabirka saafiga ah(D*W*H mm) | 257*22*399 |
Awoodda caadiga ah(W) | 43.5 |
Qaybta qiimo dhimista | Guddiga Adeegga |
Line Product | Shabakadda Ganacsiga |
Qoyska Alaab-hoosaad | GigaFiber&GigaCoax |
Huawei OXHD Service Board Product Features
- Huawei 8-port 10GE optical interface board H901OXHD PON passive optical network
- H901OXHD-8 port 10GE optical interface board
- Taageero 8 optical access
- Support cascading and convergence
- Support 10GE/GE optical module
- The port supports synchronous Ethernet clock delivery function
- Support temperature query and high temperature alarm
- Support high temperature automatic shutdown protection
Huawei OXHD Service Board Product and More Service Boards
H901MPSC | 4 GE/10GE dekedaha gudbinta ee kor iyo waxay taageertaa qaybsiga xamuulka. Sida caadiga ah, MA5800 waxay ku xidhaa shabakada kor u kaca iyada oo loo marayo guddiga xakamaynta | ||
H901NXED | La xoojiyey 8-deked 10GE korka interface, taageeridda 10GE/GE Ethernet gudbinta sare. NXED waxaa la isticmaalaa marka dekedaha korkooda ee hadda lagu bixiyo MA5800 aysan ku filneyn. | ||
H901GPHF | 16 Dekadaha GPON ee adeegyada gelitaanka | ||
H901GPSF | 16 Dekadaha GPON ee adeegyada gelitaanka guriga | ||
H901XGHD | 8 asymmetric 10G GPON dekedaha si ay u helaan adeegyada. | ||
H901TWED | 8 summetric 10G GPON dekedaha loogu talagalay helitaanka adeegyada. | ||
H901EDSH | 32-kanaalka E1 kor u kaca, taageeraya qaabka TDM ee hooyo. | ||
H901OGHK | 48-Isku-darka dekedda GE / FE interface interface, taageeraya ilaa 48 kanaalka GE/FE | ||
H901OXHD | 8-dekedda isku-darka 10GE guddiga interface indhaha, taageeraya isku-darka GE/10GE Ethernet. | ||
H901PISA | -48V DC gelinta | ||
H901PISB | hal gelinta korantada AC oo taageerta batteriga kaydinta korantada. | ||
H901FMSA | Awooda alaab-qeybiyaha ee taageerayaasha; xakameeyo oo la socdaan taageerayaasha |
Huawei OXHD Service Board Product Applications
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