
Huawei CE8850-64CQ-EI Switch is a new-generation product launched for data centers with 64-Port 100GE QSFP28, Without Fan and Power Module offering High-performance, cufnaanta sare, and low-latency.

Huawei CE8850-64CQ-EI Switch Product Overview

Huawei CE8850-64CQ-EI Switch offers high-performance, high-density 100GE/40GE/25GE/10GE ports, iyo daahitaan hoose. By using the Huawei VRP8 software platform, The switch provides extensive data centre service features and high stacking capability. Intaa waxaa dheer, jihada hawadu u socoto (hore-ilaa-dhabar ama gadaal-ilaa-hore) waa la bedeli karaa. Shidayaasha CE8800 waxay la shaqayn karaan CE12800/ CE8800/CE6800/CE5800 si ay u dhisaan qalab laastikada ah, dhalanteed, dhar tayo sare leh oo buuxiya shuruudaha xarumaha xogta xisaabinta daruuraha.
In a distributed system, RoCE technology becomes the mainstream. To ensure the throughput and meet strict requirements on packet loss, Huawei ultra-fast Ethernet provides forwarding capabilities with high throughput, kalsoonida sare, and low latency for the distributed system, taasoo ah 25% lower than the average latency in the industry.
Intaa waxaa dheer, CE8850-64CQ-EI switches support Integrated Network and Computing (INC), improving the computing efficiency in the HPC small-sized packet scenario
CloudEngine 8800 provides telemetry technology to collect device data in real time and send the data to Huawei data center network analyzer iMaster NCE-FabricInsight. IMaster NCE-FabricInsight waxay falanqaysaa xogta shabakada iyadoo ku saleysan algorithm garashada garaadka, si sax ah u muujiyaa heerka shabakada wakhtiga-dhabta ah, si wax ku ool ah u xadeeya oo u ogaadaa khaladaadka waqti ku habboon, wuxuuna aqoonsadaa dhibaatooyinka shabakadda ee saameeya khibradaha isticmaalaha, si sax ah u dammaanad qaadaya khibrada isticmaalaha.

Huawei CE8850-64CQ-EI Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei CE8850-64CQ-EI Switch Product Specifications

Shayga CE8860-4C-MAYA CE8850-32CQ-MAYA CE8850-64CQ-NO CE8861-4C-MAYA
Maximum number of MAC address entries 136K 136K 264K 288K
Tirada ugu badan IPV4 192K IPV4 192K IPV4 360K IPV4 380K
Wadooyinka gudbinta (FIB IPV6 128K IPV6 128K IPV6 256K IPV6 256K
IPv4/ IPv6) Cabbirka miiska ARP 84K 84K 156K 168K
Tirada ugu badan ee VRF 1024 1024 2048 4096
IPv6 ND (Deriska 32K 32K 48K 64K
Daahfurka) cabbirka miiska
Tirada ugu badan ee dariiqyada cajaladaha badan leh 8K 8K 8K 8K
(Multicast FIB IPv4/
Kooxaha VRRP ugu badan 256 256 1000 1000
Tirada ugu badan 128 128 128 128
Wadooyinka ECMP
Tirada ugu badan ee ACL Soo galitaanka 2750 ka bixid 1000 Soo galitaanka 2750 ka bixid 1000 Soo galitaanka 2750 ka bixid 1000 Soo galitaanka 7662 ka bixid 2000
Tirada ugu badan ee goobaha baahinta 8K 8K 8K 16K
Tirada ugu badan 4K 4K 4K 12K
Tirada ugu badan 2K 2K 2K 2K
meelaha dhamaadka tunnel-ka
Tirada ugu badan ee kooxda daahista 1024/512/ 1024/512/ 1024/512/ 1024/512/
256/128/64 256/128/64 256/128/64 256/128/64
Tirada ugu badan 2/4/8/16/32 2/4/8/16/32 2/4/8/16/32 2/4/8/16/32
isku xirka koox dib u dhac ah
Maximum number of 64 64 64 64
Tusaale ahaan MSTP
VBST 500 500 500 500
(Tirada ugu badan ee VLAN-yada halka VBST lagu habayn karo)
Cabirka (W 442*600*88.1 442*420*43.6 442*600*88.1 442*600*88.1

Huawei CE8850-64CQ-EI Switch Product Features

Zero configuration of the device, automatic operation and maintenance

  • The CE8800 series switches support the ZTP (Zero Touch Provisioning) borotokoolka, which can obtain version files from the U disk or file server and automatically load them to implement field-free configuration and deployment of devices. This reduces labour costs and improves deployment efficiency.
  • ZTP function supports embedded scripting language and is open to users through Open API. Datacenter users can use their familiar scripting language (Python, iwm.) to implement a unified configuration of network devices.
  • ZTP decouples the device configuration time from the number of devices and the geographical distribution, shortens the service online time, and improves service efficiency.

Collaborate with FabricInsight for intelligent operation and maintenance

  • Supports active detection of the entire network path, periodically detects the connectivity of all paths on the entire network based on the sample stream, intelligently locates the faulty node, and monitors the health status of the network at all times;
  • Support full-flow visualization, congestion visualization, and enhance the business experience;
  • Support 1588v2, global high-precision clock synchronization, accurate nanosecond delay detection

Intelligent and lossless, improving high-performance computing reliability

  • In distributed systems, RoCE technology has become the mainstream. To ensure throughput, there are strict requirements for packet loss. Huawei’s intelligent lossless data centre network provides high throughput, high reliability and low latency forwarding capability for distributed systems. The delay is 25% lower;
  • Supports VIQ technology, Huawei customized algorithm, customized virtual queue based on service, refined management, predicts congestion of uplink and downlink queues, and eliminates packet loss in the device

Huawei CE8850-64CQ-EI Switch Ordering Info

Qaab-dhismeedka guud
CE8850-EI-F-B0B CE8850-64CQ-EI Switch (64-Port 100GE QSFP28,2*AC Power Module,3*Sanduuqa FAN, Dekadda-dhammaadka)
CE8850-EI-B-B0B CE8850-64CQ-EI Switch (64-Port 100GE QSFP28,2*AC Power Module,3*Sanduuqa FAN, Qaadashada dhinaca Dekedda)
CE8850-64CQ-NO CE8850-64CQ-EI Switch (64-Dekedda 100GE QSFP28, Aan lahayn Fan iyo Module Awoodeed)
Sanduuqa taageeraha
Qaabka Sharaxaada Alaabta lagu dabaqi karo
FAN-180A-F Sanduuqa taageeraha (F, FAN dhinaca qaadashada) CE8850-64CQ-NO
FAN-180A-B Sanduuqa taageeraha (B, qiiqa dhinaca garabka FAN) CE8850-64CQ-NO
Qaabka Sharaxaada Alaabta lagu dabaqi karo
PHD-1K2WA-F 1200W HVDC Power Module (Qaadashada dhinaca korantada) CE8850-64CQ-NO
PHD-1K2WA-B 1200W HVDC Power Module (qiiqa dhinaca korantada) CE8850-64CQ-NO
PDC-1K2WA-B 1200W DC Module Power (Qaadashada dhinaca korantada) CE8850-64CQ-NO
PDC-1K2WA-F 1200W DC Module Power (qiiqa dhinaca korantada) CE8850-64CQ-NO
PAC1K2S12-PB 1200W AC&240V Module Power DC (Ku laabo Hore,Power panel side air-out) CE8850-64CQ-NO
PAC1K2S12-PF 1200W AC&240V Module Power DC (Hore ilaa Dhabar,Qaadashada dhinaca korantada) CE8850-64CQ-NO

Huawei CE8850-64CQ-EI Switch Product Applications

Huawei S5700-LI beddelka Huawei 5700