
Huawei CE6881-48S6CQ Switch is next-generation 10GE access switch with 48 x 10GE SFP+ dekedaha iyo 6 x 100GE QSFP28 dekedaha.

Huawei CE6881-48S6CQ Switch Overview

The switch provides high performance and high port density on data center networks and high-end campus networks. it has advanced hardware architecture with 40GE/100GE uplink ports and high-density 10GE access ports. By using Huawei’s VRP8 software platform, CloudEngine 6881-48S6CQ supports extensive data center features and high stacking capabilities. Intaa waxaa dheer, CloudEngine 6881 adopts flexible airflow design (hore-ilaa-dhabar ama gadaal-ilaa-hore), and is able to work with CloudEngine 16800 ama CloudEngine 12800 silsiladaha xogta xudunta u ah in la dhiso laastikada, muuqaal ah, iyo shabakado mesh buuxa ah oo 40GE/100GE tayo sare leh, buuxinta shuruudaha xarumaha xogta xisaabinta daruuraha.

Huawei CE6881-48S6CQ Switch Pictures

Huawei CloudEngine 6881-48S6CQ beddelka qiimaha iyo faahfaahintaHuawei CE6881-48S6CQ huawei ce6800 switch ycict

Huawei CE6881-48S6CQ PRICE AND SPECS YCICTHuawei CE6870-48S6CQ-EI-A Huawei CE6800 Taxanaha ycict

Huawei CE6881-48S6CQ Specifications

Shayga Sharaxaada
Summada Huawei
02352QGF CE6881-48S6CQ CE6881-48S6CQ switch (48*10GE SFP+, 6*100GE QSFP28, aan lahayn taageere iyo modules awood)
02352QGG CE6881-48S6CQ-B CE6881-48S6CQ switch (48*10GE SFP+, 6*100GE QSFP28, 2*Qaybaha tamarta AC, 4*modules taageere, qaadashada dhinaca dekedda)
02352QGH CE6881-48S6CQ-F CE6881-48S6CQ switch (48*10GE SFP+, 6*100GE QSFP28, 2*Qaybaha tamarta AC, 4*modules taageere, qiiqa dhinaca dekedda)
Qaabka CloudEngine 6881-48S6CQ
Dekadaha 48 x 10GE SFP+ dekedaha iyo 6 x 100GE QSFP28 dekedaha
Tilmaamaha jirka Cabirka (H x W x D)
Heerkulka Heerkulka shaqada: 0°C ilaa 40°C (32°F ilaa 104°F) at altitude of 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.)
Qoyaanka qaraabada 5% RH ku 95% RH, aan cusbayn
Dhererka < 5000 m (16404 ft.)
Sawaxan (cadaadiska codka, 27°C) Dib-u-soo-noqoshada hawada hore: < 57 dBA
socodka hawada hore iyo gadaal: < 58 dBA
Power source type AC/DC/HVDC
AC power input Qiyaasta korantada gelinta la qiimeeyay: 100 V AC ku 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Kala duwanaanshaha korantada gelinta ugu badan: 90 V AC ku 290 V AC, 47 Hz ku 63 Hz
DC power input Qiyaasta korantada ee la qiimeeyay: -48 V DC ku -60 V DC
Kala duwanaanshaha korantada ugu badan: -38.4 V DC ku -72 V DC
Soo-gelinta la qiimeeyay ee hadda jira 600 W AC&240 V DC power module (PAC600S12 series):
8 A (100 V AC ku 240 V AC)
4 A (240V DC)
1000 W DC module koronto (PDC1000S12 series): 30 A (-48 V DC ku -60 V DC)
1200 W high-voltage DC power module (PHD1K2S12 series): 8 A
Isticmaalka tamarta ugu badan 349 W
Isticmaalka tamarta caadiga ah 194 W (100% wax soo saarka, SFP+ high-speed cables on 48 ports and QSFP28 high-speed cables on 6 dekedaha, double power modules)
240 W (100% wax soo saarka, short-distance optical modules on all optical ports, double power modules)
Diidmada kulaylka ugu badan 1191 BTU/saacaddii
Ilaalinta qalliinka Power module:
AC: 6 kV in common mode and 6 KV ee qaab kala duwan
DC: 4 kV in common mode and 2 KV ee qaab kala duwan
HVDC: 4 kV in common mode and 2 KV ee qaab kala duwan
Habka kala daadinta kulaylka Hawo qaboojin
Socodka hawada Gadaal-gadaal ama gadaal-hore, iyadoo ku xiran modules taageere iyo modules awood
Power module backup 1+1 gurmad
Fan module backup The device supports four pluggable fan modules that work in hot standby mode. The system can operate properly for a short time after a single fan module fails. You are advised to replace the faulty fan module immediately.
Dulmall kulul Supported by all power modules and fan modules

Huawei CE6881-48S6CQ Switch Features

  • supporting Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP). ZTP waxay awood u siineysaa CloudEngine 6881 taxane si toos ah looga helo oo looga soo raro galalka nooca USB flash drive ama server file, ka xoraynta injineerada shabakada qaabeynta goobta iyo geynta. ZTP waxay yaraynaysaa kharashka shaqada waxayna wanaajisaa hufnaanta qalabaynta.
  • proactively performing path detection over the entire network, periodically checking sample flows to determine the connectivity of all paths on the network and locates fault points, providing real-time network health information.
  • supporting visualization of all flows and congestion, improving service experience.
  • Using a strict front-to-back/back-to-front airflow design that isolates cold air channels from hot air channels. This design improves heat dissipation efficiency and meets design requirements of data center equipment rooms.

Huawei CE6881-48S6CQ Switch and More CE6800 Switches

CloudEngine 6857E-48S6CQ "48*10GE SFP+ 6*40/100GE QSFP28"
CloudEngine 6857F-48S6CQ "48*10GE SFP+ 6*40/100GE QSFP28"
CloudEngine 6857F-48T6CQ 48*10GE Base-T 6*40/100GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6865E-48S8CQ 48*10/25GE SFP28 8*40/100GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6881-48S6CQ 48 x 10GE SFP+ dekedaha iyo 6 x 100GE QSFP28 dekedaha
CloudEngine 6881-48T6CQ 48*10G RJ45, 6*100G QSFP28
CloudEngine 6881H-48S6CQ 48*10 GE SFP+ 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6881H-48T6CQ 48*10 GE Base-T iyo 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6870-48S6CQ-EI-A 48*10 GE SFP+ 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6863-48S6CQ 48*10/25 GE SFP28 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6863E-48S6CQ 48*10/25 GE SFP28 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6863H-48S6CQ 48*25 GE SFP+ 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6866-48S8CQ-P 48*10/25 GE SFP28 ama 48 x 50 GE SFP56 8*40/100 GE QSFP28 ama 8 x 200 GE QSFP56
CloudEngine 6860-HAM 48*10/25 GE SFP28 ama 48 x 50 GE SFP56 8*40/100 GE QSFP28 ama 8 x 200 GE QSFP56
CloudEngine 6820H-48S6CQ 48*10 GE SFP+ 6*40/100 GE QSFP28

Huawei CE6881-48S6CQ Switch Ordering Info

CE6881-48S6CQ CE6881-48S6CQ switch (48*10G SFP+, 6*100G QSFP28, aan lahayn taageere iyo modules awood)
CE6881-48S6CQ-B CE6881-48S6CQ-B switch (48*10G SFP+, 6*100G QSFP28, 2*Qaybaha tamarta AC, 4*modules taageere, qaadashada dhinaca dekedda)
CE6881-48S6CQ-F CE6881-48S6CQ-F switch (48*10G SFP+, 6*100G QSFP28, 2*Qaybaha tamarta AC, 4*modules taageere, qiiqa dhinaca dekedda)
CE6881-48T6CQ CE6881-48T6CQ switch (48*10G RJ45, 6*100G QSFP28, aan lahayn taageere iyo modules awood)
CE6881-48T6CQ-B CE6881-48T6CQ-B switch(48*10GE RJ45,6*100GE QSFP28,2*AC power modules,4*modules taageere,qaadashada dhinaca dekedda)
CE6881-48T6CQ-F CE6881-48T6CQ-F switch (48*10G RJ45, 6*100G QSFP28, 2*Qaybaha tamarta AC, 4*modules taageere, qiiqa dhinaca dekedda)
FAN-031A-F Sanduuqa taageeraha (F,FAN dhinaca qaadashada) CloudEngine 6881 taxane
FAN-031A-B Sanduuqa taageeraha (B,qiiqa dhinaca garabka FAN) CloudEngine 6881 taxane
PAC600S12-CF 600W AC Power Module(Front to Back,Qaadashada dhinaca korantada) CloudEngine 6881 taxane
PAC600S12-CB 600W AC Power Module(Ku laabo Hore, qiiqa dhinaca korantada) CloudEngine 6881 taxane
PDC1000S12-DF 1000W DC Module Power (Front to Back,Qaadashada dhinaca korantada) CloudEngine 6881 taxane
PDC1000S12-DB 1000W DC Module Power (Hore ilaa Dhabar,qiiqa dhinaca korantada) CloudEngine 6881 taxane
PHD1K2S12-DB 1200W HVDC Power Module (Back to Front, qiiqa dhinaca korantada) CloudEngine 6881 taxane
N1-CE68LIC-CFMM N1-CloudFabric Maareynta Shatiga SW ee CloudEngine 6800
N1-CE68CFMM-SnS1Y N1-CE68CFMM-SnS1Y,N1-CloudFabric Maareynta Shatiga SW ee CloudEngine 6800
N1-CE68LIC-CFFD N1-CloudFabric Foundation Shatiga SW ee CloudEngine 6800
N1-CE68CFFD-SnS1Y N1-CloudFabric Foundation SW License for CloudEngine 6800-SnS-Year
N1-CE68LIC-CFAD N1-CloudFabric Ruqsadda Sare ee SW ee CloudEngine 6800
N1-CE68CFAD-SnS1Y N1-CloudFabric Advanced SW License for CloudEngine -SnS -Year
N1-CE68LIC-CFPM N1-CloudFabric Premium shatiga SW ee CloudEngine 6800
N1-CE68CFPM-SnS1Y N1-CloudFabric Premium shatiga SW ee CloudEngine 6800 -SnS-Sanadka

Huawei CE6881-48S6CQ Switch Product Applications

CloudEngine 6881-48S6CQ huawei ce6800 u beddel xogta xarunta

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