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Huawei CE6870-48S6CQ-EI-A Switch is next-generation 10GE Ethernet switch with 48 x 10 GE SFP+ and 6 x 40/100 GE QSFP28
Huawei CE6870-48S6CQ-EI-A Switch Product Overview
The switch is designed for data centers and high-end campus networks, providing high-performance, cufnaanta sare ee 10GE dekedaha, iyo daahitaan hoose. Isla markaana, CloudEngine 6870-48S6CQ-EI-A has advanced hardware architecture with 100GE uplink ports and high-density 10GE access ports. The 4 GB buffer can effectively cope with traffic bursts in video and search services. By using the Huawei VRP8 software platform, it offers extensive data center service features and high stacking capability. Intaa waxaa dheer, jihada hawadu u socoto (hore-ilaa-dhabar ama gadaal-ilaa-hore) waa la bedeli karaa. CloudEngine 6870 series can work with CloudEngine 16800 ama CloudEngine 12800 switches to build an elastic, dhalanteed, high-quality fabric with end-to-end large buffer, meeting the requirements of cloud-computing data centers.
Huawei CE6870-48S6CQ-EI-A Switch Pictures
Huawei CE6870-48S6CQ-EI-A Switch Specifications
Summada | Huawei |
Halbeegyada | CloudEngine 6870-48S6CQ-EI-A |
Dekadaha Downlink | 48 x 10 GE SFP+ |
Dekadaha Uplink | 6 x 40/100 GE QSFP28 |
Awood beddelidda | 2.16 Tbit/s |
Waxqabadka Gudbinta | 720 mpps |
Buffer | 8 GB |
Kalsoonida | LACP |
BFD ee BGP, IS-IS, OSPF, waddo taagan, iyo VXLAN | |
O&M | Telemetry Netstream sFlow ERSPAN |
Tilmaamaha Xarunta Xogta | Jideynta iyo isku xirka VXLAN |
M-LAG | |
DCBX, PFC, and ETS | |
Isticmaalka Korontada ugu badan | 394 W |
Bixinta Korontada | 600W AC&240V DC |
1000W -48V DC | |
1200W HVDC | |
Ku shaqaynta Voltage | AC: 90V~290V |
DC: -38.4V~-72V | |
380V HVDC: 190V~400V |
Huawei CE6870-48S6CQ-EI-A Switch Product Features
- can work with a mainstream virtualization platform. Sida waxqabadka sare, Albaabka hardware ee shabakad dulsaar ah (VXLAN), CloudEngine 6870 taxane taageeri kara in ka badan 16 milyan kirayste.
- can connect to a cloud platform through an open API to provide unified management of software and hardware networks.
- The hardware gateway deployment enables fast service deployment without changing the customer network, providing investment protection.
- support Border Gateway Protocol – Ethernet VPN (BGP-EVPN), Kaas oo u shaqayn kara sidii diyaaradda kontoroolka VXLAN si loo fududeeyo qaabaynta VXLAN gudaha iyo inta u dhaxaysa xarumaha xogta.
- support Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCa), taas oo oggolaanaysa kaydinta, xogta, iyo xisaabinta adeegyada lagu kala qaado hal shabakad, Yaraynta kharashaadka dhismaha iyo dayactirka.
- Support centralized FCoE/FC gateway deployment, which makes network O&M simpler.
- Support multiple data center features: Priority-based Flow Control (PFC), Enhanced Transmission Selection (ETS) and Data Center Bridging Exchange (DCBX). These features ensure low latency and zero packet loss for FC storage and high-speed computing services.
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Huawei CE6870-48S6CQ-EI-A Switch Product Applications