
Huawei CE16816 Switch delivers stable, la isku halayn karo, and high-performance Layer 2 ama Lakab 3 switching services. The data center cloud network platform is intelligent, aamin, simplified and open.

Huawei CE16816 Switch Product Overview

Huawei CloudEngine 16816 Switch is the first data center switch for the AI era. Embedded AI chip, carrying the original lossless intelligent lossless exchange algorithm, real-time learning, and training for network traffic, achieving network 0 packet loss and E2Eμs delay, achieving the highest throughput. The software platform is based on Huawei’s VRP8 operating system. Based on the stable, reliable and high-performance L2/L3 layer switching service, it builds an intelligent, minimal, secure and open data center cloud network platform for customers. Intaa waxaa dheer, CloudEngine 16800 provides telemetry technology to collect device data in real time and send the data to Huawei data center network analyzer iMaster NCE-FabricInsight. IMaster NCE-FabricInsight waxay falanqaysaa xogta shabakada iyadoo ku saleysan algorithm garashada garaadka, si sax ah u muujiyaa heerka shabakada wakhtiga-dhabta ah, si wax ku ool ah u xadeeya oo u ogaadaa khaladaadka waqti ku habboon, wuxuuna aqoonsadaa dhibaatooyinka shabakadda ee saameeya khibradaha isticmaalaha, si sax ah u dammaanad qaadaya khibrada isticmaalaha

Huawei CE16816 Switch Product Pictures

Huawei CE16816 Switch Huawei CloudEngine 16800 Switch Datasheet YCICTHuawei CE16816 Switch huawei switch price and specs ycict

Huawei CE16800 price and specs Huawei CE16816 Switch ycictHuawei CloudEngine 16800 Switch Datasheet Huawei CE16816 Switch ycict

Huawei CloudEngine 16816 Switch Specifications

Qaabka CloudEngine 16804 CloudEngine 16808 CloudEngine 16816
Awood beddelidda 43/387 Tbit/s1 86/774 Tbit/s1 173/1548 Tbit/s1
Waxqabadka Gudbinta 11,280 Mps 22,560 Mps 45,120 Mps
Slots Service 4 8 16
Beddelashada Fabric Module Afyare 6 (la qiyaasi karo ilaa 9 balaadhinta mustaqbalka)
Dhismaha Dharka Xiritaanka dhismaha, wareejinta unugga, VoQ
Naqshada socodka hawada Naqshad adag oo hore-iyo-dabareed socodka hawada
Farsamaynta M-LAG
VS (1:16 mala-awaalid)
Nidaamka Bedelka Kooxda (CSS)2
VXLAN iyo VXLAN isku xidhka
QinQ gelitaanka VXLAN
Jidka taagan, IPv4/IPv6 borotokoolka wadada firfircoon
Baakadda IP-ga oo kala go'a iyo dib-u-ururinta
Kalsoonida Kala qaybsanaan
Ogaanshaha gudbinta laba jiho ee ku salaysan qalabka (BFD)
O&M Telemetry
Programmability Interface-ka caadiga ah ee NETCONF
Qaabeynta tooska ah ee ku saleysan macquulka ah iyo sii deynta moduleka isha furan

Huawei CE16816 Switch Product Features

  • CloudEngine 16800 intelligently adjusts the ECN thresholds of different queues based on real-time network traffic changes.
  • CloudEngine 16800 intelligently predicts network congestion and provides quick feedback to reduce retransmission and throughput decrease caused by network packet loss, and to make a compromise between latency and throughput to the maximum degree.
  • CloudEngine 16800 uses a patented front-to-back airflow design that isolates cold air channels from hot air channels. This design meets heat dissipation requirements in data center equipment rooms.
  • Fan speed in each area can be dynamically adjusted based on the workload of line cards in the area. This on-demand cooling design lowers power consumption and reduces noise.
  • CloudEngine 16800 uses innovative energy saving technologies. The port power consumption is half the industry average. This greatly reduces power consumption in the data center equipment room.
  • CloudEngine 16800 supports NETCONF. It can work with Huawei iMaster NCE-Fabric.
  • CloudEngine 16800 provides the standard NETCONF interface for third-party software to invoke. This enables programming of functions and integration with third-party software, providing openness and flexibility.
  • You can use CE modules for Ansible released on open-source websites and Ansible tools to automate network deployment, simplifying device management and maintenance. Through in-depth collaboration with mainstream cloud platforms, and O&M tools, CloudEngine 16800 series switches can be integrated into SDN and cloud computing platforms flexibly and quickly.

Huawei CE16816 Switch Product Ordering Info

Qaabaynta aasaasiga ah
CE16804-AH CE16804 AC/HVDC chassis shirka
CE16804-DC CE16804 DC chassis shirka
CE16804A-B00 CE16804 Xidhmada AC0 (AC/HVDC Chassis Golaha, 2* Suuq,3*SFU04F,2*3000W AC & HVDC, Taageerayaasha buuxa)
CE16804A-B01 CE16804 Xidhmada AC1 (AC/HVDC Chassis Golaha, 2* Suuq,4*SFU04F,4*3000W AC & HVDC, Taageerayaasha buuxa)
CE16804A-B02 CE16804 AC Bundle2 (AC/HVDC Chassis Golaha, 2* Suuq,5*SFU04G,4*3000W AC & HVDC, Taageerayaasha buuxa)
CE16808-AH CE16808 AC/HVDC chassis shirka
CE16808-DC CE16808 DC chassis shirka
CE16808A-B00 CE16808 Xidhmada AC0 (AC/HVDC Chassis Golaha, 2* Suuq,3*SFU08F,2*3000W AC & HVDC, Taageerayaasha buuxa)
CE16808A-B01 CE16808 Xidhmada AC1 (AC/HVDC Chassis Golaha, 2* Suuq,4*SFU08F,4*3000W AC & HVDC, Taageerayaasha buuxa)
CE16808A-B02 CE16808 AC xidhmo2 (AC/HVDC Chassis Golaha, 2* Suuq,5*SFU08G,4*3000W AC & HVDC, Taageerayaasha buuxa)
CE16816-AH CE16816 AC/HVDC chassis shirka
CE16816-DC CE16816 DC chassis shirka
Unugga habaynta ugu weyn
CE-MPUD-Badh CE16800 Qaybta Hawsha Guud ee D (ballac badhkiis)
CE-MPUD-FULL CE16800 Qaybta Hawsha Guud ee D (ballac buuxa)
Bedel Cutubka Dharka
CE-SFU04F-G CE16804 Beddelka Dharka Cutubka F
CE-SFU04G-G CE16804 Beddelka Dharka Cutubka G
CE-SFU08F-G CE16808 Beddelka Fabric Unit F
CE-SFU08G-G CE16808 Beddelka Dharka Cutubka G
CE-SFU16F-G CE16816 Beddelka Dharka Cutubka F
CE-SFU16G-G CE16816 Beddelka Dharka Cutubka G
10GBASE-X Interface Card
CEL48XSFD-G 48-dekedda 10GE interface card (FD-G, SFP+)
40GE Interface Card
CEL24LQFD-G 24-dekedda 40GE interface card (FD-G, QSFP+)
CEL36LQFD-G 36-dekedda 40GE interface card (FD-G, QSFP+)
100GE Interface Card
CEL18CQFD-G 18-dekedda 100GE interface card (FD-G, QSFP28)
CEL36CQFD-G 36-dekedda 100GE interface card (FD-G, QSFP28)
PAH-3000WA 3000W Dual Inputs AC&Module Power HVDC
PDC-2200WC PSU-PDC-2200WC-PM2200W Quwada Quwadda DC
N1-CE168LIC-CFMM N1-CloudFabric Maareynta Shatiga SW ee CloudEngine 16800
N1-CE168CFMM-SnS1Y N1-CloudFabric Management SW shatiga CloudEngine 16800-SnS-1 sano
N1-CE168LIC-CFFD N1-CloudFabric Foundation Shatiga SW ee CloudEngine 16800 (N1-CE168LIC-CFFD software ayaa lagu dabaqi karaa hal xaaladood oo DC ah, waxaa ku jira hawlaha aasaasiga ah ee L2/L3 iyo astaamaha sida VXLAN, VPN, Telemetry iyo Agile Controller-DCN)
N1-CE168CFFD-SnS1Y N1-CloudFabric Foundation Shatiga SW ee CloudEngine 16800-SnS-1 sano
N1-CE168LIC-CFAD N1CE168LIC-CFFD xirmo software iyo shaqada NSH) N1-CloudFabric Ruqsadda Sare ee SW ee CloudEngine 16800 (N1-CE168LIC-CFAD software ayaa lagu dabaqi karaa xaalado badan oo DC ah, waxaa ka mid ah dhammaan hawlaha shaqada
N1-CE168CFAD-SnS1Y N1-CloudFabric Shatiga Sare ee SW ee CloudEngine 16800-SnS-1 sano

Huawei CE16816 Switch Product Applications

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