
Huawei AirEngine 9703-H is a high-performance wireless Access Controller (AC) leh 1 x 100G optical/2 x 40G optical/4 x 25G optical/8 x 10G optical/(1 x 40G optical + 4 x 10G optical) + 4 x 25G optical +4 x 10G optical + 8 X G Gee Combo *

Huawei AirEngine 9703-H Product Overview

Huawei AirEngine 9703-H is a next-generation high-performance access controller designed for large enterprise campuses, branches, and campuses. The access controller can manage up to 20,480 APs and have a forwarding capability of up to 160 Gbit/s. The number of wireless access points can be flexibly configured and has good scalability. With Huawei’s full range of 802.11n, 802.11ac, 802.11faas, and 802.11be wireless access points, you can build application environments such as large-scale campus networks, shabakadaha xafiisyada ganacsiga, wireless metro networks, iyo daboolida hotspot.

Huawei AirEngine 9703-H Product Pictures

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Huawei AirEngine 9703-H price and specsHuawei AirEngine 9703-H ycict

Huawei AirEngine 9703-H Product Specifications

Halbeegyada AirEngine 9703-H
Dekadaha 1 x 100G optical/2 x 40G optical/4 x 25G optical/8 x 10G optical/(1 x 40G optical + 4 x 10G optical) + 4 x 25G optical +4 x 10G optical + 8 x GE Combo*
* indicate that the port combinations are mutually exclusive. Cards can be inserted into the backplane to expand interfaces in the future.
Bixinta Korontada AC ama ADITER AND DC
Awooda Gudbinta 160 Gbps
Tirada ugu badan ee AP-yada la maamulo 20480
Tirada ugu badan ee Isticmaalayaasha Helitaanka 307200
Isku xirka AP-AC Lakabka 2 ama Lakab 3 isku xirka
Qaabka Gudbinta Direct forwarding or tunnel forwarding
AC Firfircoon/Qaabka heeganka ah 1 + 1 HSB ama N + 1 gurmad
Borotokoolka Radio 802.11A / B / G / N / AC / Ac / Akhri

Huawei AirEngine 9703-H Product Features

  • Provide various high-rate interfaces such as 100G/40G/25G/10G optical ports and GE Combo ports, supporting up to 160Gbps forwarding performance.
  • Isku-dheellitirka culeyska inta lagu jiro socodka smart: The load balancing algorithm is used to perform load balancing detection on APsafter STAs roam, and adjust the STA load on each AP accordingly to improve network stability.
  • Farsamada DFA ee caqliga leh: Shaqada soo noqnoqda firfircoon (DFA) Algorithm waxaa loo isticmaalaa in si toos ah loo ogaado faragelinta kanaalka ku dhow iyo kanaalka wadaaga, midna aqoonsan 2.4 GHz raadiyaha aan joogtada ahayn. Iyadoo loo marayo wada xaajood toos ah oo ka dhexeeya AP, raadiyaha aan caadiga ahayn ayaa si toos ah loogu beddelaa qaab kale (Moodooyinka dual-5G AP waxay taageeraan beddelka 2.4G-ilaa-5G) ama waa naafo si loo yareeyo 2.4 Faragelinta wada-hawlgalayaasha GHz oo kordhiya awoodda nidaamka.
  • Tikniyoolajiyadda kobcinta isku dhaca ee isku dhaca: Gelitaanka Kale ee loo qaybiyey (Dho) iyo jadwalka waqtiga loo maro jadwalka waqtiga hawada waxaa loo isticmaalaa in lagu sameysto jadwalka waqtiga shaqada ee shaqada iyo mudnaanta adeegga ee isticmaale kasta. This ensures thateach user is assigned relatively equal time for using channel resources and user services are scheduled in an orderly manner, Hagaajinta hufnaanta waxqabadka adeegga iyo khibradaha isticmaalaha.

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Huawei AirEngine 9703-H price and specs ycict

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