
H3C LS-6850-56H-H3 Switch is a high-density intelligent switch developed for data centers and cloud computing networks with 48×25G SFP28 ports, 8×100G QSFP28

H3C LS-6850-56H-H3 Switch Product Overview

It is a high-density intelligent switch developed for data centers and cloud computing networks. H3C LS-6850-56H-H3 provides powerful hardware forwarding capacity and abundant data center features. It offers up to 48*25G ports and 8*100G ports. The switch supports modular power modules and fan trays. Adigoo isticmaalaya saxanadaha marawaxadaha kala duwan, daaranku wuxuu bixin karaa hawo-mareeno beddelmi kara goobta.
Intaa waxaa dheer, LS-6850-56H-H3 provides a variety of traffic monitoring and analytic tools, oo ay ku jiraan sFlow, NetStream, SPAN/RSPAN/ERSPAN muraayada, iyo muraayada dekeda si ay uga caawiso macaamiishu inay sameeyaan falanqaynta taraafikada saxda ah oo ay u helaan muuqaal taraafikada codsiga shabakada. Qalabkan, macaamiishu waxay ururin karaan xogta taraafikada shabakada si ay u qiimeeyaan heerka caafimaadka shabakada, samee warbixinnada falanqaynta gaadiidka, sameeyo injineernimada taraafigga, korna loo qaado qoondaynta kheyraadka
6850-56H-H3 is an ideal product for high-density 25GE switching and aggregation at data centers and cloud computing networks. Waxa kale oo ay u shaqayn kartaa sidii furaha gelitaanka TOR ee dulsaar ama shabakad isku xidhan

H3C LS-6850-56H-H3 Switch Product Pictures

H3C LS-6850-56H power slotH3C LS-6850-56H switch port side

H3C LS-6850-56H switch price and specs and packing infoH3C LS-6850-56H stock info h3c switch price and specs

H3C LS-6850-56H-H3 Switch Product Specifications

Shayga S6850-56HF S6850-56HF S6850-2C
PID LS-6850-56HF LS-6850-56HF-H3 LS-6850-2C
Cabirka (H × W × D) 43.6 × 440 × 460 mm (1.72 × 17.32 × 18.11 gudaha) Without package: 44 × 440 × 400 mm (1.73 × 17.32 × 15.75 gudaha) 44.2 × 440 × 660 mm (1.74 × 17.32 × 18.11 gudaha)
With package: 150 × 658 × 556 mm (5.91 × 25.91 × 21.89 gudaha)
Miisaanka ≤ 15 kg (33.07 lb) ≤ 10 kg (22.05 lb) ≤ 16 kg (35.27 lb)
Deked Console Serial 1 1 1
Dekada maamulka ka baxsan Hal deked naxaas ah oo GE ah iyo hal deked fiber GE ah 1 × copper management Ethernet port Hal deked naxaas ah oo GE ah iyo hal deked fiber GE ah
Mini USB console port 1 - 1
dekedda USB 1 1 1
QSFP28 port 8 8 2
SFP28 port 48 48 -
Dekedda SFP 2 - -
Afyare ballaarinta - - 2
processor 2.4GHz@4Core 2.2GHz@4Core 2.2GHz@4Core
Latency <1μs <1μs <1μs
Awood beddelidda 4 Tbps 4 Tbps 3.6Tbps
Awood gudbin 2024 Mps 2024 Mps 2024 Mps
Buffer(byte) 32M 32M 32M
danab gal AC 90v AC to 264v AC 90v AC to 264v AC 90v AC to 264v AC
Danab-soo-gelinta DC-ga –40v DC to –72v DC 190v DC to 310v DC –40v DC to –72v DC
Afyare module Power 2 2 2
Afyare saxaarad taageere 5 Hot-swappable fan, fan speed adjustable and wind invertible 4 Hot-swappable fan, fan speed adjustable and wind invertible 5 Hot-swappable fan, fan speed adjustable and wind invertible
Jihada socodka hawada Laga bilaabo hore ilaa gadaal ama gadaal ilaa hore Laga bilaabo hore ilaa gadaal ama gadaal ilaa hore Laga bilaabo hore ilaa gadaal ama gadaal ilaa hore
Heerkulka shaqada 0-45℃(32°F ilaa 113°F)
Qoyaanka shaqaynaysa 5% ku 95%, aan cusbayn
MTBF(sanad) 33.2 78.7 34
MTTR(saac) 1 0.5 1

H3C LS-6850-56H-H3 Switch Product Features

  • S6850 Series offers high-density 100G/40G/25G/10G ports and a wire-speed forwarding capacity as high as 4 Tbps. With standard 25G ports, it can provide high-density server access in high-end data centers.
  • S6850 Series supports VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN), which provides two major benefits, higher scalability of Layer 2 segmentation and better utilization of available network paths.
  • S6850 Series supports MP-BGP EVPN (Multiprotocol Border Gateway Protocol Ethernet Virtual Private Network) which can run as VXLAN control plane to simplify VXLAN configuration, eliminate traffic flooding and reduce full mesh requirements between VTEPs via the introduction of BGP RR.
  • S6850 Series supports Fiber Channel over Ethernet (FCa), taas oo oggolaanaysa kaydinta, xogta, iyo xisaabinta adeegyada lagu kala qaado hal shabakad, Yaraynta kharashaadka dhismaha iyo dayactirka.
  • S6850 Series adopts the next-generation chip with more flexible Openflow FlowTable, kheyraad badan iyo is waafajinta saxda ah ee ACL, taas oo si weyn u wanaajisa shabakada lagu qeexay software-ka (SDN) awoodaha iyo buuxinta baahida shabakadda SDN xarunta xogta

H3C LS-6850-56H-H3 Switch and More Models

LS-6850-56HF: 48×25G SFP28 ports, 8×100G QSFP28 dekedaha, and 2×1G SFP ports.
LS-6850-56H-H3: 48×25G SFP28 ports, 8×100G QSFP28
LS-S6850-2C: 2 boosaska adeegga, 2×100G QSFP28 dekedaha.

H3C LS-6850-56H-H3 Switch Ordering Info

PID Sharaxaada
LS-6850-56HF H3C S6850-56HF L3 Ethernet Switch with 48 SFP28 Ports and 8 QSFP28 Ports
LS-6850-56HF-H3 H3C S6850-56HF L3 Ethernet Switch with 48 SFP28 Ports and 8 QSFP28 Ports
LS-6850-2C H3C S6850-2C L3 Ethernet Switch with 2*QSFP28 Ports and 2*Interface Module Slots
LSVM1AC650 650W AC Power Supply Module
SW-A-PSR550-12A-B 550W AC Power Supply Module(Power Panel Side Exhaust Airflow)(Platinum)
LSVM1DC650 650W DC Power Supply Module
LSWM1FANSAB Fan Module (SW, 4056, DC, Air Inlets in Panel)
FAN-40B-1-D H3C Fan Module(4056,Air Outlets in Fan Tray Panel)
LSWM1FANSA Fan Module (SW, 4056, DC, Air Inlets in Panel)
LSWM18QC 8-Port QSFP Plus Interface Card
LSWM124XG2Q 24-Port SFP Plus and 2-Port QSFP Plus Interface Card with MACSec
LSWM124XGT2Q 24-Port 10GBASE-T and 2-Port QSFP Plus Interface Card with MACSec
LSWM124XG2QL 24-Port SFP Plus and 2-Port QSFP Plus Interface Card
LSWM124XG2QFC 24 Ports SFP Plus and 2 Ports QSFP Plus Interface Card with FC
LSWM18CQ H3C 8-Port 100G Ethernet Optical Interface Module(QSFP28)
LSWM116Q H3C 16-Port 40G Ethernet Optical Interface Module(QSFP Plus)
LSWM124TG2H H3C 24-Port 25G Ethernet Optical Interface (SFP28) and 2-Port 100G Ethernet Optical
Interface (QSFP28) Module
LSWM18CQMSEC H3C 8-Port 100G MACSEC Ethernet Optical Interface Module(QSFP28)
SFP-GE-LH80-SM1550 1000BASE-LH80 SFP Transceiver, Qaab kali ah (1550nm, 80km, LC)
SFP-FE-LX-SM1310-A 100BASE-LX SFP Transceiver, Qaab kali ah (1310nm, 15km, LC)
SFP-FE-SX-MM1310-A 100BASE-FX SFP Transceiver, Multi-Mode (1310nm, 2km, LC)
SFP-FE-LH40-SM1310 100BASE-LH40 SFP Transceiver, Qaab kali ah (1310nm, 40km, LC)
SFP-GE-LX-SM1310-A 1000BASE-LX SFP Transceiver, Qaab kali ah (1310nm, 10km, LC)
SFP-GE-LH40-SM1310 1000BASE-LH40 SFP Transceiver, Qaab kali ah (1310nm, 40km, LC)
SFP-GE-LH40-SM1550 1000BASE-LH40 SFP Transceiver, Qaab kali ah (1550nm, 40km, LC)
SFP-GE-SX-MM850-A 1000BASE-SX SFP Transceiver, Multi-Mode (850nm, 550m, LC)
SFP-GE-T SFP GE Copper Interface Transceiver Module (100m,RJ45)
QSFP-100G-LR4-WDM1300 100G QSFP28 Optical Transceiver Module(1310nm,10km,LR4,WDM,LC)
QSFP-100G-LR4L-WDM1300 100G QSFP28 Optical Transceiver Module (1310nm,2km,LR4L,CWDM4,LC)
QSFP-100G-PSM4-SM1310 100G QSFP28 Optical Transceiver Module (1310nm,500m,PSM4,MPO/APC)
QSFP-100G-SR4-MM850 100G QSFP28 Optical Transceiver Module (850nm,100m OM4,SR4,MPO)
QSFP-100G-LR4L-WDM1300 100G QSFP28 Optical Transceiver Module (1310nm,2km,LR4L,CWDM4,LC)
QSFP-100G-LR4-WDM1300 100G QSFP28 Optical Transceiver Module(1310nm,10km,LR4,WDM,LC)
QSFP-40G-LR4-WDM1300 QSFP+ 40GBASE Optical Transceiver Module (1310nm,10km,LR4,LC)
QSFP-40G-BIDI-SR-MM850 QSFP+ 40GBASE BIDI Optical Transceiver Module (850nm,100m,SR)
QSFP-40G-LR4L-WDM1300 QSFP+ 40GBASE Optical Transceiver Module (1310nm,2km,LR4L,LC)
QSFP-40G-LR4-PSM1310 QSFP+ 40GBASE Optical Transceiver Module (1310nm,10km,MPO/APC,LR4,Parallel Single
QSFP-40G-SR4-MM850 QSFP+ 40GBASE Optical Transceiver Module (850nm,100m,SR4,Support 40G to 4*10G)
QSFP-40G-CSR4-MM850 QSFP+ 40GBASE Optical Transceiver Module (850nm,300m,CSR4,Support 40G to 4*10G)
SFP-25G-SR-MM850 25G SFP28 Optical Transceiver Module (850nm,100m,SR,MM,LC)
QSFP-100G-D-AOC-10M 100G QSFP28 to 100G QSFP28 10m Active Optical Cable
QSFP-100G-D-CAB-1M 100G QSFP28 to 100G QSFP28 1m Passive Cable
QSFP-100G-D-AOC-20M 100G QSFP28 to 100G QSFP28 20m Active Optical Cable
QSFP-100G-D-CAB-3M 100G QSFP28 to 100G QSFP28 3m Passive Cable
QSFP-100G-D-CAB-5M 100G QSFP28 to 100G QSFP28 5m Passive Cable
QSFP-100G-D-AOC-7M 100G QSFP28 to 100G QSFP28 7m Active Optical Cable
QSFP-100G-4SFP-25G-CAB-1M 100G QSFP28 to 4x25G SFP28 1m Passive Cable
QSFP-100G-4SFP-25G-CAB-3M 100G QSFP28 to 4x25G SFP28 3m Passive Cable
QSFP-100G-4SFP-25G-CAB-5M 100G QSFP28 to 4x25G SFP28 5m Passive Cable
LSWM1QSTK0 40G QSFP+ Cable 1m
LSWM1QSTK1 40G QSFP+ Cable 3m
LSWM1QSTK2 40G QSFP+ Cable 5m
QSFP-40G-D-AOC-10M 40G QSFP+ to 40G QSFP+ 10m Active Optical Cable
QSFP-40G-D-AOC-20M 40G QSFP+ to 40G QSFP+ 20m Active Optical Cable
QSFP-40G-D-AOC-7M 40G QSFP+ to 40G QSFP+ 7m Active Optical Cable
LSWM1QSTK3 40G QSFP+ to 4x10G SFP+ Cable 1m
LSWM1QSTK4 40G QSFP+ to 4x10G SFP+ Cable 3m
LSWM1QSTK5 40G QSFP+ to 4x10G SFP+ Cable 5m
SFP-25G-D-CAB-1M 25G SFP28 to 25G SFP28 1m Passive Cable
SFP-25G-D-CAB-3M 25G SFP28 to 25G SFP28 3m Passive Cable
SFP-25G-D-CAB-5M 25G SFP28 to 25G SFP28 5m Passive Cable
SFP-25G-D-AOC-3M 25G SFP28 to 25G SFP28 3m Active Optical Cable
SFP-25G-D-AOC-5M 25G SFP28 to 25G SFP28 5m Active Optical Cable
SFP-25G-D-AOC-7M 25G SFP28 to 25G SFP28 7m Active Optical Cable
SFP-25G-D-AOC-10M 25G SFP28 to 25G SFP28 10m Active Optical Cable
SFP-25G-D-AOC-20M 25G SFP28 to 25G SFP28 20m Active Optical Cable

H3C LS-6850-56H-H3 Switch Product Applications

H3C LS-6850-56H-H3