
GYTY53 Armored Cable is Stranded Loose Tube Armored Cable(GYTA53)

GYTY53 Armored Cable Product Overview

GYTY53 fiber optic cable is the type of fiber optic cable used to transmit data over is long distance. Caadiyan, the fiber cables are buried underground to minimize the chances of any external damages.

The fibers are positioned in a loose tube made of a high modulus plastic. The tubes are filled with a water-resistant filling compound. A steel wire, sometimes sheathed with polyethylene (PE) for cable with high fiber count, locates in the center of core as a metallic strength member. Tuubooyinka (and fillers) are stranded around the strength member into a compact and circular cable core. The cable core is filled with the filling compound to protect it from water ingress, over which a thin PE inner sheath is applied. After the PSP is longitudinally applied over the inner sheath, the cable is completed with a PE outer sheath.

GYTY53 Armored Cable Product Pictures

GYTY53 Armored Cable Optical Cable price ycictGYTY53 Armored Cable fiber optic ycict

GYTA Qiimaha aan gabbaadka lahayn iyo faahfaahinta xadhigga indhahaGYTA Non-armored Outdoor Optical Cable YCICT

GYTY53 Armored Cable Product Specifications

C14G.652 G.655 50/125μm 62.5/125μm
Attenuation (+20℃) @850nm ≤3.0 dB/km ≤3.0 dB/km
@1300nm ≤1.0 dB/km ≤1.0 dB/km
@1310nm ≤0.36 dB/km ≤0.40 dB/km
@1550nm ≤0.22 dB/km ≤0.23dB/km
Bandwidth (Fasalka A) @850nm ≥500 MHz·km ≥200 MHz · km
@1300nm ≥1000 MHz · km ≥600 MHz · km
Aperture tirooyinka 0.200±0.015NA 0.275±0.015NA
Mawjada dhererka Cable-ka-goynta ≤1260nm ≤1480nm
Nooca Cable Tirada Fiber Tuubooyinka Buuxiyeyaasha Dhexroorka fiilada mm Miisaanka Cable-ka kg/km Xooga Jilicsan Muddada Dheer/Gaaban N Crush Resistance
Muddada Dheer/Gaaban
Qallooca Radius
Joogto/Dhaqdhaqaaq leh
GYTY53-2~6 2~6 1 5 13.8 188 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYTY53-8~12 8~12 2 4 13.8 188 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYTY53-14~18 14~18 3 3 13.8 188 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYTY53-20~24 20~24 4 2 13.8 188 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYTY53-26~30 26~30 5 1 13.8 188 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYTY53-32~36 32~36 6 0 13.8 188 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYTY53-38~48 38~48 4 1 14.6 206 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYTY53-50~60 50~60 5 0 14.6 206 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYTY53-62~72 62~72 6 0 15 215 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYTY53-74~84 74~84 7 1 16.4 254 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYTY53-86~96 86~96 8 0 16.4 254 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYTY53-98~108 98~108 9 1 17.8 290 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYTY53-110~120 110~120 10 0 17.8 290 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYTY53-122~132 122~132 11 1 19.5 340 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYTY53-134~144 134~144 12 0 19.5 340 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D
GYTY53-146~216 146~216 19.5 345 1000/3000 1000/3000 10D/20D

GYTY53 Armored Cable Product Features

  • Kala firdhisanaan hoose iyo hoos u dhac
  • Naqshadaynta saxda ah, Xakamaynta saxda ah ee dhererka xad-dhaafka ah ee fiber-ka iyo habka dhuuban ee kala duwan ayaa ka dhigaya fiilada siyaalo farsamo iyo deegaan aad u fiican
  • Double-jacket structure make cable have nice properties of moisture resistance and crush resistance
  • Dhexroorka fiilada yar, miisaanka xadhig khafiif ah, si fudud loo jiifsado
  • Heerkulka shaqada: -40 ~ +60 ℃
  • Steel wire strength. filler protect tube fiber. steel tape armord
  • Good ultra violet radiation resistant property.

GYTY53 Armored Cable Product and More Optical Cables

Cable-gaab fudud (GYXTW)

Gudaha/dibadka unitube fiilo-yar oo aan bir ahayn(JET)

Unitube Cable aan gaashaaman (GYXY)

Unitube Cable-ka aan-biraha ahayn ee aan gaashaaman lahayn (GYFXY)

LABA FRP Fiber Optic Cable anteenada (NOLOSHAYDA)

Tuubbada dabacsan ee aan gaashaman lahayn (GYTA)

Xadhkaha Go'an ee Dabacsan ee Tuubbada Fudud ee Gaashaaman (GYTS)

Fiilada Gaashaaman ee Dabacsan ee Go'an (GYTY53)

Fiilada Gaashaaman ee Dabacsan ee Go'an (GYTA53)

Xubin Xoog Aan Biro Ahayn Cable-ka Aan Hubka Ahayn (GYFTY)

Xubin Xoog Aan Biro Ahayn Cable Aan Hubaysan(WADAJIR)

Xoog aan biraha ahayn oo xadhigga gaashaaman (GYFTY53)

Xoog aan biraha ahayn oo xadhigga gaashaaman (GYFTA53)

All Dielectric Self-Taageer Aerial Cable (ADSS)

Sawirka 8 Cable (GYXTC8S)

Sawirka 8 Cable ( GYFTC8S)

Sawirka 8 Cable (GYTC8A)

Sawirka 8 Cable (GYTC8S)

GYTY53 Armored Cable Product Applications

Optical Cable GYTY53 Armored Cable ycict

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