
AOC QSFP-DD-400G-10M is 400G QSFP-DD Transceiver, Active Optical Cable, 10 mitir

AOC QSFP-DD-400G-10M Product Overview

AOC QSFP-DD-400G-10M is suitable for short distances and offer a flexible way to connect within racks and across racks. Fiilooyin indhaha ah oo firfircoon ayaa aad u khafiif ah oo ka fudud caqadaha naxaas ah, which makes cable management easier. AOCs enable efficient system airflow, taas oo muhiim u ah xarkaha cufnaanta sare. 400G AOC uses 8 x 850nm VCSEL transmitters and 8 x PIN photo-detector receivers operating over 8 parallel data lanes of OM3/OM4 MMF cable with distance up to 100m. 400G AOC support 212.5-425 Gbps multi-rate communication and such applications as 400G Ethernet (412.5Gbps), 200G Ethernet (206.25Gbps), InfiniBand EDR (100Gbps), InfiniBand HDR (200Gbps).

AOC QSFP-DD-400G-10M Product Pictures

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AOC QSFP-DD-400G-10M Product Specifications

Shayga Sharaxaada
Part code 02313FHA
Qaabka QSFP-DD-400G-AOC-10M
description 400G-QSFP-DD-active optical cable-10m-AOC
Xidhiidhiyaha X1 QSFP-DD
Xidhiidhiyaha X2 QSFP-DD
Dhererka fiilada [m] 10m
Heerkulka shaqada [°C] 0°C~70°C

AOC QSFP-DD-400G-10M Product Features

  • Housed in a hot-swappable QSFP-DD package
  • Full-duplex fiilo indhaha firfircoon
  • Octal-channel 53.125Gb/s PAM4 modulation
  • 850nm VCSEL laser iyo PIN sawir qaade
  • Compliant with SFF-8636, SFF-8665 and 400G Ethernet standards
  • RoHS waafaqsan (hogaan la'aan)
  • Buuxi shuruudaha EML iyo ESD
  • La kulmay Telcordia (bellcore) GR-468-CORE shuruudaha isku halaynta
  • Baadhitaanno tirooyin ah ayaa diyaar ah
  • The transmission distance supports 1~100m
  • Danabka sahayda korontada waa 3.3V

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AOC QSFP-DD-400G-10M Product Applications

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