Huawei MA5680T MA5683T MA5608T OLT

Huawei MA5680T MA5683T MA5608T OLT

YCICT waa xirfad bixiyaha nidaamka xallinta ICT (Xog & Farsamada Isgaadhsiinta).

Diiradadu waa in la bixiyo Xalka Isgaadhsiinta Isku-dhafka ah ee Saliidda & Gaas, Maaliyadda, Gaadiidka, Hawl-wadeenada Isgaadhsiinta, Qalabka Korontada, iyo qaybaha kaabayaasha dhaqaalaha, iwm.

MA5680T/MA5683T/MA5608T OLT series (hereinafter referred to as OLT) products.

Alaabta OLT waxay u taagan tahay sidii aalad gelitaan indhaha OLT, kaas oo taageera GPON, 10G GPON, Wicida, 10G EPON, iyo hababka gelitaanka P2P, wuxuuna bixiyaa adeegyo sida galitaanka internetka, cod, iyo muuqaal. Sida weyn, taxane dhexdhexaad ah iyo mid yar oo badeecooyin ah, several products have a total of software platforms and business boards.

Large size equipment MA5680T

Huawei MA5680T MA5683T MA5608T OLT

Medium specification equipment MA5683T

Huawei MA5680T MA5683T MA5608T OLT

Small specification equipment MA5608T

Huawei MA5680T MA5683T MA5608T OLT

Huawei MA5680T/MA5683T/MA5608T OLT

OLT products work with various types of ONU equipment to meet FTTH (Fiber To The Home), FTTB (Fiber ilaa Dhismaha), FTTC (Fiber To the Curb), FTTM (Fiber To The Move), FTTO (Fiber To The Office) Network applications.

Sida OLT-awood weyn,

the MA5680T supports GPON, 10G GPON, Wicida, 10G EPON, iyo gelitaanka P2P. Isla markaana, waxa loo isticmaali karaa iskudarka OLT si loo taageero isu geynta iyo gelitaanka FTTB/FTTC/DSLAM, Taas oo aan fududayn oo keliya heerka shabakadda laakiin sidoo kale hoos u dhigaysa noocyada iyo tirada qalabka, badbaadinta booska qolka CO iyo isticmaalka tamarta.

As a medium-sized OLT,

the MA5683T supports GPON, 10G GPON, Wicida, 10G EPON, iyo gelitaanka P2P. It can drop the OLT location to the cell or the street, reducing ODN backbone fibre usage, yaraynta ODN kharashka iyo dhibka, iyo dhimista CO. The space in the computer room is occupied.

As a Mini-OLT, ah

MA5608T supports GPON, 10G GPON, Wicida, 10G EPON, iyo gelitaanka P2P. It can drop the OLT location to the cell or the street. This reduces the occupation of the ODN trunk fibre, reduces the cost and difficulty of ODN deployment, and reduces CO. The space in the computer room is occupied.

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