
ZTE PRVR Power Module is –48 V/–60 V DC input supply power board applied to ZTE ZXA10 C600 OLT C650 in C680

ZTE PRVR Power Module Product Overview

ZTE PRVR Power Module is –48 V/–60 V DC input to supply power board for installation on ZTE ZXA10 C600 OLT C650 and C680. If the input voltages of the two power cards are the same, the two power cards operate in load sharing mode. The dimensions is 133.8 (H) × 25.5 (W) × 225 (D), and its horizontal placement in the chassis significantly saves useful space for the installation of other expansion cards. ZTE PRVR Power Board has additional system monitoring functions. Environment main features: Filtration and current limitation for input power status monitor and alarm indicator, itd. Podpora električne serijske številke Vgrajen temperaturni senzor Napetost, tokovne in močnostne funkcije

ZTE PRVR Power Module Product Pictures

ZTE PRVR Power Module price and specs ycictZTE PRVR Power Module for ZTE OLT

ZTE PRVR Power Module DC POWER MODULE YCICTZTE PRVR Power Module DC power module

ZTE PRVR Power Module Product Specifications

Indikator Stanje Opis
Znamka ZTE
Model PRVR
Dimenzije (mm) 133.8 (H) × 25.5 (W) × 225 (D)
Utež (kg) 0.59
TECI LED ne sveti The card is powered off l The card does not match l CPU is not started
Zelena LED sveti Samopreverjanje kartice se zaključi, vendar ne uspe prejeti podatkov s preklopne in krmilne kartice ali NM
Zelena LED utripa neenakomerno Kartica prenaša podatke s strežnika za upravljanje omrežja
Zelena LED počasi utripa (05 Hz) Kartica deluje pravilno
Rdeča LED sveti Okvara strojne opreme kartice
Rdeča LED počasi utripa (05 Hz) Kartica je vstavljena v napačno režo
Rumena LED počasi utripa (05 Hz) Različica programske opreme kartice se ne ujema z različico preklopne in nadzorne kartice Samodejna posodobitev ni konfigurirana na kartici
ACTi (i = 1–16) LED ne sveti Na vmesniku EPON ni konfiguriran noben ONU
Vmesnik EPON nima nameščenega optičnega modula
Vmesnik EPON je izklopljen
Vmesnik EPON je zaščitna vrata tipa B
Zelena LED utripa Vmesnik EPON in povezani ONU-ji delujejo pravilno
Rdeča LED sveti Vmesnik EPON ima izgubo signala (LOS) alarmi

ZTE PRVR Power Module Product Features

  • Vrhunska pot in popolnoma porazdeljena programabilna arhitektura.
  • Separated control and forwarding planes makes the system more reliable.
  • Fully compatible with multiple generations of PON.
  • Fully compatible with multiple technology directions.

ZTE PRVR Power Module and more Power models

PRVR Type-R DC power interface card
PRVR(C) Type-RC DC power interface card
PRSF Type-F DC power interface card
PRAF Type-F AC power interface card

ZTE PRVR Power Module Product Applications

ZTE PRSF Power Module PRICE AND SPECS FOR C620 ycict

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