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Huawei W2PSA1150 Power Module is 1150 W AC PoE Power Module for S6720-32C-PWH-SI, S6720-52X-PWH-SI, S6720-56C-PWH-SI
Huawei W2PSA1150 Power Module Product Overview
Huawei W2PSA1150 Power Module is 1150 W AC PoE Power Module for S6720-32C-PWH-SI, S6720-52X-PWH-SI, S6720-56C-PWH-SI
S6700/S6720/S6730 Series are High-performance, super-reliable 10 GE switches with comprehensive Quality of Service and security capabilities, ideal for use as access switches in large-scale data centers and core switches in campus networks.
Advanced switching architecture and line-card buffering ensure smooth, sustained performance; Huawei’s intelligent iStack virtualization technology enables both easy management and expandability. Tight integration with Huawei’s eSight NMS for efficient provisioning, reconfiguring, and administration.
S6700 Series switches are available in 24-port and 48-port S6700-EI models, for resilient IPv4 and smooth migration to IPv6 networking.
Huawei W2PSA1150 Power Module Product Pictures
Huawei W2PSA1150 Power Module Product Specifications
Postavka | Opis |
Znamka | Huawei |
Številka dela | 2130984 |
Model | W2PSA1150 |
Dimenzije (V x Š x G) | 41.4 mm x 100.0 mm x 281.0 mm (1.63 v. x 3.9 v. x 11.1 v.) |
Utež | < 1.6 kg (3.53 lb) |
Nazivna vhodna napetost | 100 V AC do 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz |
Maximum input voltage | 90 V AC do 290 V AC, 45 Hz do 65 Hz |
Vhodni tok | 10:00 zjutraj |
Največji izhodni tok | +12 V: 29.17 A |
-53.5 V: 14.95 A | |
Največja izhodna moč | PoE: 785.4 W (220 V)/446.6 W (110 V) |
Skupaj: 1150 W (220 V)/800 W (110 V) |
Huawei W2PSA1150 Power Module Product Features
- PoE napajanje
Zagotoviti največ 785.4 W Poe moč.
- Zaščita vhoda
Provide protection against input overcurrent and input undervoltage.
- Izhodna zaščita
Provide protection against output overvoltage, output overcurrent, and output short-circuit.
- Zaščita pred previsoko temperaturo
Ko temperatura napajalnega modula preseže določeno mejno vrednost (70°C), napajalni modul preneha dovajati napajanje. Ko temperatura pade v normalno območje, napajalni modul samodejno nadaljuje z napajanjem.
Huawei W2PSA1150 Power Module Product Panel
- Zaskočni vijak
- Airflow flag (air out)
- Indikator
- Ročaj
- ventilator
- Power switch
- AC napajalna vtičnica
- Trp za zaklepanje kabla izmeničnega napajanja
Huawei W2PSA1150 Power Module Product and More Power Unit
150W AC napajalni modul (ES0W2PSA0150)
150W enosmerni napajalni modul (ES0W2PSD0150)
170W AC napajalni modul (W0PSA1701)
170W enosmerni napajalni modul (ES5M0PSD1700)
260W DC napajalni modul (PDC260S12-DL)
300W AC napajalni modul (PAC300S12-CL)
350W enosmerni napajalni modul (PDC-350WA-B)
500W enosmerni napajalni modul (LS6W2PSD0500)
600W AC napajalni modul (PAC-600WA-B)
600W AC napajalni modul (PAC600S12-CB)
500W AC napajalni modul (W0PSA5000)
580W AC PoE napajalni modul (W2PSA0580)
650W DC PoE napajalni modul (PDC-650WA-BE)
1000W AC PoE napajalni modul (PAC1000D5412)
1000W enosmerni napajalni modul (PDC1000S12-DB)
1150W AC PoE napajalni modul (W2PSA1150)
870W PoE napajalni modul (LS5W2PSA0870, 15Usmerniški modul)
Huawei W2PSA1150 Power Module Product Applications