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Huawei S5735S-L48T4S-A1 Switch is a standard Gigabit Ethernet switch with 48*10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4*GE SFP ports, AC napajanje
Huawei S5735S-L48T4S-A1 Switch Product Overview
Huawei S5735S-L48T4S-A1 Switch is a standard Gigabit Ethernet switch with 48*10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4*GE SFP ports, AC napajanje. The product is developed on a new generation of high-performance hardware and Huawei’s unified VRP (Versatile Routing Platform) software platform. Ob istem času, S5735S-L48T4S-A1 supports strict learning of ARP entries, ki lahko prepreči običajnim uporabnikom, da ne morejo dostopati do interneta zaradi napadov ponarejanja ARP. More than it, it supports Telemetry technology, collects device data in real time and uploads it to CampusInsight, the network analysis component of Huawei iMaster NCE campus. And locate the cause of the fault, discover network problems that affect the user experience, and accurately guarantee the user experience. Dodatno, the switch highlights the enhanced three-layer features, easy operation and maintenance, flexible Ethernet networking, and mature IPv6 features. Zato, Huawei S5735S-L48T4S-A1 is widely used in enterprise campus access and aggregation, dostop do podatkovnega centra in drugi scenariji uporabe.
Huawei S5735S-L48T4S-A1 Switch Product Pictures
Huawei S5735S-L48T4S-A1 Switch Product Specifications
Postavka | Specifikacija |
Znamka | Huawei |
Model | S5735S-L48T4S-A1 |
Pristanišče | 48*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*GE SFP ports, AC napajanje |
Dimenzije z embalažo (V x Š x G) [mm(v.)] | 90.0 mm x 550.0 mm x 360.0 mm (3.54 v. x 21.65 v. x 14.17 v.) |
Višina šasije [U] | 1 U |
Teža brez embalaže [kg(lb)] | 2.76 kg (6.09 lb) |
Teža z embalažo [kg(lb)] | 3.74 kg (8.25 lb) |
Tipična poraba energije [W] | 43.3 W |
Tipično odvajanje toplote [BTU/uro] | 147.74 BTU/uro |
Največja poraba energije [W] | 50.4 W |
Maksimalno odvajanje toplote [BTU/uro] | 171.97 BTU/uro |
MTBF [leto] | 56.7 leto |
MTTR [uro] | 2 uro |
Razpoložljivost | >0.99999 |
Hrup pri normalni temperaturi (akustična moč) [dB(A)] | 48 dB(A) |
Hrup pri normalni temperaturi (acoustic pressure) [dB(A)] | 36.2 dB(A) |
Number of card slots | 0 |
Number of power slots | 0 |
Number of fans modules | 1 |
Redundantno napajanje | Ne podpira |
Dolgotrajna delovna temperatura [°C(°F)] | -5°C do +50 °C (23°F do 122 °F) na nadmorski višini 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.) |
Kratkotrajna delovna temperatura [°C(°F)] | -5°C do +55 °C (23°F do 131 °F) na nadmorski višini 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.) |
Temperatura skladiščenja [°C(°F)] | -40°C do +70 °C (-40°F do +158 °F) |
Dolgotrajna obratovalna relativna vlažnost [RH] | 5% do 95%, nekondenzacijski |
Dolgotrajna delovna višina [m(ft.)] | 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.) |
Nadmorska višina shranjevanja [m(ft.)] | 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.) |
Način napajanja | AC built-in |
Nazivna vhodna napetost [V] | AC vhod: 100 V AC do 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz |
Razpon vhodne napetosti [V] | AC vhod: 90 V AC do 264 V AC, 47 Hz do 63 Hz |
Največji vhodni tok [A] | 2:00 zjutraj |
Spomin | 512 MB |
Flash pomnilnik | 512 MB |
Konzolna vrata | RJ45 |
Eth Management port | Ne podpira |
USB | Ne podpira |
RTC | Ne podpira |
RPS vhod | Ne podpira |
Prenapetostna zaščita servisnih vrat [kV] | Skupni način: ±7 kV |
Prenapetostna zaščita napajalnika [kV] | ±6 kV v diferenčnem načinu, ±6 kV v skupnem načinu |
Vrste ventilatorjev | Vgradna |
Način odvajanja toplote | Heat dissipation with fan, intelligent fan speed adjustment |
Smer zračnega toka | Air intake from left and front, air exhaustion from right |
PoE | Ne podpira |
Huawei S5735S-L48T4S-A1 Switch Product Features
- Huawei S5735S-L48T4S-A1 Switch supports IPv4/IPv6 dual protocol stack, IPv6 routing protocol RIPng, IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel (manual tunnel/6to4 tunnel/ISATAP tunnel).
- Huawei S5735S-L48T4S-A1 Switch supports deployment in pure IPv4 or IPv6 networks, and also supports deployment in networks where IPv4 and IPv6 coexist, fully meeting the needs of the network transition from IPv4 to IPv6.
- Huawei S5735S-L48T4S-A1 Switch supports intelligent iStack stacking, which combines multiple switches that support the stacking feature together to logically virtualize a switch.
- The iStack stacking system improves device-level reliability through redundant backup among multiple member devices; and improves link-level reliability through cross-device link aggregation.
- iStack provides a powerful network expansion capability. By adding member devices, the number of ports, bandwidth and processing capacity of the stacking system can be easily expanded.
- iStack simplifies configuration and management. After the stack is formed, multiple physical devices are virtualized into one device. Users can log in to the stack system through any member device to configure and manage all the member devices of the stack system.
- Huawei S5735S-L48T4S-A1 Switch supports stacking of electrical ports, and it is easy to build a stacking system with low cost.
Huawei S5735S-L48T4S-A1 Switch Product and More Models
S5735S-L8T4S-A1 8*10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 Gigabit SFP
S5735S-L8P4S-A1 8*10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4*GE SFP ports, PoE+, AC napajanje
S5735S-L24T4S-A1 24*10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4*GE SFP ports, AC napajanje
S5735S-L24P4S-A1 24*10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, PoE+, AC napajanje.
S5735S-L24T4X-A1 24*10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, AC napajanje.
S5735S-L24P4X-A1 24*10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, PoE+, AC napajanje.
S5735S-L32ST4X-A1 24*GE SFP ports, 8*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, AC napajanje, sprednji dostop
S5735S-L48T4S-A1 48*10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4*GE SFP ports, AC napajanje
S5735S-L48P4S-A1 48*10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4*GE SFP ports, PoE+, AC napajanje
S5735S-L48T4X-A1 48*10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4*GE SFP ports, AC napajanje
S5735S-L48P4X-A1 48*10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, PoE+, AC napajanje
Huawei S5735S-L48T4S-A1 Switch Product Applications
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