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Huawei S5735S-H24S4XC-A Switch is a standard gigabit access switch with 24*GE SFP ports, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, 1*razširitvena reža, 1*AC power module
Huawei S5735S-H24S4XC-A Switch Product Overview
Huawei S5735S-H24S4XC-A Switch is a standard gigabit access switch with 24*GE SFP ports, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, 1*razširitvena reža, 1*AC power module. The product can provide flexible full gigabit access and fixed 10G uplink ports. It is based on a new generation of high-performance hardware and Huawei’s unified VRP (Versatile Routing Platform) software platform. The product stands out with enhanced Layer 3 features, easy operation and maintenance, flexible Ethernet networking, and mature IPv6 features. Poleg tega, it supports SVF super virtual switching network. The SVF solution innovatively realizes the original “core/aggregation + access switch + AP” network architecture, virtualized into one device for management, simplifies device management, and realizes access switches and Plug-and-play of wireless APs; templated service configuration, configured on the core device and automatically delivered to the access device, to achieve centralized management and control, simplify service configuration, and flexibly adjust. This series of switches supports the client color in the SVF scheme. Huawei S5735S-H24S4XC-A Switch is widely used in enterprise campus access and aggregation, dostop do podatkovnega centra in drugi scenariji uporabe.
Huawei S5735S-H24S4XC-A Switch Product Pictures
Huawei S5735S-H24S4XC-A Switch Product Specifications
Postavka | Specifikacija |
Znamka | Huawei |
Model | S5735S-H24S4XC-A |
Pristanišče | 24*GE SFP ports, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, 1*razširitvena reža, 1*AC power module |
Višina šasije [U] | 1 U |
Teža brez embalaže [kg(lb)] | 6 kg (13.23 lb) |
Teža z embalažo [kg(lb)] | 9 kg (19.84 lb) |
Tipična poraba energije [W] | 63 W |
Tipično odvajanje toplote [BTU/uro] | 214.96 BTU/uro |
Največja poraba energije [W] | 74 W |
Maksimalno odvajanje toplote [BTU/uro] | 252.5 BTU/uro |
MTBF [leto] | 65.79 leto |
MTTR [uro] | 2 uro |
Razpoložljivost | >0.99999 |
Hrup pri normalni temperaturi (akustična moč) [dB(A)] | 49.9 dB(A) |
Hrup pri normalni temperaturi (acoustic pressure) [dB(A)] | 37.8 dB(A) |
Number of card slots | 1 |
Number of power slots | 2 |
Number of fans modules | 2 |
Dimenzije z embalažo (V x Š x G) [mm(v.)] | 150mm × 710mm × 560mm (5.90 v. x 27.95 v. x 22.05 v.) |
Dolgotrajna delovna temperatura [°C(°F)] | -5°C do +45 °C (23°F do 113 °F) na nadmorski višini 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.) |
Kratkotrajna delovna temperatura [°C(°F)] | -5°C do +50 °C (23°F do 122 °F) na nadmorski višini 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.) |
Temperatura skladiščenja [°C(°F)] | -40°C do +70 °C (-40°F do +158 °F) |
Dolgotrajna obratovalna relativna vlažnost [RH] | 5% do 95%, nekondenzacijski |
Dolgotrajna delovna višina [m(ft.)] | 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.) |
Nadmorska višina shranjevanja [m(ft.)] | 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.) |
Način napajanja | Pluggable power supply |
Nazivna vhodna napetost [V] | AC vhod: 100 V AC do 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz DC vhod: –48 V DC to –60 V DC |
Spomin | 2 GB |
Flash pomnilnik | 1 GB skupaj. Za ogled razpoložljive velikosti bliskovnega pomnilnika, zaženite ukaz za prikaz različice. |
Konzolna vrata | RJ45 |
Eth Management port | RJ45 |
USB | Podprto |
RTC | Podprto |
RPS vhod | Ne podpira |
Prenapetostna zaščita napajalnika [kV] | Configured with AC power modules: ±6 kV in differential mode and ±6 kV in common mode |
Configured with DC power modules: ±2 kV in differential mode and ±4 kV in common mode | |
Vrste ventilatorjev | Vtičnica |
Način odvajanja toplote | Heat dissipation with fan, intelligent fan speed adjustment |
Smer zračnega toka | Air intake from left,front and right, air exhaustion from behind |
PoE | Ne podpira |
Razpon vhodne napetosti [V] | AC vhod: 90 V AC do 290 V AC; 45 Hz do 65 Hz High-voltage DC input: 190 V DC do 290 V DC DC vhod: –38.4 V DC to –72 V DC |
Največji vhodni tok [A] | The current specifications depend on the pluggable power modules in use. Za podrobnosti, see the related power module specifications. |
Redundantno napajanje | 1+1 Pluggable AC and DC power modules can be used together in the same switch, but power modules that use natural heat dissipation and power modules that use air cooling cannot be used together. |
Huawei S5735S-H24S4XC-A Switch Product Features
- Based on a mature and stable VRP platform, Huawei S5735S-H24S4XC-A Switch supports IPv4/IPv6 dual protocol stack, IPv6 routing protocol RIPng, IPv6 over IPv4 tunnel (manual tunnel/6to4 tunnel/ISATAP tunnel).
- Huawei S5735S-H24S4XC-A Switch supports deployment in pure IPv4 or IPv6 networks, and also supports deployment in networks where IPv4 and IPv6 coexist, fully meeting the needs of the network transition from IPv4 to IPv6.
- Huawei S5735S-H24S4XC-A Switch support intelligent iStack stacking, combining multiple switches that support stacking features together to logically form a virtual switch.
- iStack provides a powerful network expansion capability. By adding member devices, the number of ports, bandwidth and processing capacity of the stacking system can be easily expanded.
- iStack simplifies configuration and management. After the stack is formed, multiple physical devices become a virtual device. Users can log in to the stack system through any member device to configure and manage all the member devices of the stack system.
- Huawei S5735S-H24S4XC-A Switch supports stacking of electrical ports, and it is easy to build a stacking system with low cost.
- Huawei S5735S-H24S4XC-A Switch support SmartLink function. Connecting to multiple aggregation switches through multiple links, SmartLink implements uplink backup, which greatly improves the reliability of access-side devices.
- Huawei S5735S-H24S4XC-A Switch supports complete Ethernet OAM (EEE 802.3ah/802.1ag) for fast detection of link failures.
Huawei S5735S-H24S4XC-A Switch and More Related Models
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Huawei S5735S-H24S4XC-A Switch Product Applications