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Huawei S5735-L12P4S-A Switch is simplified gigabit Ethernet switch with 12 10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4 x GE SFP ports AC power supply PoE+
Huawei S5735-L12P4S-A Switch Product Overview
Huawei S5735-L12P4S-A Switch is simplified gigabit Ethernet switch with 12 10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4 x GE SFP ports AC power supply PoE+ Forwarding performance: 24 Mpps Switching capacity: 32 Gbps/336 Gbps. It is designed for enterprise campus network access and gigabit to the desktop. Built on next generation, high-performance hardware and powered by Huawei’s Versatile Routing Platform (VRP), Huawei S5735-L12P4S-A Switch features flexible Ethernet networking, diversified security control, and support for multiple Layer 3 routing protocols — providing higher performance and more powerful service processing capabilities for networks. Poleg tega, Huawei S5735-L12P4S-A Switch provides a series of mechanisms to defend against DoS attacks and user-targeted attacks. DoSattacks are targeted at switches and include SYN flood, L and, Smrkec, in napadi poplav ICMP. User-targeted attacks includebogus DHCP server attacks, Ponarejanje naslovov IP/MAC, Poplava zahtev DHCP, and changing of the DHCP CHADDR value.
Huawei S5735-L12P4S-A Switch Product Pictures
Huawei S5735-L12P4S-A Product Specifications
Postavka | Opis |
Znamka | Huawei |
Model | S5735-L12P4S-A |
Pristanišče | 12 10/100/1000Base-T ports, 4 x GE SFP ports AC power supply PoE+ |
Spomin (Oven) | 1 GB |
Utež (z embalažo) | 4.24 kg (9.35 lb) |
RTC | Ne podpira |
RPS | Ne podpira |
PoE | Podprto |
Povprečni čas med napakami (MTBF) | 85.52 leta |
Povprečni čas za popravilo (MTTR) | 2 ure |
Razpoložljivost | > 0.99999 |
Prenapetostna zaščita servisnih vrat | Skupni način: ±7 kV |
Prenapetostna zaščita napajalnika | ±6 kV v diferenčnem načinu, ±6 kV v skupnem načinu |
Največja poraba energije (100% prepustnost, polna hitrost ventilatorjev) | Ne zagotavlja funkcije PoE: 49 W |
100% PoE obremenitve: 441 W (PoE: 360 W) | |
Delovna temperatura | -5°C do +50 °C (23°F do 122 °F) na nadmorski višini 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.) |
Kratkotrajna delovna temperatura | -5°C do +55 °C (23°F do 131 °F) na nadmorski višini 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.) |
Temperatura skladiščenja | -40°C do +70 °C (-40°F do +158 °F) |
Hrup pri normalni temperaturi (27°C, zvočna moč) | < 57.7 dB(A) |
Relativna vlažnost | 5% do 95%, nekondenzacijski |
Delovna višina | 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.) |
Flash | 512 MB skupaj. Za ogled razpoložljive velikosti bliskovnega pomnilnika, zaženite ukaz za prikaz različice. |
Območje nazivne napetosti | AC vhod: 100 V AC do 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz |
Visokonapetostni DC vhod: 240 V DC | |
Največje napetostno območje | AC vhod: 90 V AC do 290 V AC, 45 Hz do 65 Hz |
Visokonapetostni DC vhod: 190 V DC do 290 V DC | |
Dimenzije (V x Š x G) | Osnovne dimenzije (razen delov, ki štrlijo iz telesa): 43.6 mm x 442.0 mm x 220.0 mm (1.72 v. x 17.4 v. x 8.7 v.) |
Največje dimenzije (the depth is the distance from ports on the front panel to the parts protruding from the rear panel): 43.6 mm x 442.0 mm x 227.0 mm (1.72 v. x 17.4 v. x 8.94 v.) |
Huawei S5735-L12P4S-A Switch Product Features
- Perpetual PoE: When a PoE switch is abnormal Power-off or the software version is upgraded, the power supply to PDs is not interrupted. This capability ensures that PDs are not powered off during the switch reboot.
- Fast PoE: PoE switches can supply power to PDs within seconds after they are powered on. This is different from common switches that generally take 1 do 3 minutes to start to supply power to PDs. When a PoE switch reboots due to a power failure, the PoE switch continues to supply power to the PDs immediately after being powered on without waiting until it finishes reboot. This greatly shortens the power failure time of PDs.
- Huawei S5735-L12P4S-A Switch supports Open Programmability System (Ops), an open programmable system based on the Python language. IT administrators can program the O&M functions of a CloudEngine S5335-L switch through Python scripts to quickly innovate functions and implement intelligent O&M.
- Huawei S5735-L12P4S-A Switch supports the intelligent upgrade feature. Specifically, CloudEngine S5335-L obtains the version upgrade path and downloads the newest version for upgrade from the Huawei Online Upgrade Platform (HOUP). The entire upgrade process is highly automated and achieves one-click upgrade. Poleg tega, preloading the version is supported, which greatly shortens the upgrade time and service interruption time.
Huawei S5735-L12P4S-A Switch and More Related Models
S5735-L8T4S-QA1 (8*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*GE SFP ports, AC napajanje,Brez ventilatorja)
S5735-L8P4S-QA1 (8*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*GE SFP ports, PoE+, AC napajanje, Brez ventilatorja)
S5735-L24T4S-QA1 (24*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*GE SFP ports, AC napajanje, Brez ventilatorja)
S5735-L24T4X-QA1 (24*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, AC napajanje, Brez ventilatorja)
S5735-L8T4S-A1 (8*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*GE SFP ports, AC napajanje)
S5735-L8P4S-A1 (8*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*GE SFP ports, PoE+, AC napajanje)
S5735-L8T4X-A1 (8*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, AC napajanje)
S5735-L8P4X-A1 (8*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, PoE+, AC napajanje)
S5735-L24T4S-A1 (24*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*GE SFP ports, AC napajanje)
S5735-L24P4S-A1 (24*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*GE SFP ports, PoE+, AC napajanje)
S5735-L24T4X-A1 (24*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, AC napajanje)
S5735-L24T4X-D1 (24*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, DC napajanje)
S5735-L24P4X-A1 (24*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, PoE+, AC napajanje)
S5735-L48T4S-A1 (48*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*GE SFP ports, AC napajanje)
S5735-L48P4S-A1 (48*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*GE SFP ports, PoE+, AC napajanje)
S5735-L48T4X-A1 (48*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, AC napajanje)
S5735-L48P4X-A1 (48*10/100/1000vrata BASE-T, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata, PoE+, AC napajanje)
S5735-L12T4S-A (12 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x GE SFP vrata, AC napajanje)
S5735-L12P4S-A (12 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x GE SFP vrata, PoE+, AC napajanje)
S5735-L24T4S-A (24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x GE SFP vrata, AC napajanje)
S5735-L24P4S-A (24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x GE SFP vrata, PoE+, AC napajanje)
S5735-L24T4X-A (24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ vrata, AC napajanje)
S5735-L24T4X-D (24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ vrata, DC napajanje)
S5735-L24P4X-A (24 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ vrata, PoE+, AC napajanje)
S5735-L48T4S-A (48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x GE SFP vrata, AC napajanje)
S5735-L48T4X-A (48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ vrata, AC napajanje)
S5735-L48P4X-A bundle (48 x 10/100/1000BASE-T ports, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ vrata, PoE+, 1*1000W PoE AC power module)
S5735-L32ST4X-A (24 x GE SFP vrata, 8 *10/100/1000Base-T, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ vrata, AC napajanje)
S5735-L32ST4X-D (24 x GE SFP vrata, 8 *10/100/1000Base-T, 4 x 10 GE SFP+ vrata, DC napajanje)
Huawei S5735-L12P4S-A Switch Product Applications