
Huawei S5730-68C-SI-AC Switch is a standard Gigabit Ethernet Switch with 48*10/100/1000 Ethernet vrata, 4 10GE SFP+ ports and One 150 W AC power supply equipped by default

Huawei S5730-68C-SI-AC Switch Product Overview

it is a next-generation standard gigabit Layer 3 Ethernet switches. They can be used as access or aggregation switches on a campus network or as access switches in a data center. S5730-SI builds on next-generation high performing hardware and Huawei Versatile Routing Platform (VRP). Poleg tega, Huawei S5730-68C-SI-AC supports simplified operations and maintenance (O&M), intelligent stack (iStack), in prilagodljivo omrežje Ethernet. Zagotavlja tudi izboljšano plast 3 funkcije in zrele funkcije IPv6. Poleg tega, it supports Super Virtual Fabric (SVF), ki virtualizira “Core/Aggregation switches + Access switches + dostopne točke” structure into a single logical device. S5730-SI provides the simplest network management solution in the industry to simplify device management. It allows plug-and-play of access switches and APs.

Huawei S5730-68C-SI-AC Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei S5730-68C-SI-AC Switch Product Specifications

Model S5730-68C-SI-AC
Preklopna zmogljivost 680 Gbit/s
Posredovanje uspešnosti 240 poslanci
Fiksna vrata 48 x 10/100/1,000 Base-T, 4 x 10 Gigabit SFP+
Razširjene reže One extended slot that supports an interface card: 4 x 40 GE QSFP+ interface card
Usmerjanje IP Statična pot, RIPv1/v2, RIPng, OSPF, OSPFv3, ECMP, JE-JE, IS-ISv6, BGP, BGP4+, VRRP, and VRRP6
Interoperabilnost VLAN-Based Spanning Tree (VBST) (ki sodeluje s PVST, PVST+, in RPVST)
Pogajalski protokol tipa povezave (LNP) (podobno kot DTP)
VLAN Central Management Protocol (VCMP) (podobno kot VTP)
Tabela naslovov MAC 32K
Učenje naslova MAC in staranje
Statično, dinamično, in vnose naslovov MAC blackhole
Filtriranje paketov na podlagi izvornih naslovov MAC
Funkcije VLAN 4,094 VLAN
Gostujoči VLAN, Glasovni VLAN
Dodelitev VLAN na podlagi naslovov MAC, protokoli, podomrežja IP, pravila, in pristanišča
1:1 in N:1 Preslikava VLAN

Huawei S5730-68C-SI-AC Switch Product Features

  • Support Smart Link. One S5730-SI switch can connect to multiple aggregation switches through multiple links, implementing backup of uplinks and significantly improving reliability of access devices.
  • Support Ethernet OAM (IEEE 802. 3ah/802. 1ag) to detect link faults quickly.
  • Uporabite zrelo, stable VRP platform and supports IPv4/IPv6 dual stacks, IPv6 RIPng, in IPv6 prek tunelov IPv4 (vključno z ročnim, 6-do-4, in tuneli ISATAP). S temi funkcijami IPv6, the S5730-SI can be deployed on a pure IPv4 network, čisto omrežje IPv6, ali skupno omrežje IPv4/IPv6, pomoč pri prehodu IPv4 na IPv6.
  • Odprti sistem programiranosti (Ops) je odprt programabilen sistem, ki temelji na jeziku Python. IT administrators can program the O&M functions of a switch through Python scripts to quickly innovate functions and implement intelligent O&M.

Huawei S5730-68C-SI-AC Switch and More Models


Huawei S5730-68C-SI-AC Switch Product Applications

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