Huawei S5720-50X-EI-46S-AC Switch

SKU: Huawei S5720-50X-EI-46S-AC Switch Kategorija: Oznake: ,


Huawei S5720-50X-EI-46S-AC Switch is an Enhanced Gigabit Switch with 46 Gig SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports and AC or DC power supply, supporting RPS, power socket on the front panel

Huawei S5720-50X-EI-46S-AC Switch Product Overview

Stikalo ponuja zmogljivost posredovanja: 129 Mpps and Switching capacity: 598 Gbit/s. It provides flexible all-gigabit access and enhanced 10GE uplink port scalability. It is widely used as access/aggregation switches in enterprise campus networks or gigabit access switches in data centers. Poleg tega, S5720-EI supports Enhanced Media Delivery Index(eMDI). Deluje kot nadzorno vozlišče za redno zbiranje in poročanje podatkov o napakah eMDI v eSight, nato pa eSight hitro najde napake v kakovosti video storitev na podlagi rezultatov spremljanja več vozlišč. Naprava lahko tudi sporoči podatke o napakah eMDI kampusnemu omrežnemu analizatorju CampusInsight za inteligentno diagnozo video storitev.

Huawei S5720-50X-EI-46S-AC Switch Product Pictures

Huawei S5720-50X-EI-46S-AC SwitchHuawei S5720-50X-EI-46S-AC

Huawei S5720-50X-EI-46S-AC price and specsS5720-50X-EI-46S-AC

Huawei S5720-50X-EI-46S-AC Switch Product Specifications

Postavka Opis
Model S5720-50X-EI-46S-AC
Številka dela 2359583
Pristanišče 46 Gig SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports
Spomin (Oven) 2 GB
Flash 512 MB skupaj. Za ogled razpoložljive velikosti bliskovnega pomnilnika, zaženite ukaz za prikaz različice.
Povprečni čas med napakami (MTBF) 67.59 leta
Povprečni čas za popravilo (MTTR) 2 ure
Razpoložljivost > 0.99999
Prenapetostna zaščita servisnih vrat TO
Prenapetostna zaščita napajalnika ±6 kV v diferenčnem načinu, ±6 kV v skupnem načinu
Utež (z embalažo) 5 kg (11.03 lb)
Stack vrata Two fixed QSFP+ stack ports on the rear card
RTC Podprto
RPS Podprto
PoE Ne podpira
Območje nazivne napetosti 100 V AC do 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Največje napetostno območje 90 V AC do 264 V AC, 47 Hz do 63 Hz
Največja poraba energije (100% prepustnost, polna hitrost ventilatorjev) 81.5 W
Delovna temperatura 0°C do 45 °C (32°F do 113 °F) na nadmorski višini 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.)
Temperatura skladiščenja -40°C do +70 °C (-40°F do +158 °F)
Hrup pri normalni temperaturi (27°C, zvočna moč) < 51.1 dB(A)
Relativna vlažnost 5% do 95%, nekondenzacijski
Delovna višina 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
Certificiranje EMC certifikat
Varnostno potrdilo
Certificiranje proizvodnje
Dimenzije (V x Š x G) Osnovne dimenzije (razen delov, ki štrlijo iz telesa): 43.6 mm x 442.0 mm x 224.9 mm (1.72 v. x 17.4 v. x 8.85 v.)
Največje dimenzije (the depth is the distance from ports on the front panel to the parts protruding from the rear panel): 43.6 mm x 442.0 mm x 229.9 mm (1.72 v. x 17.4 v. x 9.05 v.)

Huawei S5720-50X-EI-46S-AC Switch Product Features

  • S5720-EI supports Smart Link and Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP), which implement backup of uplinks. One S5720-EI switch can connect to multiple aggregation switches through multiple links, significantly improving reliability of access devices
  • S5720-EI provides excellent QoS capabilities and supports queue scheduling and congestion control algorithms. Dodatno, it adopts innovative priority queuing and multi-level scheduling mechanisms to implement fine-grained scheduling of data flows, meeting service quality requirements of different user terminals and services.
  • S5720-EI provides a series of mechanisms to defend against DoS and user-targeted attacks. Napadi DoS so usmerjeni na stikala in vključujejo poplavo SYN, Zemljišče, Smrkec, in napadi poplav ICMP. Napadi, usmerjeni na uporabnike, vključujejo lažne napade na strežnik DHCP, Ponarejanje naslovov IP/MAC, Poplava zahtev DHCP, in spremembo vrednosti DHCP CHADDR.
  • S5720-EI sets up and maintains a DHCP snooping binding table, in zavrže pakete, ki se ne ujemajo z vnosi v tabeli. Določite lahko zaupanja vredna in nezaupanja vredna vrata za vohljanje DHCP, da zagotovite, da se uporabniki povežejo samo s pooblaščenim strežnikom DHCP.

Huawei S5720-50X-EI-46S-AC Switch Product and More S5720-EI Models

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S5720-32X-EI-AC 24 Ethernet 10/100/1000 pristanišča, 4 100/1000 SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC or DC power supply
S5720-32X-EI-24S-AC 24 Gig SFP, 4 Ethernet 10/100/1000 pristanišča, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC or DC power supply
S5720-32X-EI-24S-DC 24 Gig SFP, 4 Ethernet 10/100/1000 pristanišča, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC or DC power supply
S5720-36C-EI-28S-AC 28 Gig SFP, 4 od tega so dvonamenski 10/100/1000, 4 10 Gig SFP+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies
S5720-36C-EI-28S-DC 28 Gig SFP, 4 od tega so dvonamenski 10/100/1000, 4 10 Gig SFP+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies
S5720-36C-EI-AC 28 Ethernet 10/100/1000 pristanišča, 4 od tega so dvonamenski 10/100/1000 or SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC power module equipped by default
S5720-36C-PWR-EI-AC 28 Ethernet 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports, 4 od tega so dvonamenski 10/100/1000 or SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+ PoE+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC power module equipped by default
S5720-36PC-EI-AC 28 Ethernet 10/100/1000 pristanišča, 4 od tega so dvonamenski 10/100/1000 or SFP, 4 Gig SFP Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC power module equipped by default
S5720-50X-EI-AC 46 Ethernet 10/100/1000 pristanišča, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC or DC power supply
S5720-50X-EI-DC 46 Ethernet 10/100/1000 pristanišča, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC or DC power supply
S5720-50X-EI-46S-AC 46 Gig SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC or DC power supply
S5720-50X-EI-46S-DC 46 Gig SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC or DC power supply
S5720-52X-EI-AC 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 pristanišča, 4 10 Gig SFP+, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC power supply
S5720-52P-EI-AC 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 pristanišča, 4 Gig SFP, 2 QSFP+ dedicated stack ports AC power supply
S5720-56C-EI-48S-AC 48 Gig SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC or DC power module equipped by default
S5720-56C-EI-48S-DC 48 Gig SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC or DC power module equipped by default
S5720-56C-EI-AC 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 pristanišča, 4 10 Gig SFP+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC or DC power module equipped by default
S5720-56C-EI-DC 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 pristanišča, 4 10 Gig SFP+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC or DC power module equipped by default
S5720-56C-PWR-EI-AC 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports, 4 10 Gig SFP+ PoE+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC or DC power module equipped by default
S5720-56C-PWR-EI-AC1 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports, 4 10 Gig SFP+ PoE+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC or DC power module equipped by default
S5720-56C-PWR-EI-DC 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports, 4 10 Gig SFP+ PoE+ Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC or DC power module equipped by default
S5720-56PC-EI-AC 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 pristanišča, 4 Gig SFP Double hot swappable AC or DC power supplies, one AC power module equipped by default

Huawei S5720-50X-EI-46S-AC Switch Product Applications