Huawei S5720-28X-PWR-SI-DC Switch

SKU: Huawei S5720-28X-PWR-SI-DC Switch Kategorija: Oznake: ,


Huawei S5720-28X-PWR-SI-DC Switch is standard Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet switch with 24 Ethernet 10/100/1000 PoE+ ports, 4 od tega so dvonamenski 10/100/1000 or SFP, 4 10 Gig SFP+ and PoE+

Huawei S5720-28X-PWR-SI-DC Switch Product Overview

The switch is developed based on next-generation high-performing hardware and Versatile Routing Platform (VRP). It supports simplified operations and maintenance (O&M), intelligent stack (iStack), flexible Ethernet networking, and MACsec. Ob istem času, Huawei S5720-28X-PWR-SI-DC provides enhanced Layer 3 funkcije in zrele funkcije IPv6, and telemetry technology to collect device data in real time and send the data to Huawei campus network analyzer CampusInsight. The CampusInsight analyzes network data based on the intelligent fault identification algorithm, accurately displays the real-time network status, effectively demarcates and locates faults in a timely manner, and identifies network problems that affect user experience, accurately guaranteeing user experience.

Huawei S5720-28X-PWR-SI-DC Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei S5720-28X-PWR-SI-DC Switch Product Specifications

Model izdelka S5720-28X-PWR-SI-DC
Številka dela 02350NGW
Preklopna zmogljivost 336 Gbit/s
Posredovanje uspešnosti 96 poslanci
Fiksna vrata 24 x 10/100/1,000 pristanišča, 4 od tega so dvonamenski 10/100/1,000 or SFP, 4 x 10 Gig SFP+
Tabela naslovov MAC 16K
Skladnost z IEEE 802.1d
16k Vnosi naslova MAC
Učenje naslova MAC in staranje
Statično, dinamično, in vnosi MAC naslova črne luknje
Filtriranje paketov na podlagi izvornih naslovov MAC
Funkcije VLAN 4094 VLAN
Gostujoči VLAN, Glasovni VLAN
Dodelitev VLAN na podlagi naslovov MAC, protokoli, podomrežja IP, pravila, in pristanišča
1:1 in N:1 Preslikava VLAN
Usmerjanje IP Statična pot, RIPv1/v2, RIPng, OSPF, OSPFv3, ECMP, JE-JE, IS-ISv6, BGP, BGP4+
SVF Odjemalec SVF Plug-and-play
Samodejno nalaganje programske opreme in popravkov strankam
Samodejna dostava konfiguracij storitev z enim klikom
Teče neodvisna stranka
Interoperabilnost Spanning Tree, ki temelji na VLAN (VBST) (ki sodeluje s PVST, PVST+, in RPVST)
Pogajalski protokol tipa povezave (LNP) (podobno kot DTP)
VLAN Central Management Protocol (VCMP) (podobno kot VTP)
Relativna vlažnost 5% do 95%, nekondenzacijski
Delovna višina 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
Certificiranje EMC certifikat
Varnostno potrdilo
Certificiranje proizvodnje

Huawei S5720-28X-PWR-SI-DC Switch Product Features

  • Cloud management platform allows users to configure, monitor, and inspect switches on the cloud, reducing on-site deployment and O&M manpower costs and decreasing network OPEX. Huawei switches support both cloud management and on-premise management modes. These two management modes can be flexibly switched as required to achieve smooth evolution while maximizing return on investment (ROI).
  • Odprti sistem programiranosti (Ops) je odprt programabilen sistem, ki temelji na jeziku Python. IT administrators can program the O&M functions of a switch through Python scripts to quickly innovate functions and implement intelligent O&M.
  • When a PoE switch is rebooted after the software version is upgraded, the power supply to PDs is not interrupted. This capability ensures that PDs are not powered off during the switch reboo

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