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Huawei NE05E-SF Router is mid-range service routers developed based on an SDN architecture and Huawei-proprietary NP chipsets, featuring small size and high bandwidth.
Huawei NE05E-SF Router Product Overview
The router is designed to meet the cloud needs of governments, podjetja, and industries such as transportation, financiranje, electric power, and education. It can operate under the temperature ranging from –40ºC to +65ºC, offering strong adaptability to various environments. NE05E-SF uses innovative IP hard pipe technology to provide the low latency and high reliability required by business-critical services and include GUIs for one-click IP service provisioning, real-time network-wide service monitoring, and customized user report export.
Huawei NE05E-SF Router Product Pictures
Huawei NE05E-SF Router Product Specifications
Technical Specifications | Opis |
Dimenzije (V x Š x G) | 1 U x 442 mm x 220 mm (1 U x 17.40 v. x 8.66 v.), 1 U = 44.45 mm (1.75 v.) |
Utež | 3.6 kg (7.94 lb) |
DC voltage range | -38.4 V do -72.0 V |
MTBF | 40 leta |
MTTR | 2 ure |
System availability | 0.99999 |
Packet switching capacity | 88 Gbit/s (44 Gbit/s for upstream traffic and 44 Gbit/s for downstream traffic) |
Packet processing capability | 37.2poslanci |
SDRAM | 1 GB |
Flash pomnilnik | 128 MB |
CF kartica | 512 MB |
NOTE: | |
The CF card of the NE05E-SE/NE05E-SF is a virtual card and cannot be replaced. | |
Maximum power consumption and heat consumption (with typical configuration, at room temperature) | NE05E-SF: |
Poraba energije: 54.47 W | |
Heat consumption: 185.841 BTU/uro | |
NE05E-SE: | |
Poraba energije: 51.43 W | |
Heat consumption: 175.469 BTU/uro |
Huawei NE05E-SF Router Product Features
- Majhna velikost, velika pasovna širina; podpora za območje delovne temperature od -40ºC do 65ºC, primeren za težka okolja.
- Inovativna rešitev za sinhronizacijo časa ATOM GPS in vgrajena kartica PCM poenostavljata uvajanje in vzdrževanje
- Vizualni vmesniki omogočajo zagotavljanje storitev z enim klikom, spremljanje kakovosti storitev in delovanja v realnem času, in poročila o storitvah po meri
- SDN architecture, VRP software, and Huawei’s proprietary ENP chips provide agile networking for quickly adapting to new services and user requirements
- Usmerjen v arhitekturo storitev v oblaku, velik predpomnilnik za zagotavljanje najboljše storitvene izkušnje; Trdnost in fleksibilnost IP cevovoda, podpirajte mehke cevi IP za statistično multipleksiranje za izboljšanje učinkovitosti virov in ekskluzivne vire trdih cevi IP za zagotavljanje najboljše uporabniške izkušnje. Veliki medpomnilniki, hitro odkrivanje in obnovitev napak, in uporaba tehnologije trdih cevi IP zagotavljata nemoteno storitev
Huawei NE05E-SF Router Product and More Models
Huawei NE05E-SF Router Product Applications