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Huawei MPSA10G Uplink is Main Processing Board for MA5800-X2 OLT.
Huawei MPSA 10G Uplink Product Overview
Huawei MPSA10G Uplink board is a control board. It is the core of the system control and service switching and aggregation. The H901MPSA board can also function as the management and control core of the integrated network management system (NMS). It exchanges the key management and control information with service boards through the master/slave serial port and in-band channel. In this way, the H901MPSA board configure, manage, and control the device, and also provide simple dynamic routing.
Huawei SmartAX MA5800 X2 OLT je prva platforma OLT za inteligentno združevanje distribuirane arhitekture v industriji, postavljen kot naslednja generacija OLT za NG-PON. MA5800-X2 ima tri značilnosti ultraširokopasovnosti, popolna konvergenca, in inteligenco za izpolnjevanje potreb razvoja ultra širokopasovnih omrežij, ki so širša, hitreje, in pametnejši, in uporabnikom zagotoviti boljšo izkušnjo poslovne povezave. Help customers build a “broader, hitreje, smarter” access network to provide a better business experience.
Huawei MPSA 10G Uplink Product Pictures
Huawei MPSA 10G Uplink Product Specifications
znamka | HUAWEI |
Model | MPSA |
Pasovna širina na režo | 80Gbit/s (način delitve obremenitve) |
Tabela naslovov MAC | 262143 |
Dostop do ONT | 4096 |
Multicast uporabnik | 4000 |
Usmerjevalna tabela IPv4 | 65536 |
Usmerjevalna tabela IPv6 | 16384 |
Servisna vrata | 32768 |
tabela ARP | 98816 (V100R017C10 različica) |
131072 (V100R018C00 in poznejša različica) | |
Največja velikost okvirja | 2052 bajtov |
9216 bajtov (Omogočeni jumbo okvir) | |
Delovna temperatura | -40°C do +65 °C |
Poraba energije | Statično: 53W |
Največ: 67W | |
Dimenzije(mm) | 35.28 (W)x 258.15 (D) x 130.36 (H) |
Utež(kg) | 0.99 |
Huawei MPSA 10G Uplink Product Features
Huawei MPSA Board is a super control unit board for optical access
MPSA Board is the core for system control and service switching and aggregation and is used for MA5800-X2 subracks
- Supports active/standby switchover at the control plane
- Supports load sharing mode at the forwarding plane, podvojitev zmogljivosti obdelave
- Supports ISSU, shranjevanje časa prekinitve nadgradnje
- Supports synchronization Ethernet
- Supports 1588v2
- Supports interfaces CON (RJ-45)/ESC (RJ-45), ETH (RJ-45)
- Supports Communication Interfaces L/A 0 to L/A 3 (4 x SFP+/SFP 10GE/GE vrata)
Huawei MPSA 10G Uplink Product Applications
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