
Huawei CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI Switch is next-generation, high-density Gigabit Ethernet switch with 48*GE BASE-T ports, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata,2*40GE QSFP+ ports

Huawei CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI Switch Overview

The switch is designed for data centers and high-end campus networks. The hardware has an advanced architectural design with the industry’s highest density of GE access ports. CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI is also the first Gigabit Ethernet access switch to provide 40GE uplink ports. By using the Huawei VRP8 software platform, the switch support Transparent Interconnection of Lots of Links (TRILČ) and have a high stacking capability (up to 16-member switches in a stack system). Dodatno, the airflow direction (front-to- back or back-to-front) can be changed. Poleg tega, Huawei CloudEngine 5855-48T4S2Q-EI can work with CE12800 switches to build an elastic, virtualized, high-quality fabric that meets the requirements of cloud-computing data centers. CE5800 switches provide high-density GE access to help enterprises build a scalable data center network. It can also be used as aggregation or access switches for enterprise

Huawei CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI Switch Pictures

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Huawei CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI Switch Specifications

Parametri CloudEngine 5855-48T4S2Q-EI
Vrata za povezavo navzdol 48 x GE Base-T and 4 x 10 GE SFP+
Vrata za navzgornjo povezavo 2 x 40 GE QSFP+
Preklopna zmogljivost 336 Gbit/s
Posredovanje uspešnosti 252 poslanci
Medpomnilnik 8 MB
Zanesljivost LACP
BFD za BGP, JE-JE, OSPF, and static route
O&M Netstream
Funkcije podatkovnega centra M-LAG
Največja poraba energije 103 W
Napajanje AC: 150 W
DC: 350 W, –48 V
Delovna napetost AC: 90–264 V
DC: –38,4 V do –72 V

Huawei CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI Switch Features

  • Provide 48*GE line-speed ports, which makes future data center expansion easy.
  • support Super Virtual Fabric (SVF), which can virtualize multiple physical switches of the same or different types into one logical switch to simplify network management and improve reliability.
  • Support the TRILL protocol and can be used on a large Layer 2 TRILL network with GE/10GE servers. Omrežje TRILL lahko vsebuje več kot 500 vozlišča, omogočanje prilagodljive uvedbe storitev in virtualnega stroja velikega obsega (VM) migracije.
  • Podpora do 16 TRILL-based Layer 2 poti enakih stroškov, močno izboljšanje povezav’ zmožnosti uravnoteženja obremenitve. Omrežje ima arhitekturo debelega drevesa, ki povečuje širitev.
  • Use the Open Programmability System (Ops) embedded in the VRP8 software platform to provide programmability at the control plane.
  • Support Zero Touch Provisioning (ZTP). ZTP enables the CE5800 to automatically obtain and load version files from a USB flash drive or file server, osvoboditev omrežnih inženirjev od konfiguracije ali uvajanja na kraju samem. ZTP zmanjša stroške dela in izboljša učinkovitost uvajanja naprav.

Huawei CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI Switch and More CE5800

CE5850-48T4S2Q-HI Switch (48-Port GE RJ45, 4-Port 10GE SFP+, 2-Port 40G QSFP+, Without Fan and Power Module)
CE5850-48T4S2Q-EI Switch (48-Port GE RJ45, 4-Port 10GE SFP+, 2-Port 40G QSFP+, Without Fan and Power Module)
CE5810-48T4S-EI Switch (48-Port GE RJ45, 4-Port 10GE SFP+, Without Fan and Power Module)
CE5810-24T4S-EI Switch (24-Port GE RJ45, 4-Port 10GE SFP+, Without Fan and Power Module)
CE5880-48T6Q-EI Switch (44Port G RJ45, 4-Port 10G RJ45, 6-Port 40GE QSFP+, Without Fan and Power Module)

CloudEngine 5855-48T4S2Q-EI 48*GE BASE-T ports, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata,2*40GE QSFP+ ports
CloudEngine 5882-48T4S 48*GE BASE-T ports, 4*10GE SFP+ vrata.

Huawei CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI Switch Ordering Info

Številka dela Part Model Part Description
02350GTR CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI-F CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI Switch (48-Port GE RJ45, 4-Port 10G SFP+, 2-Port 40G QSFP+, 2*VENTILATORSKA škatla, Izpuh na levi strani, Brez napajalnega modula)
02350GTT CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI-B CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI Switch (48-Port GE RJ45, 4-Port 10G SFP+, 2-Port 40G QSFP+, 2*VENTILATORSKA škatla, Dovod na levi strani, Brez napajalnega modula)
02350GTU CE5855-EI-F-B00 CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI Switch (48-Port GE RJ45, 4-Port 10G SFP+, 2-Port 40G QSFP+, 2*AC Power Module, 2*VENTILATORSKA škatla, Izpuh na levi strani)
02350GTW CE5855-EI-B-B00 CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI Switch (48-Port GE RJ45, 4-Port 10G SFP+, 2-Port 40G QSFP+, 2*AC Power Module, 2*VENTILATORSKA škatla, Dovod na levi strani)
02350TJD CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI Switch (48-Port GE RJ45, 4-Port 10G SFP+, 2-Port 40G QSFP+, Without Fan Box and Power Module)

Huawei CloudEngine 5855-48T4S2Q-EI Switch Applications

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