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Huawei AirEngine 5761-12 is an indoor access point complying with Wi-Fi 6 (802.11sekira), simultaneously offering services on 2.4 GHz (2×2 MIMO) in 5 GHz (2×2 MIMO) frequency bands, and achieving a device rate of up to 1.775 Gbit/s
Huawei AirEngine 5761-12 Product Overview
AirEngine 5761-12 is ideal for scenarios requiring high bandwidth and high-quality network experience, such as small and midsize enterprise offices, izobrazba, and healthcare. As the latest generation Wi-Fi standards of IEEE 802.11, 802.11ax improves user experience in high-density access scenarios and supports 2.4 GHz in 5 GHz frekvenčni pasovi. Dodatno, Built-in smart antennas enable always-on Wi-Fi signals for users, significantly enhancing users’ wireless experiences. This AP features high bandwidth and high concurrency with compact size, facilitating flexible deployment and saving customers’ investment. Poleg tega, AirEngine 5761-12 supports WEP, WPA/WPA2-PSK, WPA3-SAE, WPA/WPA2-PPSK, WPA/WPA2/WPA3-802.1x, and WAPI authentication/encryption modes to ensure security of the wireless network. Mehanizem avtentikacije se uporablja za avtentikacijo uporabniških identitet, tako da lahko samo pooblaščeni uporabniki dostopajo do omrežnih virov. The encryption mechanism is used to encrypt data transmitted over wireless links to ensure that the data can only be received and parsed by expected users.
Huawei AirEngine 5761-12 Product Pictures
Huawei AirEngine 5761-12 Specifikacije izdelka
Model | AirEngine 5761-12 |
Dimenzije (Premer x višina) | Φ220 x 51 mm |
Vhodna moč | DC: 12 V ±10 % |
PoE napajanje: V skladu z 802.3at/af. | |
Največja poraba energije | 12.63 W (razen USB) |
Največje število uporabnikov | ≤ 1024 |
IoT | Vgrajene reže IoT (PCIe) |
delovna temperatura | –10°C do +50°C |
Vrsta antene | Vgrajene pametne antene |
MIMO:Prostorski tokovi | 2.4 GHz: 2 x 2:2; 5 GHz: 2 x 2:2 |
Radijski protokoli | 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ac val 2/ax |
Najvišja stopnja | 1.775 Gbit/s |
Vrsta namestitve | Wall Ceiling T-Rail |
Dimenzije brez embalaže (V x Š x G) [mm(v.)] | Diameter x depth: 220 mm x 51 mm (8.66 v. x 2.01 v.) |
Dimenzije z embalažo (V x Š x G) [mm(v.)] | 93 mm x 284 mm x 251 mm (3.66 v. x 11.18 v. x 9.88 v.) |
Teža brez embalaže [kg(lb)] | 1.09 kg (2.40 lb) |
Teža z embalažo [kg(lb)] | 1.55 kg (3.42 lb) |
Shranjevanje | NAND Flash 512 MB |
Konzolna vrata | BLE console |
Huawei AirEngine 5761-12 Lastnosti izdelka
- Vgrajene pametne antene za zagotavljanje natančne pokritosti za STA, zmanjšajte motnje, in izboljšati kakovost signala.
- Vgrajene reže IoT (PCIe) and USB port for IoT expansion such as ZigBee and RFID.
- Podpira serijski vmesnik Bluetooth O&M prek vgrajenega Bluetootha in aplikacije CloudCampus.
- Spatial reuse (SR) technology uses basic service set (BSS) coloring to enable APs and STAs to distinguish BSSs, minimizing co-channel interference.
- The target wake time (TWT) allows APs and STAs to negotiate the sleep and wake time with each other, thereby improving the battery life of the STAs.
- Izravnavanje obremenitve med pametnim gostovanjem: Algoritem za uravnoteženje obremenitve lahko deluje med pametnim gostovanjem za zaznavanje uravnoteženja obremenitve med AP-ji v omrežju po gostovanju STA, da prilagodi obremenitev STA na vsaki AP, izboljšanje stabilnosti omrežja.
- Support both 2.4 GHz in 5 GHz frekvenčni pasovi. The 5G-prior access function enables an AP to steer STAs to the 5 GHz frequency band first, which reduces load and interference on the 2.4 GHz frekvenčni pas, improving the user experience.
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