Mačka 1 tehnologija se hitro razvija
V dobi interneta vsega, predpostavka vseh inovacij, ki temeljijo na IoT, je “povezava”, in tehnologija povezave, potrebna za različne scenarije aplikacij, je različna. Z izmeničnosti novih in starih tehnologij, Potrebe in scenariji uporabnikov v industriji postajajo bolj segmentirani, Srednji trg med scenariji z visokimi in nizkimi hitrostmi se razcveti.
Soočen s posebnimi potrebami nekaterih posebnih industrij z nizko in srednje hitrostjo, Ultra stabilne povezave, in nizki stroški, Kako izbrati ustrezno tehnologijo povezave iz več dimenzij, kot je hitrost, stroški, omrežna pokritost, in tehnološka zrelost? Postanejo vprašanje, o katerem mora razmišljati industrija IoT.
Srednje hitrosti tržnega povpraševanja 30% 4G lte ima veliko vlogo
Raziskovalni podatki kažejo, da pri porazdelitvi celičnih povezav IoT, 60% scenarijev zahtevajo, da jih zagotovijo ozka pasovna omrežja “nizka” povezave, približno 10% zahtevati “visoka” connection services, and the remaining 30% of IoT scenarios require “medium-rate” connection services.
Currently, cellular connectivity technology is in a window of alternation between old and new. On October 22, 2019, Wen Ku, director of the Department of Information and Communication Development of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, clearly stated that the withdrawal of 2G and 3G is an inevitable choice for the replacement of mobile communications, and it is also the main practice of various countries in the world. Trenutno, the conditions for China’s mobile communication network 2G and 3G withdrawal have gradually matured.
It is foreseeable that after the withdrawal of 2G/3G in the future, the remaining cellular network connection technologies will play their respective roles in various scenarios of the Internet of Things.
IoT technology based on 4G/5G (NB-IoT + 4G + 5GNR) will gradually replace the original 2G/3G IoT technology, and provide greater bandwidth, lower latency, and deeper coverage, truly opening the era of the Internet of Everything in thousands of industries – 5G will assume high-rate scenarios with large bandwidth and extremely demanding latency requirements.
With its characteristics of wide coverage, nizka poraba energije, low cost, and large connectivity, NB-IoT will meet the requirements of large-scale narrowband and low-rate scenarios and be applied in scenarios with small data volume and small rate such as smart meter reading.
With the withdrawal of 3G in the future, 4G LTE and eMTC will be able to carry mainly voice-oriented and medium-rate scenarios, but because domestic operators are not active in eMTC, and the eMTC industry chain is not open and robust enough, it is difficult for eMTC to achieve network construction in China in the short term, so 4G LTE will undertake the heavy responsibility of speed connection scenarios in the Internet of Things.
According to the latest research data from market research institute Counterpoint Research, global IoT cellular connections are expected to exceed the 5 billion mark by 2025, and China will continue to lead the world with nearly two-thirds of the number of connections. 4G LTE IoT connectivity will account for more than one-third of global IoT cellular connections.
Special needs in sub-sectors LTE Cat 1 stands out
However, while 4G LTE will play an important role in cellular IoT connectivity, even in mid-rate scenarios, the needs of different industry segments vary.
Zlasti, Industrijske aplikacije, kot je Intercom Public Network, delitev ekonomije, finančno plačilo, nosljivo/sledenje, Pametna energija, in industrijski nadzor, ki ima visoke zahteve za stroške modula, poraba energije, Komunikacijska zamuda in druge zmogljivosti, vendar so manj občutljivi na hitrost, Zahtevajo tudi tehnologije povezave, ki so bolj primerne za te posebne scenarije.
Na splošno gledano, LTE kat 4 lahko podpira mačka 1 in mačka 4 V LTE povezani IoT, Kjer lte mačka 4 Podpira veliko hitrost in nizko zamudo ter ima odlično pokritost omrežja, vendar ni primerna za zgornje industrijske aplikacije, ki ne potrebujejo visoke hitrosti, vendar so občutljivi na zamudo in stroške, Torej je prišla priložnost LTE Cat.1.
Prednost 1: Globalno pokritost in zrelo omrežje. Omrežje 4G, ki je že vrsto let v komercialni uporabi, je v bistvu doseglo globalno pokritost, v celoti pokriva glavne pasove omrežnih frekvenc v Aziji, Evropi, Amerike in druge regije, in mačka 1 lahko tudi uporabnikom interneta stvari zagotovi kadarkoli, kjer koli dostop do konstrukcije 4G omrežne infrastrukture.
Ker so globalni operaterji 4G LTE nameščeni na podlagi minimalne izdaje 3GPP 8 Različica protokola, operaterjem ni treba nadgraditi omrežja, In samo preprosta konfiguracija parametrov lahko omogoči mački 1 terminali za dostop do omrežja. Na Kitajskem, do konca 2019, Skupno število 4G osnovnih postaj na Kitajskem je doseglo 5.44 milijonov.
Prednost 2: Boljše omrežje in popolnejše funkcije. V primerjavi z rahlo pomanjkljivostmi NB-iot v glasu, SMS, Časovnost povezave, preklapljanje celic, itd., Mačka 1 Podpira stopnjo spodnje povezave do 10Mbps in stopnjo dviga 5Mbps, ki lahko dosežejo večjo zmogljivo povezavo in vsoto< nižja zamuda 100 ms.
Prednost 3: Nižji stroški in visoki stroški. Čeprav mačka 4 Stopnja do 50Mbps Uplink in 150Mbps navzdol je višja, Trenutna mačka mačka 4 je težko zadovoljiti potrebe aplikacij IoT v nekaterih panogah v smislu porabe energije, integracija, in cena, in mačka 1 upošteva prednosti standarda, uspešnost, poraba energije, in stroški, še posebej stroški so skoraj 30% nižja od mačke 4.
Je industrijska veriga pripravljena?
Z vidika izbire tehnologije, ni najboljše tehnologije, Samo tehnologija, ki je bolj primerna za potrebe nekaterih posebnih scenarijev, očitno mačka 1 is more suitable for those LTE IoT network connection requirements that do not require high network speed, but require stable and reliable, and low cost.
But whether Cat 1 can finally be laid, the support of the chip module is very critical. As the world’s leading IoT module supplier, Quectel has launched EX2x and EG9x two series of Cat 1 moduli, including EC21, EC21 Mini PCIe, EG21-G, EG21-G Mini PCIe, EG91 and other LTE Cat 1 communication modules designed for M2M and IoT fields.
In the near future, Quectel will continue to launch new Cat 1 communication module products such as EC200S-CN and EC100Y-CN, and plans to launch new communication modules in various regions around the world in Q2 2020, which will further enrich the Cat 1 module portfolio.
With a rich product planning portfolio, good packaging compatibility for different technical standards, comprehensive technical services, global coverage support, global certification and recognition, and mature delivery capabilities, Quectel has shipped more than 5 million units in the global LTE Cat 1 module market, demonstrating the reliable maturity of this series of module products.