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SIMCom SIM7000E-N Module is Multi-Band LTE-FDD module solution in aSMT type supporting LTE CAT-M1(eMTC) up to 375k bpsdata transfer.
SIMCom SIM7000E-N Module Product Overview
SIMCom SIM7000E-N Module is designed for applications that need low latency, medium throughput data communication in a variety of radio propagation conditions. Má silné možnosti rozšírenia s bohatými rozhraniami vrátane UART, USB 2.0, GPIO atď. Modul poskytuje veľkú flexibilitu a jednoduchú integráciu pre zákaznícke aplikácie. Due to the unique combination of performance, bezpečnosť a flexibilitu, this module is ideally suited for M2M applications, such as metering, telematics, sledovanie aktív, remote monitoring , E-health, mobile pos terminals and sharing bike.
SIMCom SIM7000E-N Module Product Picture
SIMCom SIM7000E-N Module Product Specifications
Značka | SIMCom |
Model | SIMCom SIM7000E-N |
Bnad | Quad-Band LTE-FDD B3/B8/B20/B28 |
Rozsah napájacieho napätia | 3.0V~ 4.3V Typ: 3.8V |
Prevádzková teplota | -40℃ až +85 ℃ |
Rozmery | 24 X 24 X 2.6mm |
Hmotnosť | 3.0g |
Údaje | NB-IoT – Uplink up to 66kbps, Downlink up to 34kbps |
Specifications for SMS | Point to point MO and MT Textový a PDU režim |
Ďalšie funkcie | USB Driver for Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8 USB Driver for Windows CE/Mobile USB Driver for Linux Firmware update via USB TCP/IP UDP PPP SMS NOHA * |
Rozhrania | USB2.0 x1 (high-speed) UART x2 (7-wire UART and 2-wire UART interface multiplex from GPIO) SIM card x1 (1.8V and 3V) I2C x1 GPIO x5 ADC x1 |
Spotreba | Power off: 7uA PSM: 9uA |
Certifikácia | RoHSREACHCE(ČERVENÁ) |
SIMCom SIM7000E-N Module Product Features
- Providing deeper coverage enhancement compared to GSM
- The package and AT commands compatible with SIM900 and SIM
- S režimom úspory energie(PSM) a predĺžený diskontinuálny príjem(eDRX), SIM7000E-N can extend battery life to 10 rokov
SIMCom SIM7000E-N Module Product and more LPWA Modules
SIMCom SIM7000E-N Module Product Applications
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