
Huawei SMU01C Module is a monitoring unit for site and power, which supports the monitoring management of HUAWEI embedded power systems applied for ETP4830-A1, ETP4890-A2, ETP4890-B3A1, ETP48150-A3 and so on.

Huawei SMU01C Module Product Overview

The product can monitor and manage telecom power system, and provides site monitoring function. LCD screen and keyboard are equipped in the unit to realize man-machine interaction. Navyše, SMU01C has a serial communication port to realize local and remote monitoring. It has sensor ports to monitor the ambient condition. Keyboard is equipped in the unit to realize man-machine interaction. It has a serial communication port to realize local and remote monitoring. It also has sensor ports to monitor the ambient condition

Huawei SMU01C Module Product Pictures

Huawei SMU01C Module PRICEHuawei SMU01C Module price and specs ycict

Huawei SMU01C price and specs ycictHuawei SMU01C Module good price

Huawei SMU01C Module Product Specifications

Položka SMU01C
Signal input 2 digital input
Alarm output 4 dry contact
Display mode LCD
Communication port and RS485/RS232: 9600 bits/s or 19,200 bits/s
Vstupné striedavé napätie Rectifier operating information
DC output voltage Rectifier power-on/off control
Load current Rectifier output voltage limiting
Battery current Rectifier output current limiting
Applied for ETP4830-A1, ETP4890-A2, ETP4890-B3A1, ETP48150-A3

Huawei SMU01C Module Product Features

  • Perfect power management and battery intelligent management
  • podpora 4 dry junction outputs
  • podpora 2 dry junction inputs
  • It has battery temperature detection and ambient temperature detection sensor interfaces, and supports Chinese and English user interfaces
  • Hot-swappable

Huawei SMU01C Module and More Models

Huawei SMU01C Module Product Applications

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