
Huawei S6730-H48X6C Switch is next-generation enterprise-class core and aggregation switch with 48 X 10 Koncert SFP+, 6 X 40/100 Gig QSFP28 Dual pluggable power modules, 1+1 power backup and Switching capacity: 2.16Tbps/2.4Tbps

Huawei S6730-H48X6C Switch Product Overview

Huawei CloudEngine S6730-H48X6C Switch is new-generation fixed switches to provide 10 GE downlink ports as well as 100 GE uplink ports.

CloudEngine S6730-H series switches provide native AC capabilities and can manage 1K APs. They provide a free mobility function to ensure consistent user experience and are Virtual Extensible LAN(VXLAN) capable to implement network virtualization. CloudEngine S6730-H series switches also provide built-in security probes and support abnormal traffic detection, Analýza šifrovanej komunikácie (ECA), a podvádzanie hrozieb v celej sieti. The CloudEngine S6730-H is ideal for enterprise campuses, carriers, higher education institutions, a vládami.

48 10 Gigabit SFP+, 6 100GE QSFP28

Pluggable dual power supply, podpora 1+1 power backup, support 600W AC power supply, 3rd, default does not include power supply

4 independent pluggable fans for front and rear air ducts

Rýchlosť preposielania paketov: 1620Mps

Spínacia kapacita: 2.4Tbps/23.04Tbps

Huawei S6730-H48X6C Switch Pictures

Huawei CloudEngine S6730-H48X6C SwitchHuawei CloudEngine S6730-H48X6C Switch

Huawei CloudEngine S6730-H24X6C Switch YCICT Huawei CloudEngine S6730-H24X6C Switch PRICE AND SPECS NEW AND ORIGINAL Huawei CloudEngine S6730-H24X6C SwitchCICT Huawei CloudEngine S6730-H24X6C Switch PRICE AND SPECS NEW AND ORIGINAL

Huawei S6730-H48X6C Switch Product Specifications

Položka CloudEngine S6730-H48X6C CloudEngine S6730-H24X6C
Fixed port 48 X 10 Koncert SFP+, 6 X 100 Gig QSFP28 24 X 10 Koncert SFP+, 6 X 100 Gig QSFP28
Rozmery (Š x H x V) 442 mm x 420 mm x 43.6 mm 442 mm x 420 mm x 43.6 mm
Výška podvozku(U) 1U 1U
Vstupné napätie Menovité striedavé napätie: 100V až 240 V AC; 50/60 Hz
Max. striedavé napätie: 90V až 290 V AC; 45-65 Hz
Vstupný prúd AC 600W:Maximálne 8A
Maximálna spotreba energie 274W 231W
Minimálna spotreba energie 97W 97W
Prevádzková teplota 0- nadmorská výška 1800 m: -5°C až 45 °C
1800- nadmorská výška 5000 m: Prevádzková teplota sa zníži o 1 °C vždy, keď sa nadmorská výška zvýši o 220 m.
Skladovacia teplota -40-70℃
Prevádzková výška 5000 m
Hluk (akustický tlak pri normálnej teplote) 52dB(A)
Špecifikácia prepäťovej ochrany AC napájacie rozhranie: diferenciálny režim: ±6 kV: bežný režim: ±6 kV
Typ napájacieho zdroja 600W AC napájanie
Relatívna vlhkosť 5% do 95% (nekondenzujúca)
Fanúšikovia 4, Moduly ventilátorov sú zásuvné
Odvod tepla Odvod tepla ventilátorom, inteligentné nastavenie rýchlosti ventilátora

Huawei S6730-H48X6C Switch Product Feature

  • Cloud management

The Huawei cloud management platform supports cloud configuration, monitorovanie, and inspection of the switches, reducing on-site deployment and operation and maintenance manpower, thereby reducing network OPEX.

The switches support both cloud management and local management modes and can be switched between the two modes according to requirements to achieve smooth evolution while protecting customer investment.

  • Clock synchronization

This series of switches supports synchronous Ethernet and IEEE 1588v2 network time protocol, achieving low-cost, high-precision, high-reliability time and clock synchronization, which can meet the stringent requirements of customers in the power, transportation and other industries for clock synchronization.

  • OPS otvorený programovateľný systém

OPS (Otvorte systém programovateľnosti) je otvorený programovateľný systém založený na jazyku Python. IT administrátori môžu naprogramovať funkcie prevádzky a údržby prepínačov prostredníctvom skriptov Python, aby rýchlo realizovali funkčnú inováciu a realizovali inteligentnú prevádzku a údržbu.

Huawei S6730-H48X6C Switch Ordering Info

CloudEngine S6730H48X6C S6730-H48X6C (48*10Porty GE SFP+, 6*40Porty GE QSFP28, optional license for upgrade to 6*100GE QSFP28, bez napájacieho modulu)
CloudEngine S6730H24X6C S6730-H24X6C (24*10Porty GE SFP+, 6*40Porty GE QSFP28, optional license for upgrade to 6*100GE QSFP28, bez napájacieho modulu)
CloudEngine S6730H48X6C S6730-H48X6C Bundle (48*10Porty GE SFP+, 6*40GE/100GE QSFP28 ports, with 100G license, bez napájacieho modulu)
CloudEngine S6730H24X6C S6730-H24X6C Bundle (24*10Porty GE SFP+, 6*40GE/100GE QSFP28 ports, with 100G license, bez napájacieho modulu)
PAC600S12-CB 600W AC napájací modul (for S6730-H48X6C/S6730-H24X6C series models)
PDC1000S12-DB 1000W DC napájací modul (for S6730-H48X6C/S6730-H24X6C series models)
N1-S67H-M-Lic S67XX-H Series Basic SW,Na zariadenie
N1-S67H-M-SnS1Y S67XX-H Series Basic SW,SnS,Na zariadenie,1rok
L-100GEUPG-S67H S67XX-H Series,40GE to 100GE Electronic RTU License,Na zariadenie
L-VxLAN-S67 S67 Series, Licencia VxLAN, Na zariadenie
L-1AP-S67 S67 Series, Wireless Access Controller AP Resource License-1AP
N1-S67H-F-Lic N1-CloudCampus,Nadácia,S67XX-H Series,Na zariadenie
N1-S67H-F-SnS N1-CloudCampus,Nadácia,S67XX-H Series,SnS,Na zariadenie
N1-S67H-A-Lic N1-CloudCampus,Pokročilé,S67XX-H Series,Na zariadenie
N1-S67H-A-SnS N1-CloudCampus,Pokročilé,S67XX-H Series,SnS,Na zariadenie
N1-S67H-FToA-Lic N1-Upgrade-Foundation to Advanced,S67XX-H,Na zariadenie
N1-S67H-FToA-SnS N1-Upgrade-Foundation to Advanced,S67XX-H,SnS,Na zariadenie
N1-AM-30-Lic N1-CloudCampus, Add-On Package, Access Management, Per 30 Endpoints
N1-AM-30-SnS1Y N1-CloudCampus, Add-On Package, Access Management, Software Subscription and Support, Per 30 Endpoints, 1 rok
N1-EPNP-30-Lic N1-CloudCampus, Add-On Package, Endpoints Plug and Play, Per 30 Endpoints
N1-EPNP-30-SnS1Y N1-CloudCampus, Add-On Package, Endpoints Plug and Play, Software Subscription and Support, Per 30 Endpoints, 1 rok
N1-APP-X7FSwitch N1-CloudCampus, Add-On Package, Analýza inteligentnej aplikácie, X7 Series Fixed Switch, Per
N1-APP-X7FSwitchSnS1Y N1-CloudCampus, Add-On Package, Analýza inteligentnej aplikácie, X7 Series Fixed Switch, Software Subscription and Support, Na zariadenie, 1 rok

Huawei S6730-H48X6C Switch Application

Huawei CloudEngine S6730-H24X6C Switch YCICT Huawei CloudEngine S6730-H24X6C Switch PRICE AND SPECS NEW AND ORIGINAL GOOD PRICE