
Huawei S5735S-S48P4X-A Switch is a standard gigabit access switch with 48*10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet ports, 4 10G SFP+ POE+.

Huawei S5735S-S48P4X-A Switch Product Overview

Huawei S5735S-S48P4X-A Switch is a standard gigabit access switch with 48*10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet ports, 4 10G SFP+ POE+. The product supports 1+1 zálohovanie napájania, with an AC power module by default. Packet forwarding rate reaches 144/166Mpps and Switching capacity 432Gbps/4.32Tbps. the switch is based on new-generation high-performance hardware and Huawei’s unified VRP (Versatile Routing Platform) software platform. Navyše, S5735S-S48P4X-A stands out with the enhanced three-layer, jednoduchá obsluha a údržba, flexibilné siete Ethernet, mature IPv6, atď. Okrem nich, it supports agile zero-configuration deployment, and provides functions such as Zero-Touch installation of new network devices, replacement of faulty devices without configuration, USB deployment, batch configuration of devices, and batch remote upgrades, which are convenient for installation, upgrade, poskytovanie služieb, and other management and maintenance. Huawei S5735S-S48P4X-A Switch is therefore widely used in enterprise campus access and aggregation, data center access and other application scenarios.

Huawei S5735S-S48P4X-A Switch Product Pictures

Huawei S5735S-S48P4X-A

Huawei S5735S-S48P4X-A price and specs ycictHuawei S5735S-S48P4X-A ycict

Huawei S5735S-S48P4X-A Product Specifications

Položka Popis
Značka Huawei
Model S5735S-S48P4X-A
Číslo dielu 98010970
Port 48*10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet ports, 4 10G SFP+ POE+
Pamäť (RAM) 1 GB
Flash 512 MB celkovo. Zobrazenie dostupnej veľkosti flash pamäte, spustite príkaz na zobrazenie verzie.
Priemerný čas medzi poruchami (MTBF) 54.88 rokov
Priemerný čas na opravu (MTTR) 2 hodiny
Dostupnosť > 0.99999
Prepäťová ochrana servisného portu Spoločný režim: ±7 kV
Hmotnosť (s obalom) 8.74 kg (19.27 lb)
Hromadné porty Any 10/100/1000BASE-T ports or 10GE SFP+ ports (applicable in V200R019C10 and later versions)
RTC Podporované
RPS Nie je podporované
PoE Podporované
Maximálna spotreba energie (100% priepustnosť, plná rýchlosť ventilátorov) Neposkytuje funkciu PoE: 77 W
100% Načítava sa PoE: 1661 W (PoE: 1440 W)
Prevádzková teplota -5°C až +50 °C (23°F až 122 °F) v nadmorskej výške 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.)
Krátkodobá prevádzková teplota -5°C až +55 °C (23°F až 131 °F) v nadmorskej výške 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.)
Skladovacia teplota -40°C až +70 °C (-40°F až +158 °F)
Hluk pri normálnej teplote (27°C, zvuková sila) < 58.9 dB(A)
Relatívna vlhkosť 5% do 95%, nekondenzujúca
Prevádzková výška 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
Prepäťová ochrana napájacieho zdroja Použitie AC napájacích modulov: ±6 kV v diferenciálnom režime, ±6 kV v spoločnom režime
Použitie DC napájacích modulov: ±2 kV v diferenciálnom režime, ±4 kV v bežnom režime
Certifikácia EMC certifikácia
Bezpečnostná certifikácia
Certifikácia výroby
Rozsah menovitého napätia AC vstup: 100 V AC do 130 V AC, 200 V AC do 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Vysokonapäťový jednosmerný vstup: 240 V DC
DC vstup: -48 V DC na -60 V DC
Maximálny rozsah napätia AC vstup: 90 V AC do 290 V AC, 45 Hz až 65 Hz
Vysokonapäťový jednosmerný vstup: 190 V DC na 290 V DC
DC vstup: -38.4 V DC na -72 V DC
Rozmery (V x Š x H) Základné rozmery (s výnimkou častí vyčnievajúcich z tela): 43.6 mm x 442.0 mm x 420.0 mm (1.72 v. X 17.4 v. X 16.5 v.)
Maximálne rozmery (hĺbka je vzdialenosť od portov na prednom paneli k rukoväti na zadnom paneli): 43.6 mm x 442.0 mm x 444.2 mm (1.72 v. X 17.4 v. X 17.49 v.)

Huawei S5735S-S48P4X-A Switch Product Features

  • Supporting MAC authentication, 802.1x autentifikácia, Autentifikácia portálu, and realizes the dynamic delivery of user policies (VLAN, QoS, ACL).
  • Supporting the strict learning function of ARP entries, which can prevent normal users from being unable to access the Internet due to ARP spoofing attacks.
  • Supporting perfect Ethernet OAM (EEE 802.3ah/802.1ag) for fast detection of link failures.
  • Rýchle PoE: When the switch is powered on, it supports power supply to PD devices in seconds, which is different from the general switch that can supply power to PD devices in about 1 do 3 minutes after being plugged into the power supply. When the PoE switch is powered off and restarted, it does not need to wait for the switch to restart before continuing to supply power to the PD. As long as the switch is powered on, it can continue to supply power to the PD, which greatly shortens the power-off time of the PD.
  • Permanent PoE: When the switch restarts (napríklad, when the software version is upgraded), the power supply to the connected PD devices will not be interrupted, ensuring that the PD will not lose power during the restart of the switch, and achieving zero interruption of PoE power supply.

Huawei S5735S-S48P4X-A Switch Product and Related Models

S5735S-S24T4S-A Switch 24*10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 Gigabit SFP

S5735S-S32ST4X-A Switch 24*Gigabit SFPs, 8 10/100/1000Ethernetové porty Base-T, 4 10 Gigabit SFP+

S5735S-S48T4S-A Switch 48*10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet ports, 4 Gigabit SFP

S5735S-S24T4X-A Switch 24*10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet ports, 4 10G SFP+

S5735S-S24P4X-A Switch 24*10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet ports, 4 10G SFP+ POE+

S5735S-S48T4X-A Switch 48*10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet ports, 4 10G SFP+

S5735S-S48P4X-A Switch 48*10/100/1000BASE-T Ethernet ports, 4 10G SFP+ POE+

Huawei S5735S-S48P4X-A Switch Product Ordering Info

CloudEngine S5735-S24T4X CloudEngine S5735-S24T4X (24 x 10/100/1000Base-T porty, 4 X 10 Porty GE SFP+, bez napájacieho modulu)
CloudEngine S5735-S24P4X CloudEngine S5735-S24P4X (24 x 10/100/1000Base-T porty, 4 X 10 Porty GE SFP+, PoE+, bez napájacieho modulu)
CloudEngine S5735-S48T4X CloudEngine S5735-S48T4X (48 x 10/100/1000Base-T porty, 4 X 10 Porty GE SFP+, bez napájacieho modulu)
CloudEngine S5735-S48P4X CloudEngine S5735-S48P4X (48 x 10/100/1000Base-T porty, 4 X 10 Porty GE SFP+, PoE+, bez napájacieho modulu)
CloudEngine S5735-S32ST4X CloudEngine S5735-S32ST4X (24 x porty GE SFP, 8 x 10/100/1000Base-T porty, 4 X 10 Porty GE SFP+, bez napájacieho modulu)
CloudEngine S5735-S48S4X CloudEngine S5735-S48S4X (48 x porty GE SFP, 4 X 10 GE SFP+ port, bez napájacieho modulu)
PDC1000S56-CB 1000 W AC PoE napájací modul,used in PoE models
PAC1000S56-CB 600 W AC PoE napájací modul,used in PoE models
PAC1000S56-DB 1000 W AC PoE napájací modul,used in PoE models
PDC180S12-CR 180 W DC napájací modul,used in Non-PoE models
PDC1000S12-DB 1000 W DC napájací modul,used in Non-PoE models
PAC150S12-R 150 W AC napájací modul, used in CloudEngine S5735-S48S4X
PAC60S12-AR 60 W AC napájací modul
N1-S57S-M-Lic Séria S57XX-S Základný SW,Na zariadenie
N1-S57S-M-SnS1Y Séria S57XX-S Základný SW,SnS,Na zariadenie,1rok
N1-S57S-F-Lic N1-CloudCampus,Nadácia,Séria S57XX-S,Na zariadenie
N1-S57S-F-SnS1Y N1-CloudCampus,Nadácia,Séria S57XX-S,SnS,Na zariadenie,1rok
N1-S57S-A-Lic N1-CloudCampus,Pokročilé,Séria S57XX-S,Na zariadenie
N1-S57S-A-SnS1Y N1-CloudCampus,Pokročilé,Séria S57XX-S,SnS,Na zariadenie,1rok
N1-S57S-FToA-Lic N1-Upgrade-Foundation to Advanced,S57XX-S,Na zariadenie
N1-S57S-FToA-SnS1Y N1-Upgrade-Foundation to Advanced,S57XX-S,SnS,Na zariadenie,1rok

Huawei S5735S-S48P4X-A Switch Product Applications

Huawei S5735S-S32ST4X-A

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