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Huawei S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch is next-generation intelligent hybrid optical-electrical fixed switch with 44 x GE SFP ports+ 4 x 10GE SFP+ portov, 4 x 10GE SFP+ ports One extended slot 1+1 power backup PoE++ and Switching capacity: 408Gbps/672Gbps
Huawei S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch Product Overview
The switch can function as core switches for small-sized campus networks and branches of medium- a veľké siete kampusov, and also work as access switches for Metropolitan Area Network.Bbuilt on Huawei’s unified Versatile Routing Platform (VRP), the integrated wireless AC capabilities can manage up to 1,024 wireless Aps, the free mobility feature ensures consistent user experience, and the VXLAN functionality implements network virtualization. Navyše, CloudEngine S5731-H48HB4XZ supports innovative opticalelectrical synergy technologies and integrates optical ports and electrical ports, and function as a central switch to provide 60 W PoE++ power for remote units (RUs) at 300 m
Huawei S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch Product Pictures
Huawei S5731-H48HB4XZ Product Specifications
Položka | Špecifikácia |
Parametre | CloudEngine S5731-H48HB4XZ |
Prepínacia kapacita2 | 408 Gbit/s/672 Gbit/s |
Pevné porty | 44 x GE SFP, 4 X 10 GE SFP+, 4 X 10 GE SFP+ |
PoE++ | Podporované, when used with a hybrid cable and an optical-electrical module |
Rozšírené sloty | One extended slot, 2 X 40 GE QSFP+, 2 X 25 GE SFP28 alebo 8 X 10 GE SFP+ cards |
Dlhodobá prevádzková teplota [°C(°F)] | –5°C to +45°C (23°F až 113 °F) v nadmorskej výške 0 do 1800 m (0 do 5905.51 ft.) |
Krátkodobá prevádzková teplota [°C(°F)] | -5°C až +50 °C (23°F až 122 °F) v nadmorskej výške 0-1800 m (0-5905.44 ft.) |
Skladovacia teplota [°C(°F)] | –40°C to +70°C (–40°F to +158°F) |
Dlhodobá prevádzková relatívna vlhkosť [RH] | 5% RH do 95% RH (nekondenzujúca) |
Dlhodobá prevádzková výška [m(ft.)] | 0–5000 m (0–16404 ft.) |
Skladovacia výška [m(ft.)] | 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.) |
Režim napájania | Pluggable power supply |
Menovité vstupné napätie [V] | AC vstup: 100 V AC do 240 V AC; 50/60 Hz |
High-voltage DC input: 240 V DC | |
DC vstup: –48 V DC to –60 V DC | |
Rozsah vstupného napätia [V] | AC vstup: 90 V AC do 290 V AC; 45-65 Hz |
High-voltage DC input: 190 V DC na 290 V DC | |
DC vstup: -38.4 V DC na -72 V DC | |
Maximálny vstupný prúd [A] | The current specifications are related to the pluggable power module. Podrobnosti, see Pluggable Power Modules. |
Pamäť | 2 GB |
Flash pamäť | 1 GB celkovo. Zobrazenie dostupnej veľkosti flash pamäte, spustite príkaz na zobrazenie verzie. |
Prepäťová ochrana napájacieho zdroja [kV] | Configured with AC power modules: ±6 kV in differential mode and ±6 kV in common mode |
Configured with DC power modules: ±2 kV in differential mode and ±4 kV in common mode | |
Typy ventilátorov | Pluggable |
Režim odvodu tepla | Air cooling for heat dissipation, inteligentné nastavenie rýchlosti ventilátora |
Smer prúdenia vzduchu | Air intake from left, front, and right and air exhaust from rear |
PoE | Podporované |
Certifikácia | EMC certifikácia |
Bezpečnostná certifikácia | |
Certifikácia výroby |
Huawei S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch Product Features
- Support SVF and functions as a parent switch. With this virtualization technology, a physical network with the “small-sized core/aggregation switches + access switches + AP” structure can be virtualized into a “super switch”, výrazne zjednodušuje správu siete.
- Support Layer 2 a Vrstva 3 multicast protocols, PIM SM, PIM DM, PIM SSM, MLD, a IGMP snooping, meeting the requirements of multi-terminal HD video surveillance and video conference access.
- Support Layer 3 features such as OSPF, JE-JE, BGP, and VRRP, meeting enterprise access and aggregation service bearer requirements, and supporting more voice, video, and data applications.
- Podpora autentifikácie 802.1x, Autentifikácia MAC adresy, Autentifikácia portálu, a hybridné overovanie, a môže dynamicky doručovať užívateľské politiky, ako sú VLAN, Zásady QoS, a zoznamy riadenia prístupu (ACL). Podporuje tiež správu používateľov na základe skupín používateľov.
- Vyvinuté na základe zrelých, stabilný VRP a podporuje duálne zásobníky IPv4/IPv6, smerovacie protokoly IPv6 (RIPng, OSPFv3, BGP4+, a IS-IS pre IPv6).
- S týmito funkciami IPv6, the CloudEngine S5731-H can be deployed on a pure IPv4 network, čistá IPv6 sieť, alebo zdieľaná sieť IPv4/IPv6, pomáha dosiahnuť prechod z IPv4 na IPv6.
Huawei CloudEngine S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch and More S5731 Switches
S5731-H24T4XC (02352QPP/02352QPP-001/02352QPP-005)
S5731-H24P4XC (02352QPV/02352QPV-001/02352QPV-003)
S5731-H48T4XC (02352QPT/02352QPT-003/02352QPT-007)
S5731-H48P4XC (02352SVD/02352SVD-001/02352SVD-003)
S5731-H48T4XC-B (02353VAD/02353VAD-003/02353VAD-005)
S5731-H24HB4XZ (02354QXD)
S5731-H24HB4XZ (02354QXD-001)
S5731-H48HB4XZ (02354QXB)
S5731-H48HB4XZ (02354QXB-001)
Huawei S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch Ordering Info
CloudEngine S5731-H24HB4XZ | CloudEngine S5731-H24HB4XZ(20*GE SFP porty, 4*10Porty GE SFP+, 4*10Porty GE SFP+, 1*rozširujúci slot, PoE++, bez napájacieho modulu) |
CloudEngine S5731-H48HB4XZ | CloudEngine S5731-H48HB4XZ(44*GE SFP porty, 4*10Porty GE SFP+, 4*10Porty GE SFP+, 1*rozširujúci slot, PoE++, bez napájacieho modulu) |
S7Q02001 | 2-port 40GE QSFP+ interface card |
ES5D21X08T00 | 8-port 10GBASE-T interface card |
S7X08000 | 2-port 25GE SFP28 or 8-port 10GE SFP+ interface card |
PAC600S56-CB | 600 W AC napájací modul |
PAC1000S56-DB | 1000 W AC PoE napájací modul |
PAC1000S56-CB | 1000 W AC PoE napájací modul |
PDC1000S56-CB | 1000 W DC PoE napájací modul |
VENTILÁTOR-023A-B | Modul ventilátora, Air flows in from the front side and exhausts from the rear panel. |
L-512AP-S57 | Séria S57, Wireless Access Controller AP Resource License-512AP |
L-64AP-S57 | Séria S57, Wireless Access Controller AP Resource License-64AP |
L-32AP-S57 | Séria S57, Wireless Access Controller AP Resource License-32AP |
L-1AP-S57 | Séria S57, Wireless Access Controller AP Resource License-1AP |
L-VxLAN-S57 | Séria S57, Licencia VxLAN, Na zariadenie |
N1-S57H-M-Lic | Séria S57XX-H Základný SW,Na zariadenie |
N1-S57H-M-SnS1Y | Séria S57XX-H Základný SW,SnS,Na zariadenie,1rok |
N1-S57H-F-Lic | N1-CloudCampus,Nadácia,Séria S57XX-H,Na zariadenie |
N1-S57H-F-SnS1Y | N1-CloudCampus,Nadácia,Séria S57XX-H,SnS,Na zariadenie,1rok |
N1-S57H-A-Lic | N1-CloudCampus,Pokročilé,Séria S57XX-H,Na zariadenie |
N1-S57H-A-SnS1Y | N1-CloudCampus,Pokročilé,Séria S57XX-H,SnS,Na zariadenie,1rok |
N1-S57H-FToA-Lic | N1-Upgrade-Foundation to Advanced,S57XX-H,Na zariadenie |
N1-S57H-FToASnS1Y | N1-Upgrade-Foundation to Advanced,S57XX-H,SnS,Na zariadenie,1rok |
Huawei S5731-H48HB4XZ Switch Product Applications
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