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Huawei S5720-52X-PWR-SI-ACF Switch is standard Layer 3 Gigabit Ethernet switch with 48 Ethernet 10/100/1000 PoE+ porty, 4 10 Gig SFP+ Dual pluggable AC power supplies, one 1150 W AC power supply equipped by default and PoE+
Huawei S5720-52X-PWR-SI-ACF Switch Product Overview
The switch provides flexible full gigabit access and cost-effective fixed GE ports and 10GE uplink ports with Forwarding performance: 132 Mpps a prepínacia kapacita: 336 Gbit/s . Based on next-generation high-performing hardware and Versatile Routing Platform (VRP). S5720-SI supports simplified operations and maintenance (O&M), inteligentný stoh (iStack), flexibilné siete Ethernet, and MACsec. Navyše, S5720-52X-PWR-SI-ACF supports zero-touch deployment, replacement of faulty devices without additional configuration, USB-based deployment, batch configuration, and batch remote upgrade. The capabilities facilitate device deployment, upgrade, poskytovanie služieb, a iné operácie riadenia a údržby, and also greatly reduce O&M náklady. S5720-SI can be used in various scenarios. Napríklad, it can be used as an access or aggregation switch on a campus network or as an access switch in a data center.
Huawei S5720-52X-PWR-SI-ACF Switch Product Pictures
Huawei S5720-52X-PWR-SI-ACF Switch Product Specifications
Product model | S5720-52X-PWR-SI-ACF |
Prepínacia kapacita | 336 Gbit/s |
Výkon pri zasielaní | 132 Mps |
Pevné porty | S5720-52X-SI-48S: 48 x Gig SFP, 2 z ktorých sú dvojúčelové 10/100/1,000 alebo SFP, 4 X 10 Gig SFP+ Others: 48 X 10/100/1,000 prístavov, 4 X 10 Koncert SFP+ |
Tabuľka MAC adries | 16K |
IEEE 802.1d compliance | |
16k MAC address entries | |
Učenie a starnutie MAC adries | |
Statické, dynamický, and black hole MAC address entries | |
Filtrovanie paketov na základe zdrojových MAC adries | |
Vlastnosti VLAN | 4094 VLAN |
Hosťovská VLAN, Hlasová VLAN | |
GVRP | |
Priradenie VLAN na základe MAC adries, protokoly, IP podsiete, postupy, a prístavy | |
1:1 a N:1 VLAN mapovanie | |
Smerovanie IP | Statická trasa, RIPv1/v2, RIPng, OSPF, OSPFv3, ECMP, JE-JE, IS-ISv6, BGP, BGP4+ |
SVF | Plug-and-play SVF klient |
Automatické načítanie softvéru a opráv klientom | |
Jedno kliknutie a automatické doručenie konfigurácií služieb | |
Independent client running | |
Interoperabilita | VLAN-based Spanning Tree (VBST) (spolupracujúce s PVST, PVST+, a RPVST) |
Negotiation Protocol typu odkazu (LNP) (podobne ako DTP) | |
Protokol centrálnej správy VLAN (VCMP) (podobne ako VTP) | |
Skladovacia teplota | -40°C až +70 °C (-40°F až +158 °F) |
Hluk pri normálnej teplote (27°C, zvuková sila) | < 56.5 dB(A) |
Relatívna vlhkosť | 5% do 95%, nekondenzujúca |
Prevádzková výška | 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.) |
Certifikácia | EMC certifikácia Bezpečnostná certifikácia Certifikácia výroby |
Číslo dielu | 02350DLY |
Huawei S5720-52X-PWR-SI-ACF Switch Product Features
- Použite zrelé, stabilná platforma VRP a podporuje duálny zásobník IPv4/IPv6, IPv6 RIPng, a IPv6 cez tunely IPv4 (vrátane manuálu, 6-až -4, a ISATAP tunely). S týmito funkciami IPv6, the S5720-SI can be deployed on a pure IPv4 network, čistá IPv6 sieť, alebo zdieľaná sieť IPv4/IPv6, pomáha dosiahnuť prechod z IPv4 na IPv6.
- Huawei cloud management platform allows users to configure, monitorovať, and inspect switches on the cloud, reducing on-site deployment and O&M manpower costs and decreasing network OPEX. Huawei switches support both cloud management and on-premise management modes. These two management modes can be flexibly switched as required to achieve smooth evolution while maximizing return on investment (ROI).
- Otvorte systém programovateľnosti (OPS) is an open programmable system based on the Python language. IT administrátori môžu naprogramovať O&M functions of a switch through Python scripts to quickly innovate functions and implement intelligent O&M.
Huawei S5720-52X-PWR-SI-ACF Switch and More Models
Huawei S5720-52X-PWR-SI-ACF Switch Product Applications
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