
Huawei S5700S-28X-LI-AC Switch is a gigabit enterprise switch with 24*10/100/1000Base-T Ethernet ports, 4*10G SFP+ AC power supply

Huawei S5700S-28X-LI-AC Switch Product Overview

Huawei S5700S-28X-LI-AC Switch is a next-generation energy-saving switch to meet the demand for high-bandwidth access and Ethernet multi-service aggregation. Based on the cutting-edge hardware and Huawei Versatile Routing Platform (VRP) softvér, the unit offers a large switching capacity, vysoká spoľahlivosť (double power slots and hardware Ethernet OAM), and high-density GE ports to accommodate 10 Gbit/s upstream transmissions. Okrem nich, It supports centralized MAC address authentication, 802.1x autentifikácia, a NAC. It authenticates users based on statically or dynamically bound user information such as the user name, IP adresa, Mac adresa, ID VLAN, prístupové rozhranie, a príznak označujúci, či je nainštalovaný antivírusový softvér. VLAN, Zásady QoS, and ACLs can be applied to users dynamically. Huawei S5700S-28X-LI-AC Switch adopts advanced reliability, bezpečnosť, and energy conservation technologies, helping enterprise customers build a next generation IT network.

Huawei S5700S-28X-LI-AC Switch Product Pictures

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Huawei S5700S-28X-LI-AC Switch Product Specifications

Položka Popis
Značka Huawei
Model S5700S-28X-LI-AC
Číslo dielu 02350HEC
Port 24*10/100/1000Ethernetové porty Base-T, 4*10G SFP+
Pamäť (RAM) 512 MB
Priemerný čas medzi poruchami (MTBF) 100.31 rokov
Priemerný čas na opravu (MTTR) 2 hodiny
Dostupnosť > 0.99999
Prepäťová ochrana servisného portu Spoločný režim: ±6 kV
Prepäťová ochrana napájacieho zdroja ±6 kV v diferenciálnom režime, ±6 kV v spoločnom režime
Rozmery (V x Š x H) 43.6 mm x 442.0 mm x 220.0 mm (1.72 v. X 17.4 v. X 8.7 v.)
Hmotnosť (s obalom) 4.8 kg (10.58 lb)
Hromadné porty Štyri uplink 10GE SFP+ porty
RTC Podporované
RPS Podporované
PoE Nie je podporované
Rozsah menovitého napätia 100 V AC do 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz
Maximálny rozsah napätia 90 V AC do 264 V AC, 47 Hz až 63 Hz
Maximálna spotreba energie (100% priepustnosť, plná rýchlosť ventilátorov) 32 W
Prevádzková teplota 0°C až 45 °C (32°F až 113 °F) v nadmorskej výške 0-1800 m (0-5906 ft.)
Skladovacia teplota -40°C až +70 °C (-40°F až +158 °F)
Hluk pri normálnej teplote (27°C, zvuková sila) < 50.2 dB(A)
Relatívna vlhkosť 5% do 95%, nekondenzujúca
Prevádzková výška 0-5000 m (0-16404 ft.)
Certifikácia EMC certifikácia
Bezpečnostná certifikácia
Certifikácia výroby

Huawei S5700S-28X-LI-AC Switch Product Features

  • Podpora Smart Ethernet Protection (SEP) protokol, a ring network • protocol applied to the link layer on an Ethernet network. SEP can be used on open ring networks and can be deployed on upper-layer aggregation devices to provide fast switchover (v rámci 50 pani), ensuring non-stop transmission of services. SEP sa vyznačuje jednoduchosťou, vysoká spoľahlivosť, rýchle prepínanie, ľahká údržba, a flexibilná topológia, uľahčenie plánovania a riadenia siete.
  • Implementing complex traffic classification based on packet information such as the 5-tuple, IP preference, ToS, DSCP, IP protocol type, ICMP type, TCP source port, ID VLAN, Ethernet protocol type, and CoS. ACLs can be applied to inbound or outbound direction on an interface. The S5700S-LI supports a flow-based two-rate three-color CAR. Each port supports eight priority queues and multiple queue scheduling algorithms such as WRR, DRR, PQ, WRR+PQ, and DRR+PQ. All of these ensure the quality of voice, video, and data services.
  • Supporting DHCP snooping, which discards invalid packets that do not match any binding entries, such as ARP spoofing packets and IP spoofing packets. This prevents man-in-the-middle attacks to campus networks that hackers initiate by using ARP packets. The interface connected to a DHCP server can be configured as a trusted interface to protect the system against bogus DHCP server attacks.

Huawei S5700S-28X-LI-AC Switch Product and more Models

S5700S-28P-LI-AC: 24*10/100/1000 Base-T ports and 4*1000Base-X ports AC power

S5700S-28P-PWR-LI-AC: 24*10/100/1000 Base-T ports and 4*1000Base-X ports AC power POE+

S5700S-52P-LI-AC: 48*10/100/1000 Base-T ports and 4*1000Base-X ports AC power

S5700S-28X-LI-AC: 24*10/100/1000Ethernetové porty Base-T, 4*10G SFP+

S5700S-52X-LI-AC: 48* 10/100/1,000 Ethernetové porty Base-T, 4*10 Porty GE SFP+

Huawei S5700S-28X-LI-AC Switch Product Applications

Huawei S5700S-28P-PWR-LI-AC prepínač Huawei S5700

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