
Huawei S2720-12TP-PWR-EI Switch is a next-generation access switch that provides flexible 100M, GE prístupové porty a GE uplink porty. it has 4×Ethernet 10/100 Base-Tx porty, 4×Ethernet 10/100/1000 Porty Base-T, 2×Gig SFP porty, 2×combo Gig ports AC power supply and PoE+

Huawei S2720-12TP-PWR-EI Switch Product Overview

The switch has Forwarding performance: 12.6Mps , and Switching capacity: 68Gbps. It is well suited for enterprise campus access scenarios, featuring both 100M-to-the-desktop and GE uplink transmission. Okrem toho, S2720-12TP-PWR-EI provides a mix of 100M and 1000M ports and offer rich Layer 3 smerovacie protokoly, vysoký výkon, and powerful service processing. The switches can also work as clients in a Super Virtual Fabric (SVF) system.

Huawei S2720-12TP-PWR-EI Switch Product Pictures

Huawei S2720-12TP-PWR-EI specsHuawei S2720-12TP-PWR-EI S2720-EI

Prepínač Huawei S2720-12TP-PWR-EIHuawei S2720-12TP-PWR-EI price and specs

Huawei S2720-12TP-PWR-EI Switch Product Specifications

Modely produktov S2720-12TP-NO
Prepínacia kapacita 68 Gbit/s 68 Gbit/s 336 Gbit/s
Výkon pri zasielaní 12.6 mpps 20.4 mpps 34.8 mpps
Pevné porty Downlink: 4 X 10/100 Ethernetové porty Base-TX; 4 x GE porty Downlink: 16 X 10/100 Ethernetové porty Base-TX; 8 x GE porty Downlink: 32 X 10/100 Ethernetové porty Base-TX; 16 x GE porty
Uplink: 4 x GE porty Uplink: 4 x GE porty Uplink: 4 x GE porty
Tabuľka MAC adries 16K záznamov MAC adries
Nastaviteľný čas starnutia MAC adries
Záznamy MAC adries Blackhole
Obmedzenie počtu MAC adries získaných na porte
Vlastnosti VLAN 4K VLAN
Priradenie VLAN na základe MAC adries, protokoly, IP podsiete, postupy, a rozhrania
QinQ založený na portoch
Smerovanie IP Statické smerovanie
Interoperabilita Spanning Tree založený na VLAN (VBST) (spolupracujúce s PVST, PVST+, a RPVST)
Negotiation Protocol typu odkazu (LNP) (podobne ako DTP)
Protokol centrálnej správy VLAN (VCMP) (podobne ako VTP)

Huawei S2720-12TP-PWR-EI Switch Product Features

  • Diverse Port Types

Mix 100M a 1000M portov s rôznymi prístupovými portami.

  • iStack

Inteligentný zásobník (iStack) zlepšuje spoľahlivosť a škálovateľnosť zariadenia, pričom sa výrazne znižuje prevádzka a údržba systému (O&M) náklady. To umožňuje jednotnú konfiguráciu a správu celého zásobníkového systému.

  • High Performance

Podpora protokolu Routing Information Protocol (RIP) a Najprv otvorte najkratšiu cestu (OSPF), ponúka špičkový smerovací výkon v oblasti 100M prepínačov.

Huawei S2720-12TP-PWR-EI Switch and More S2720-EI Models


Huawei S2720-12TP-PWR-EI Switch Ordering Info

S2720-12TP-NO (4 × Ethernet 10/100 Base-Tx porty, 4 × Ethernet 10/100/1000 Porty Base-T, 2 × Gig SFP porty, 2 ×kombo Gig porty, AC 110/220V)
S2720-12TP-PWR-EI (4 × Ethernet 10/100 Base-Tx porty, 4 × Ethernet 10/100/1000 Porty Base-T, 2 × Gig SFP porty, 2 ×kombo Gig porty,124W PoE AC 110/220V)
S2720-28TP-PWR-EI (16 × Ethernet 10/100 Base-Tx porty, 8 × Ethernet 10/100/1000 Porty Base-T, 2 × Gig SFP porty, 2 ×kombo Gig porty,370W PoE AC 110/220V)
S2720-28TP-NO (16 × Ethernet 10/100 Base-Tx porty, 8 × Ethernet 10/100/1000 Porty Base-T, 2 × Gig SFP porty, 2 ×kombo Gig porty, AC 110/220V)
S2720-52TP-NO (32 × Ethernet 10/100 Base-Tx porty, 16 × Ethernet 10/100/1000 Porty Base-T, 4 × Gig SFP porty,
AC 110/220V)
S2720-52TP-PWR-EI (32 × Ethernet 10/100 Base-Tx porty, 16 × Ethernet 10/100/1000 Porty Base-T, 4 × Gig SFP porty, 370W PoE AC 110/220V)

Huawei S2720-12TP-PWR-EI Switch Product Applications

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