Huawei Oceanstor 5610

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Huawei Oceanstor 5610 is a next-generation hybrid flash storage system with 16*Maximum Number of Controllers and 768GB to 8TB Maximum Cache. It is designed for future data centers, helping users achieve future business goals.

Huawei Oceanstor 5610 Product Overview

Huawei’s OceanStor 5610 Hybrid Flash Storage System (OceanStor Hybrid Flash Storage for short) is a next-generation hybrid flash storage system for future-oriented data centers, helping users achieve their future business goals.
OceanStor hybrid flash storage has a wide range of convergence functions, integrating SAN, NAS, database storage engine, computing and other functions, and is widely used in scenarios such as OLTP/OLAP, virtualizácia servera, VDI, and resource integration for medium and large enterprise enterprises in government, financií, Zdravotná starostlivosť, vzdelávanie, energie, výroba, a ďalšie priemyselné odvetvia, and calmly copes with new business scenarios such as cloud, container, and distributed database, helping customers maximize return on investment (ROI) a prospievať všetkým oblastiam života.
In the face of the ever-changing business of users, storage should also ensure that data is not lost and business is not interrupted. Huawei’s OceanStor hybrid flash storage uses the integrated SA and NAS AA gateway-free active-active solution to reduce faulty nodes, reduce deployment complexity, and improve system reliability. V rovnakom čase, the Active-Active active-active solution implements load-balanced active-active mirroring and non-disruptive cross-site takeover to ensure that core applications are not troubled by downtime. The industry’s only NAS A-A active-active solution ensures efficient and reliable NAS performance. The industry’s only NAS multi-path, which provides multi-link handover of NAS front-end faults to ensure high reliability of file scenarios. Navyše, the active-active solution can be smoothly upgraded to data protection solutions such as two cities and three centers, ring 3DC, atď., to provide a higher level of data protection.

Huawei Oceanstor 5610 Obrázky produktov

Huawei Oceanstor 5610Huawei Oceanstor 5610 SSD

Huawei Oceanstor 5610 overviewHuawei Oceanstor 5610 good price

Huawei Oceanstor 5610 Špecifikácia výrobku

Parametre Oceanstor 5310 Oceanstor 5510 Oceanstor 5610
Maximum Number of Controllers 16 16 16
Maximálna vyrovnávacia pamäť (dual controllers, grows with the expansion of controllers) 128 GB to 2 TBC 384 GB to 4 TBC 768 GB to 8 TBC
Supported Storage Protocols FC, iSCSI, NFS, Cifs, FC-NVMe, NVMe over RoCE, NDMP, NFS over RDMA FC, iSCSI, NFS, Cifs, FC-NVMe, NVMe over RoCE, FTP*, HTTP*, NDMP and S3*, NFS over RDMA
Front-End Channel Port Types 8/16/32 Gbps FC/FC-NVMe, 1/10/25/40/100 GBPS Ethernet, a 25 Gbps NVMe over RoCE
Back-End Channel Port Types 100 Gbps RDMA/SAS 3.0
Maximum Number of Hot-Swappable I/O Modules per Controller Enclosure 6 12
Maximum Number of Front-End Host Ports per Controller Enclosure 40 48
Hard Disk Types NVMe SSD, SAS SSD, SAS, NL-SAS
RAID Levels Nájazd 5, Nájazd 6, RAID10*, and RAID-TP (tolerating the simultaneous failure of three disks)
Softvér s pridanou hodnotou Inteligentné zrýchlenie, Inteligentný, Smartquota, Nájomca, SmartQos, Inteligentná, Migrácia, Inteligentná kompresia, SmartMobility*, SmartMove
Prerušiť, Hyperreplikácia, Hyperklon, Hypermetro, Hypercdp, Hyperlock, Hyperencryption, HyperDetect*, HyperLink*, CloudBackup*, NFS+

Huawei Oceanstor 5610 Vlastnosti produktu

  • New integration, future-proof

For new data centers, cloud, distributed databases, containers and other types of services are coming, putting forward higher requirements for the agility of enterprise IT systems. In addition to fully meeting the requirements of the current data storage functions, Huawei OceanStor hybrid flash storage provides five new convergence capabilities, including multi-protocol convergence, storage-compute convergence, cross-generational convergence, hot-warm data convergence, and multi-cloud convergence, providing customers with an ideal choice for agile deployment of future services.

  • The high-end storage technology has been moved downward, and the performance has been fully unleashed

OceanStor hybrid flash storage moves Huawei’s high-end storage multi-controller Active-Active technology downward, allowing a single LUN and a single file system to be load balanced across multiple controllers, giving full play to the full performance of the controllers in any scenario and implementing failover. OceanStor hybrid flash memory is the first to support the end-to-end NVMe architecture, using the industry-leading 32Gbps FC-NVMe/25Gbps RoCE protocol on the front-end and 100Gbps RDMA protocol on the back-end to achieve end-to-end data acceleration and fully unleash performance.

  • AI integration, intelligent prediction

OceanStor hybrid flash storage has Huawei’s powerful AI forecasting function, which automatically predicts the expansion needs of customers in the coming year based on workload and performance/capacity trends, and notifies users to apply for budgets and expand capacity in a timely manner.

Huawei Oceanstor 5610 A ďalšie modely

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Huawei Oceanstor 5610 Aplikácie produktov

Huawei Oceanstor 5610 application