
Huawei CE6881-48T6CQ Switch is next-generation 10GE access switch with 48 x 10GE Base-T ports and 6 x 100GE QSFP28 portov.

Huawei CE6881-48T6CQ Switch Product Overview

The switch provides high performance and high port density on data center networks and high-end campus networks. CE6881-48T6CQ has advanced hardware architecture with 40GE/100GE uplink ports and high-density 10GE access ports. With using Huawei’s VRP8 software platform, it could support extensive data center features and high stacking capabilities. Navyše, the switch adopts flexible airflow design (front-to-back or back-to-front) working with CloudEngine 16800 alebo CloudEngine 12800 sériové prepínače dátového centra na vytvorenie elastického, virtuálne, a vysokokvalitné 40GE/100GE full-mesh siete, splnenie požiadaviek dátových centier cloud computingu. Okrem toho, Huawei CloudEngine 6881-48T6CQ Switch provides high-density 10GE access to help enterprises and carriers build a scalable data center network platform in the cloud computing era. They can also work as core or aggregation switches on campus networks.

Huawei CE6881-48T6CQ Switch Product Pictures

Prepínač Huawei CloudEngine 6857E-48S6CQ Switch 10g nový a originálny ycictCena a špecifikácie prepínača Huawei CloudEngine 6881-48T6CQ prepínač huawei ce

Huawei CloudEngine 6857E-48S6CQ Switch huawei 6800 switchHuawei CloudEngine 6881-48T6CQ huawei ce6800 switch ycict

Huawei CE6881-48T6CQ Switch Specifications

Parametre CloudEngine 6881-48T6CQ
Downlink porty 48 X 10 GE Base-T
Uplink porty 6 X 40/100 GE QSFP28
Prepínacia kapacita 2.16 Tbit/s
Výkon pri zasielaní 940 mpps
Buffer 42 MB
Spoľahlivosť LACP
BFD pre BGP, JE-JE, OSPF, statická trasa, a VXLAN
Hardvérové ​​BFD
O&M Telemetria
Funkcie dátového centra Smerovanie a premostenie VXLAN
Maximálna spotreba energie 452 W
Zdroj 600W AC&240V DC
1000W -48V DC
1200W HVDC
Prevádzkové napätie AC: 90V~290V
DC: -38.4V~-72V
240V HVDC: 190V~290V
380V HVDC: 190V~400V

Huawei CE6881-48T6CQ Switch Features

  • Proactively performing path detection over the entire network, periodically checking sample flows to determine the connectivity of all paths on the network and locates fault points, providing real-time network health information.
  • Supporting visualization of all flows and congestion, improving service experience.
  • Using a strict front-to-back/back-to-front airflow design that isolates cold air channels from hot air channels. This design improves heat dissipation efficiency and meets design requirements of data center equipment rooms.
  • Providing innovative energy-saving chips and can measure system power consumption in real time. The fan speed can be adjusted dynamically based on system consumption. These energy-saving technologies reduce O&M costs and contribute to a greener data center.
  • Supporting remote positioning. Remote positioning indicators enable users to easily identify the switches they want to maintain in an equipment room full of devices.

Huawei CE6881-48T6CQ Switch Ordering Info

CE6881-48S6CQ CE6881-48S6CQ switch (48*10G SFP+, 6*100G QSFP28, without fan and power modules)
CE6881-48S6CQ-B CE6881-48S6CQ-B switch (48*10G SFP+, 6*100G QSFP28, 2*AC power modules, 4*fan modules, port-side intake)
CE6881-48S6CQ-F CE6881-48S6CQ-F switch (48*10G SFP+, 6*100G QSFP28, 2*AC power modules, 4*fan modules, port-side exhaust)
CE6881-48T6CQ CE6881-48T6CQ switch (48*10G RJ45, 6*100G QSFP28, without fan and power modules)
CE6881-48T6CQ-B CE6881-48T6CQ-B switch(48*10GE RJ45,6*100GE QSFP28,2*AC power modules,4*fan modules,port-side intake)
CE6881-48T6CQ-F CE6881-48T6CQ-F switch (48*10G RJ45, 6*100G QSFP28, 2*AC power modules, 4*fan modules, port-side exhaust)
VENTILÁTOR-031A-F Skriňa ventilátora (F,Prívod bočného panela ventilátora) CloudEngine 6881 séria
VENTILÁTOR-031A-B Skriňa ventilátora (B,Výfukový výfukový výfuk) CloudEngine 6881 séria
PAC600S12-CF 600W AC napájací modul(Front to Back,Prívod na strane napájacieho panela) CloudEngine 6881 séria
PAC600S12-CB 600W AC napájací modul(Späť dopredu, Bočný výfuk na paneli napájania) CloudEngine 6881 séria
PDC1000S12-DF 1000W DC Power Modul (Front to Back,Prívod na strane napájacieho panela) CloudEngine 6881 séria
PDC1000S12-DB 1000W DC Power Modul (Predná časť,Bočný výfuk na paneli napájania) CloudEngine 6881 séria
PHD1K2S12-DB 1200W HVDC Power Module (Back to Front, Bočný výfuk na paneli napájania) CloudEngine 6881 séria
N1-CE68LIC-CFMM N1-CloudFabric Management SW License for CloudEngine 6800
N1-CE68CFMM-SnS1Y N1-CE68CFMM-SnS1Y,N1-CloudFabric Management SW License for CloudEngine 6800
N1-CE68lic-CFFD Licencia N1-CloudFaBric Foundation SW pre CloudEngine 6800
N1-CE68CFFD-SnS1Y Licencia N1-CloudFaBric Foundation SW pre CloudEngine 6800-SNS-ročné roky
N1-CE68LIC-CFAD N1-cloudfabric Advanced SW Licencia pre CloudEngine 6800
N1-CE68CFAD-SnS1Y N1-CloudFabric Advanced SW License for CloudEngine -SnS -Year
N1-CE68LIC-CFPM N1-cloudfabric Premium SW Licencia pre CloudEngine 6800
N1-CE68CFPM-SnS1Y N1-cloudfabric Premium SW Licencia pre CloudEngine 6800 -SnS-Year

Huawei CE6881-48T6CQ Switch and More CE6800

CloudEngine 6857E-48S6CQ “48*10GE SFP+ 6*40/100GE QSFP28”
CloudEngine 6857F-48S6CQ “48*10GE SFP+ 6*40/100GE QSFP28”
CloudEngine 6857F-48T6CQ 48*10GE Base-T 6*40/100GE QSFP28
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CloudEngine 6881-48S6CQ 48 x 10GE SFP+ portov a 6 x 100GE QSFP28 portov
CloudEngine 6881-48T6CQ 48*10G RJ45, 6*100G QSFP28
CloudEngine 6881H-48S6CQ 48*10 GE SFP+ 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6881H-48T6CQ 48*10 GE Base-T a 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6870-48S6CQ-EI-A 48*10 GE SFP+ 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6863-48S6CQ 48*10/25 GE SFP28 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6863E-48S6CQ 48*10/25 GE SFP28 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6863H-48S6CQ 48*25 GE SFP+ 6*40/100 GE QSFP28
CloudEngine 6866-48S8CQ-P 48*10/25 GE SFP28 alebo 48 X 50 GE SFP56 8*40/100 GE QSFP28 alebo 8 X 200 GE QSFP56
CloudEngine 6860-HAM 48*10/25 GE SFP28 alebo 48 X 50 GE SFP56 8*40/100 GE QSFP28 alebo 8 X 200 GE QSFP56
CloudEngine 6820H-48S6CQ 48*10 GE SFP+ 6*40/100 GE QSFP28

Huawei CloudEngine 6881-48T6CQ Switch Product Applications

CloudEngine 6881-48S6CQ huawei ce6800 switch for datacenter

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