
Huawei AirEngine 9703-S is a next-generation high-performance wireless Access Controller (AC) s 2 x 100G QSFP28/(2 x QSFP+ + 4 x 25GE SFP28)/(2 x QSFP+ + 8 x 10GE SFP+)/8 x 25GE SFP28 + 4 x 25GE SFP28 4 x 10GE SFP+ 8 x GE Combo*

Huawei AirEngine 9703-S Product Overview

Huawei AirEngine 9703-S is a next-generation high-performance wireless Access Controller (AC) for midsize and large enterprises, enterprise branches, and education campuses. It can manage up to 4096 Prístupové body (AP) and support a maximum of 120 Gbps forwarding performance. This model features high scalability and offers users considerable flexibility in configuring the number of managed APs. When used with Huawei APs in compliance with 802.11n/ac/ax/be, AirEngine 9703-S can be used to construct midsize and large campus networks, podnikové kancelárske siete, bezdrôtové metropolitné siete (MUŽOVIA), a siete pokrytia hotspotov.

Huawei AirEngine 9703-S Product Pictures

Huawei AirEngine 9703-S price and specsHuawei AirEngine 9703-S price and specs ycict

Huawei AirEngine 9703-S specs ycictHuawei AirEngine 9703-S specs ycict

Huawei AirEngine 9703-S Product Specifications

Parametre AirEngine 9703-S
Porty 2 x 100G QSFP28/(2 x QSFP+ + 4 x 25GE SFP28)/(2 x QSFP+ + 8 x 10GE SFP+)/8 x 25GE SFP28 + 4 x 25GE SFP28 4 x 10GE SFP+ 8 x GE Combo*
Zdroj AC or DC power adapter
Schopnosť zasielania 120 Gbit/s
Maximálny počet spravovaných AP 4096
Maximálny počet používateľov s prístupom 51200
Sieť AP-AC Vrstva 2 alebo Vrstva 3 vytváranie sietí
Forwarding Mode 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ac Vlna 2/ax/be
AC aktívny/pohotovostný režim 1 + 1 HSB or N + 1 záloha
Radio Protocol 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ax/be

Huawei AirEngine 9703-S Product Features

  • .Supports automatic application upgrade in the application signature database, without the need of a software version upgrade.
  • Supports WLAN AC 1+1 hot standby (HSB) and N+1 backup, ensuring uninterrupted services.
  • Supports port backup based on the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) or Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP).
  • Inteligentná technológia DFA: Priradenie dynamickej frekvencie (DFA) Algoritmus sa používa na automatickú detekciu rušenia susedného a spoločného kanála, and identify any 2.4 GHz redundant radio. Through automatic inter-AP negotiation, the redundant radio is automatically switched to another mode (dual-5G AP models support 2.4G-to-5G switchover) or is disabled to reduce 2.4 GHz co-channel interference and increase the system capacity.
  • Intelligent conflict optimization technology: The dynamic enhanced distributed channel access (EDCA) and airtime scheduling algorithms are used to schedule the channel occupation time and service priority of each user. This ensures that each user is assigned relatively equal time for using channel resources and user services are scheduled in an orderly manner, improving service processing efficiency and user experience.

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Huawei AirEngine 9703-S Product Applications

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