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Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO is a next-generation flagship indoor access point which complies with the Wi-Fi 6 (802.11sekera) standards, and achieving a device rate up to 10.75 Gbps
Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO Overview
The access point supports flexible switching among three modes: dual-radio, triple-radio, and dual-radio + one scanning radio. AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO uses built-in smart antennas to move Wi-Fi signals with users, significantly enhancing users’ wireless network experience. Navyše, the item provides uplink optical and electrical ports, allowing customers to select different deployment modes based on scenarios. it can also analyze the spectrum of non-Wi-Fi interference sources and identify them, including baby monitors, Bluetooth devices, digital cordless phones (na 2.4 GHz frequency band only), Bezdrôtové zvukové vysielače (v oboch 2.4 GHz a 5 Frekvenčné pásma GHZ), bezdrôtové ovládače hier, a mikrovlnné rúry. Spojený s huawei nce-campus, Presné umiestnenie zdrojov rušenia je možné zistiť, a ich spektrum sa zobrazuje, umožnenie správcovi včas odstrániť rušenie. These strengths permit AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO ideal for scenarios such as enterprise office, vláda, higher education, and primary/secondary education.
Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO Pictures
Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO Specifications
Model | AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO |
Číslo dielu | 02353GSG-001 |
Prvá podporovaná verzia | V200R021C10SPC100 |
Popis | AirEngine8760-X1-PRO(11sekera Vnútorný,Dedicated 3rd Radio,4+12 dvojaké kapely,inteligentná anténa,USB,IoT Slot,BLE) |
Rozmery (V x Š x H) | 61 mm x 220 mm x 220 mm |
Príkon | DC: 48 V ± 10% |
PoE napájanie: v súlade s IEEE 802.3BT | |
Maximálny počet používateľov | ≤ 1024 (dual-radio mode) |
≤ 1152 (triple-radio mode) | |
Port | 2 X 10 GE electrical and 1 X 10 GE SFP+ |
Vstavaný Bluetooth | BLE 5.0 |
IoT | Vstavané IoT sloty |
Prevádzková teplota | –10°C to 50°C |
Typ antény | Vstavané inteligentné antény |
MIMO: Priestorové prúdy | 2.4 GHz: 4×4:4; 5 GHz: 12×12:8 |
2.4 GHz: 4×4:4; 5 GHz-0: 8×8:8; 5 GHz-1: 4×4:4 | |
Rádiové protokoly | 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ac Vlna 2/ax |
Maximálna sadzba | 10.75 Gbit/s |
Skladovacia teplota [°C(°F)] | –40 ° C až +70 ° C (–40 ° F až +158 ° F) |
Dlhodobá prevádzková relatívna vlhkosť [RH] | 5% RH do 95% RH |
Dlhodobá prevádzková výška [m(ft.)] | –60 m až +5000 m (–196,85 ft až +16404.20 ft) |
Atmosferický tlak [kPa] | 53kPa – 106KPA ETSI 300 019-2-3 |
Uzemniť | Uzemniť |
USB | USB 2.0 |
IoT slot | IoT card |
BLE | BLE5.2 |
Radio number | 2/3 |
Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO Features
- 2 X 10 GE electrical and 1 X 10 GE SFP+.
- USB interface can be used for external power supply, external IoT expansion, and storage.
- Smart antenna enables targeted signal coverage for mobile terminals, reduces interferences, and improves signal quality. Okrem toho, it implements millisecond-level switchover as STAs move.
- Vstavané IoT sloty, supporting IoT expansion such as BLE 5.2, ZigBee, RFID, and Thread.
- Independent radio scanning, Dosiahnutie detekcie rušenia a nečestných zariadení v reálnom čase a včasná optimalizácia siete v reálnom čase a včasná optimalizácia siete.
- Podpora sériového rozhrania Bluetooth O&M cez vstavaný Bluetooth a CloudCampus APP.
- Support the Fat, Fit, a cloud tri pracovné režimy.
- Support dual radios: 2.4GHz (4×4) + 5GHz (12×12), dvojité rádiá: 2.4GHz (4×4) + 5GHz (8×8) + independent radio scanning mode, triple radios: 2.4GHz (4×4) + 5GHz (8×8) + 5GHz (4×4). These modes can be flexibly switched. Maximálna sadzba je až 1.15 GBPS pri pásme 2,4 GHz, 9.6 GBPS pri kapele 5 GHz, a 10.75 GBP pre zariadenie
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Huawei AirEngine 8760-X1-PRO Applications