
AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-15M is 100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 15-meter

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-15M Product Overview

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-15M is suitable for short distances and offer a flexible way to connect within racks and across racks. Active optical cables are much thinner and lighter than copper cables, which makes cable management easier. AOCs enable efficient system airflow, which is critical in high-density racks.

The module integrates 4 independent transmitters and 4 independent receivers inside. Four-channel 850nm VCSEL array, PIN arrayamplifier and Driver are used in the module for compact size, low power consumption and low cos. The AOC is compliant to the industry standard SFF-8636 QSFP28 Transceiver Specification. The electrical interface uses a 38 contact edge type connector. QSFP-100G-AOC active optical cable features small size, parallel multi-channel, hot-pluggable, low power and high speed operation. It’s very suitable for high speed short-distance density data connections such as 100G BASE-SR4, Prepínač& Route interconnects etc.

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-15M Product Pictures

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-15M price and specsAOC QSFP-100G-AOC-15M price ycict


AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-15M Product Specifications

Model QSFP-100G-AOC15M
Typ konektora QSFP28 až QSFP28
Maximálna rýchlosť prenosu dát 100Gbps
Minimálny polomer ohybu 7.5mm
Dĺžka kábla 15m (49.21ft)
Materiál bundy OFNP
Cable Type Optical Cable
Receiver Type PIN
Transmitter Type NAPROSTO
Vlnová dĺžka 850nm
CDR podpora
MTBF ≈50 Million Hours
Spotreba energie <3.5W
Zdroj 3.3V
Teplota 0 do 70 °C (32 do 158 °F)
Protokoly 100G Ethernet

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-15M Product Features

  • Spotreba energie <2.2W
  • Testované v cielených prepínačoch pre vynikajúci výkon, Kvalita, a Spoľahlivosť
  • Minimum Bend Radius 30mm for Flexible Routing
  • Zjednodušuje opravu a ponúka cenovo výhodný spôsob pre krátke odkazy
  • Hotovo pripojiteľné QSFP28 MSA kompatibilné
  • Trieda 1 FDA Laser Safety and RoHS Compliant

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-15M Product and More Models

100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 1-meter QSFP-100G-AOC1M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 2-meter QSFP-100G-AOC2M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 3-meter QSFP-100G-AOC3M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 5-meter QSFP-100G-AOC5M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 7-meter QSFP-100G-AOC7M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 10-meter QSFP-100G-AOC10M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 15-meter QSFP-100G-AOC15M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 20-meter QSFP-100G-AOC20M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 25-meter QSFP-100G-AOC25M
100G QSFP Active Optical Cable, 30-meter QSFP-100G-AOC30M

AOC QSFP-100G-AOC-15M Product Applications

AOC QSFP-H40G-AOC10M price and specs ycict